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Hi midgymoo, the decision is of course up to you but what are you actually getting out of this relationship? it doesn;t sound as if there is much in it for you.....
Sometimes plodding along insn't always the best things for ourselve. I plodded on with the relationship I had with a chap I met after I split up with The Git. It did start off full of promise - and to be fair, he did make me laugh again - and I still laugh. It's funny how you don't realise that laughter has left your life until you start to laugh again...
But there was nothing in it for me. I was buying the food, trips out, fuel... He would actually turn up just before a meal was being served! It took me a while to tell him it had to stop as I couldn't afford to feed him and the children (he eats loads).
That wasn't the only reason though that it had to end. He was promising things to the children who were still quite young then (we split up about 6 years ago) and they had already been through enough of that with their father.
Only you can decide. But in MY case, I have found things easier just focusing on my and the children, without stressing about whether another adult was happy or not.
I prefer others to be blunt and straight to the point J I’ll be honest, it does get my back up a little to start with as I feel like I’m being told off so to speak, but after that, it sure does make me think about things and consider what has been said. So, not offended in anyway, and thank you for being honest..
Its true, he doesn’t make me happy, I know I am in charge of my own happiness and I don’t feel it with him anymore, it feels more like a process I am following so as not to hurt anyone, yet the one person I am hurting most is myself.
He has a controlling nature, that’s how he is. I can’t change that and he can’t, as he doesn’t see what I see. Yes. Lying to save myself from feeling his wrath. His temperament/personality has become so predictable. I never noticed it in the early years, why? because of wearing rose tinted glasses, whilst going through a divorce etc.. Had I been the person I am now, I think I would have been long gone.
I’m not getting anything out of the relationship.. Initially in the first few years, I was wrapped up in the fun of dating, of still being attractive to the opposite sex even though I had two young children, it was exciting. It was filling a void perhaps. I now know more about myself, about my past (in terms of me as a person and my relationships). But now, no, there isn’t much in it for me, I feel I’m just mothering him and meeting all his needs, whilst he grabs it with both hands, my resentment has built. I have tried hard, to find a way for this relationship to work, for us both. I have talked, I have listened, but I still feel at the same point I was 2 or 3 years ago.
My boys have been through plenty, and they still watch me cry frequently in despair at my lack of courage to call it a day.
I’m not comfortable with my partner being around both my boys and I, I feel scrutinised, I feel inferior, and always have done for as long as I can remember. I’m not entirely comfortable being around him and all the children together as I feel I am always protecting my youngest son from being blamed, left out or ignored and watching my eldest son being idolised. It hurts to watch, they are both my children and both deserved to be acknowledged equally however different they are from one another. The only time it feels ok is when I am away from home with him for a few days, where I can almost, but not quite, just be me. My partner notices the change, mentions it even and I tell him why it is, only for it all to dissolve into a mere distant memory for him upon our return to normal surroundings. I feel at my best when its just my boys and I, no big kid to pamper for, wanting far more attention than I can (or wish) to give.
So, No. Its not really a loving relationship, its hit stalemate and I’m fully aware of it, I’ve tried all I feel I can try and I’ve run out of steam. I know there’s no future in it but my mind plays to takes on this, the one where I can see what I really want – the dream, and the one which I know as reality. I guess at this moment in time its easier, less painful to play on the dream than to tackle the reality. Though saying that, this time last year I was in a similar position to this with regards to moving out, and I moved out.. So I know my decision is near, I know what it is I really want and what I know I need to do for my own sake, just as before. I just need to take that step and do it.
I have thought talking to him about taking a break, a trial separation (I know that sounds silly as we live apart) – no phone calls, no visits for a week or two. I feel the need to know what it feels like, to know if I really miss him or not. I haven’t seen him now for nearly a week, though we have spoken over the phone, and I don’t physically miss him. And I have felt annoyed when he said I’ve no time for him and that he’s missed me and that I should make the effort to see him. I see what he’s doing, that guilt trip thing, that control thing. That’s the hardest bit to break out of…
Have garbled on enough, out my system and food for thought on my part. Thanks again for listening and your support x
Hi midgymoo we are always here to talk to.
I think it is really hard when a major relationship in our lives breaks up (you and the father of your boys) and then finally you have another go with a new partner and then if that does not work either (and you know you have tried really hard) then it can leave you thinking what the heck? But I know that you are also aware that you are not happy right now so to do nothing does not seem like an option. I'm not saying his feelings do not matter but guilt is not a reason to prolong things.
Sending loads of virtual hugs and strength (I know they don't help, but sometimes the thought of someone being there for you can).
Hi midgeymoo, I agree with Louise, you are at a point where you can't do nothing any more. Lying back and thinking of Britain is not ok for you or your mental health. You need to start standing up for midgeymoo, who are you? What does midgeymoo want? Speak it loud and clear.
It sounds as though you find it very difficult to be straight with him, is this due to years of being let down by his response, or is it because you have always found it difficult to be assertive?
You have felt the need to lie to him so that you can get some quality time to yourself, when he says something like 'you never have time for me' can you say to him, that you are a busy mum and you are entitled to some free time and that it upsets you to think that he doesn't think you deserve it? Or being completely true to yourself and to him and say what is really on your mind? "Grow up" or "Back off" and not be prepared to listen to any of his arguments?
Why is he and his feelings more important than you and yours?
Many thanks, for your support, much appreciated
This weekend just gone, we (my boys and i) went to my partners for a bbq. I brought along some food, and proceeded to go along with the goings on of the afternoon. As soon as we arrived though, my eldests attitude changed completely. He was playing really nicely with his brother prior to arriving, and then as soon as we stepped through the door, he was telling his brother to get lost and that only the others could play with his toys. I did take him to one side to have a quiet word to try to establish his feelings and sudden change. Things did calm down afterwards, thankfully, until another episode later on.. When we all sat down to eat, i sat next to my partner for a natter. We exchanged our goings on of the earlier part of the day, where we'd been and what we'd been up to etc. I then mentioned that over the coming weekends, my boys have various events on and that i will be changing weekends about with their dad. Told him that next weekend was one of those. And said that seeing as their dad won't take them to their events when they are with him, then its best they are with me those weekends. My partner came out with 'oh right, so when are we actually going to get a weekend with us, just us, alone again?' I felt cross at the comment, i felt hurt, i ignored it and carried on chatting, but he began giving one or no word answers (nods and shakes) and pretty much ignoring me or talking to the children. I did at that point think, well whatever, its what i'm doing and if you don't like it tough, you have a choice. Later on he commented on coming over during the week - his weds eve visit - saying 'am i coming over on weds eve?' I said it was up to him, that my parents will be round as they are helping me out with a hospital appt for test for my youngest. He answer was, 'oh, we it'll be a bit crowded, sure you want me there' i said it was up to him and proceeded to say goodbye. Before i left, he said, 'so i'll see you weds if i'm not in the way, if you have time for me', i blanked it and went off home. He'd also had a dig at me for not giving my boys a bath in the morning, saying he'd got his lot showered in the morn so we could spend longer together in the eve... Whatever...
I was talking to my dad about it today. He said, that he knows i am alot stronger, more assertive and not afraid to stand up for myself. But he said i still have that little voice in my head saying, 'its not nice to hurt people, i don't like it when others get hurt'. He also said that these people that i don't wish to hurt, constantly hurt me. This is true..
I used to find it dificult to be assertive many a years ago, but not so much now. But with my partner, hes so controlling and he can change from pleasant to angry and not nice angry at the flick of a switch. So i find it difficult if you see when i mean. Does that make sense?
I have explained to him many a time how i feel, it registers and then all is forgotten within a week or two and returns to how it always was/is. If i say what is on my mind, i'm afraid of his response i guess, it could be tears, it could be anger neither is very pleasant.
I am now on the phone to him as i type and he is on about about having a blood test, for a rare disease, and it is only cured by lots of attention, kisses etc by a girl called midgemoo
Him and his feelings are not more important than me and mine... I'm starting to put me and my boys before him and he really doesn't like it, just as on the phone now, he has gone quiet because i have said i have my boys this weekend instead of their dad. He gone off into a strop..
Oh this is so silly... why can't i just jack it all in, and call it a day now, its pat its sell by date.. x x
Sorry I keep going on about my partner, know i only posted last night, I know its not pleasant to keep hearing the same old record. I think i figured out why I'm reluctant to call it a day.. I remember how I felt when I was told I was no longer wanted by my ex husband and I remember how my world fell apart. I guess I don't want my partner to feel that hurt, like i did. I don't want to hurt anyone like that. I know what I want for the future and my partner doesn't picture in that, other than as friend. I'm just afraid to take that next step, because I keep thinking 'what if I am wrong' when I know deep down it would be right. If it was going to work, if it was going to improve, I wouldn't be here messaging, I wouldn't be constantly on about my partner.
So, anyway. Good cry, and late nite last nite. And now, this morning, now I feel like I should try again, try harder. Ask him out for a cuppa an cake today, make up for being distracted on the phone last nite - i was on here typing, he said 'i'm sitting here with tv and everything off so i'm not distracted when i talk to you'. At the time i thought well he does it to me frequently. But i felt bad after the call ended, yes i was distracted, but i was talking. He ended the call saying 'oh well, i'll get to bed, speak to you tomorrow, nite then, love you' but said it all pitiful and sad. Manipulation i know. So upon reaching bed i'm lying there thinking, 'Maybe it's coz we don't go out as much as we did when we were first together? Maybe I tried harder then? I did, i know i did, but to make an impression though, an that's different, trying to be what I think he would like more than just being me. Settled into being me an he didn't like it so much. In comes the control.. The guilt.. The manipulation.. I fought against it, but was losing. I took a stand, worked on myself, changed what I wasn't pleased with. Am me, he doesn't like me he likes the thought of what he wants me to be, to do, for him. Feel bad. I feel guilty. If I stop moaning about him to everyone, if I jus try to see the good stuff, maybe he's ok afterall. Just boils back down to not wanting to hurt someone, doesn't it? What would I miss? Holding his hand, cuddling up to him in bed... I'm not sure what else of miss because I feel so frustrated (and hurt) by him, I can't see the good?
I feel well messed up this morning, like my mind has been messed about with at my own will.
Got to go, school run. Put smile on my face for my boys x
Thanks. Again x
Hello midgymoo it is such a complicated situation.
I liked what your dad said.
I understand you don't want to be the instrument of hurt as your ex-husband was. But continuing this relationship when you are not happy and, having tried to mend things and not been listened to....well I reckon that is more him yes, but to yourself too. You have recognised your feelings and now it is time to decide how to act
I have to say that the chap I went out with, and took a while to "finish" things dealt with it ok. And he isn't a strong character. He helped with the scouts for a while, but now our paths rarely cross.
He will phone for a chat every now and then, and somehow, knowing how things are, there is no strain (on my side anyway), and we can have a laugh. The children enjoy a chat with him too.
But he knows how things are. If he were to meet someone else, he's free to do so and I would be happy for him.
The relief of being free of a relationship that you worry about ending was actually uplifting for me.
It is hard though.
I am not a strong character...
Hi. I'll apologise first because i have been doing lots of thinking, prompted by messaging on here. So sorry, but this is long
When we first got together:
New, fun, etc… Clubbing, dinners out, dinners at home
Round one another’s – he controlled t.v. we watched what he wanted, had sex, went to bed (became the same each week, predicable however much I tried to shake it up)
Our weekends – no children – went out, walking, meal out, movie at home or cinema
Things were fun. But then once he’d grasped what I did with my time, what I liked etc, he seemed to take control of it (I know that sounds strange, but it didn’t feel like my own life anymore). The fun went out of it all. No choice. I wanted to move in to my own place in the town he lived (where I now live), he wouldn’t move, he said he had everything how he wanted it so he didn’t want to move. Anyway, ended up moving in together in the house he brought (we did look at houses together and chose in a weekend, bit quick!, but his choice). I ignored my instinct and moved in with him leaving my family, friends and life behind in my home town.
It was fun at first, again new. But I was also very unsure and not comfortable but also now had nowhere to go should it not be what I wanted so I tried my best and kept working at it. It was like hitting a brick wall, suddenly I’m ‘mum’ to 5 children once a week and every other weekend, wow! He lived his way, did his thing, I was trying to make a new life for myself among being mum to 5, mum to 2 the rest of the time, finding a job, making new friends and so on. STRESS… He wasn’t at all supportive however much I spoke to him about my feelings. His attitude was, never mind you’ll get used to it.
Cracks began to show within a year of living together, I became depressed about it. We disagreed on behaviour management and raising children. He ran me down and tried to take over the parenting role of my children at which I fought strongly back t, like I was protecting them.
As for finances, he looked after the house bills and his own money. I kept an eye on mine. I earnt my own money to pay for me and my boys and the shopping, I looked after the house and I cooked for everyone. He always went on at me about money, how I should cut back and save more, pay more towards the house and how it was unfair that he had to pay all the bills. Angry, yes I was, I paid my way and for my boys and I asked for nothing. He complained that frequently that he was there just to provide a roof over our heads.
As for my boys, he always has and always will see my youngest as a problem child and my oldest as a gem.. I say no more on that one. I was always told I should be much firmer and stricter with them and he used to try to take over and belittle me in front of them on the behaviour front.
So back to now. We want different things, we don’t rub along together, we collide. He is very set in his ways, traditionalistic one might say, man of the house and I’m just the little lady. He wants things to be his way or no way. I always used to be quite a free spirit, happy go lucky (prior to finding men and relationships) and I feel and felt trapped by my ex boyfriend, my ex husband and my partner. I’ve always conformed to what they want. Whenever I felt trapped and attempted to ‘free’ myself, be myself, and go off and do my thing, I was and am always seen as selfish to their needs. I and still do (though I’m realising it now), felt guilty for my actions when they had a paddy about it and I would then step back and quit to pamper their needs.
I think its taken until now to fully realise this. I’ve always pampered to my ‘mans’ needs. Maybe out of fear of not being liked? Maybe because I wanted praise, recognition etc from my ‘man’ - my parents and grandparents encouraged, praised, supported me – I sought that in my choice of man. But I chose men that don’t like me to be ahead of them so to speak. It means they lose control? Now I realise I don’t actually need their praise etc as it comes from within.
I am my own person, an adult, a woman in my own right. I am stronger than I ever used to be, confident, and bubbly, I don’t like to be held back and I have changed.. A lot. If I want to do things that I want to do, then I can. I know I have responsibilities and limits (money etc), but I do carefully take all this into consideration. These men get to do all they want, I no longer want to stand behind and let them walk over me guess that’s why I’m in the position I am now – deciding to stay or go? But see, to not do something just because it is out of my partners comfort zone and isn’t within his wishes, that’s no fun.
With my partner, I see no future, if I don’t want to live together again, and want my own house and to do my own things and if hes not prepared to make any compromise or accept who I am, to negotiate or anything, then whats left for us? Why am I with him?
If we part, what will I miss? Miss him? Miss physical contact? (strange one that. I’ve not shared the same bed with him for a few weeks, only I really want him?? But that’s because I want and need to meet one of my own needs, not because its what he wants or part of his ‘routine’). If we are not together, he will be alone and sad and unhappy, pottering about the house by himself, not knowing what to do with his weekends and evenings. He’ll literally be all alone apart from when his children visit him. Time with my friends will increase as I won’t feel under obligation to be spending time with him. Will I miss his children?? I don’t really see them anyway. My worry is though, if I split with their dad, they will feel hurt. They have watched their dad go through it before with his divorce when they were 5, 9 and 11 respectively. Though the oldest has his own on off relationship and my understand, will the girls?? Whether I’m with him or not, I feel maternal towards him, like I shouldn’t leave as he will suffer.
There’s been nice things throughout the relationship. I appreciate the meals out, the days out, the holidays etc. I didn’t always leave him to pay for everything, I helped here and there. The holidays were ok, but had to be to a place where he hadn’t yet been and he would plan most of it. If I wanted to do anything he’d sulk, so we mostly did what he wanted. We have laughed and had fun, but his control streak is too much for me..
x x
Hi midgeymoo, how do you feel now you have typed all this out? Does it make it clearer to you what you want to do?
I think that you are able to be very honest with yourself here, however I don't feel that you are being very honest with your partner. I understand your worry about his children getting hurt, however he is their father and you are his girlfriend, you have been in their lives for a time, however they have the rest of their lives without you, if you choose to end the relationship. You can give them each a card telling them their good qualities and wishing them well with the rest of their lives, but it is their fathers job to console them further.
I get the impression that you are not very assertive in your relationship and before standing up for yourself or your boys, you revert to old habits and let him have his way. I used to be like this, but I have since learnt that nothing will go my way unless I make it happen. So I see you have 2 options, either you let this relationship go and spend some time on your own, getting to know yourself again and gaining strength in who you are and what you want in your life, or making the brave steps of demanding what you want in your current relationship and not settling for anything you are unhappy with.
I'll be honest, its slowly becoming clearer as to what i want to do, i think more so after yesterday evening when my partner was sulking. My parents had been round helping with a hospital appt with my youngest, their support was much appreciated. They stayed for tea and my partner also joined us. Once my parents had gone home and we had retired to bed he asked: Am i in your way? Am i a chore? Do you want me here? - now, at 11pm in the evening i felt this is not a time discuss or to be answering these questions with honesty. I appreciate this is maybe shallow. He then asked when we would be likely to spend a weekend alone together again so we can go out etc.. I explained that i will continue to swop weekends about with my ex husband as i am not going to let them down like their dad consistanly does, so i will take them to their footy tournaments, birthday parties etc.. He continued by saying that it is nice to spend time with all the children on one weekend, but that us both having our own children each weekend is not good. Its not normal...?? Well 2.4 children is normal so why isn't having children each weekend normal?
So, i think back to the early years of our relationship where his ex wife would frequently dump his children on him, on us and though i wasn't comfortable with it, i chose to accept it and find a way to work with or around it. This went on for a good 4 years of our relationship. Why can he not do the same for me?
Back to whether it is any clearer as to what i want? Its not resembling mud anymore, lets put it that way. I have given alot and given up alot, compromised alot, attempted to negotiate and to find a way to work together. Yes, granted, he has tried for a week or two here and there before resorting to his comfort zone, but has utimately wanted everything his way. I think me moving out was a huge shock as its the first time i stood my ground.
What is clear, is that i have changed because i wanted to, i like myself more for it, i am more comfortable with myself. I have also realised theres a whole lot more to the life i want for my boys and i and that i don't wish to hold back any longer. I realise he will always be the way he is because i guess he is comfortable with that, he knows what he wants and wants it his way, but i don't want the same as him anymore, even though once upon a time i thought i did.
Time will tell, i am responsible for making my own happiness, and my life is moving on. I think i now feel comfortable enough (after messaging so much and reading everyones replies) for the decision to come of its own accord
Thanks again x x
I'm glad you like yourself more.
I know I like myself now, when for a while I didn't...
Hope you can see the way forward better now, midgymoo. I think Anna put it very well when she said there are two options and both involve assertive decisions on your part so I am glad you are feeling stronger and more in control
Feeling bit down today, but also feeling that I have come to a decision with regards to my relationship with my partner. Obviously, as you can see from my previous posts, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, maybe over thinking. Well this week, no thoughts at all,, and it seems clearer all of a sudden. Let me explain…
It wasn’t until last night on the phone to my partner that I suddenly thought, this is it, I no longer want this anymore. It came to a point in the conversation where he asked me what I was doing this weekend with my boys. I had already told him two weeks ago and again last weekend that my boys would be with their dad this weekend and ‘our’ weekends (as he like to put it. The ones we spend alone just us) will be jumbled up until at least the end of July. Then came the telling off, the lecture, the anger from him.. He asked me why I hadn’t told him (I have many times this last month and weekly too), he asked when I would be dropping them off this weekend and when I would be picking them up. I told him I would be dropping off Saturday and picking up Sunday evening, plus dropping in on my dad to wish him happy fathers day. His response was ‘oh, so am I going to be seeing you then? I guess you will be coming to stay over on Saturday won’t you? I had planned to go swimming on Sunday, all of us’ and continued with ‘how long is this going to be going on for, I mean our weekends being messed up. I know its nice having the children but if its going to be kids every weekend either mine or yours then we are never going to get any time to ourselves of a weekend like normal’. I told him that regarding my boys, I will be taking them to their tournaments, parties etc… as if they are with their dad, he will not lift a finger to take them to anything. I told him that he has another choice, that he could always swop ONE of his weekends with his ex wife and CHANGE it for just once to accommodate a weekend together if he really wanted to. His response was ‘well it’s a bit late for doing that isn’t it, I have them this weekend and my ex isn’t talking to me due to an issue over money’. Then he just flippantly changed the conversation ‘right then, got to get to bed, am so tired, will speak to you tomorrow and see you Saturday then, nite nite honey, love you lots’ blah, blah, blah. And once the phone was down a message comes through, ‘love you lots, miss you!’
And at that point, I thought, ok enough! I had nothing left to say, I had no fight left in, I just felt totally deflated. All the times in the past I’ve been there for him and used my free time to be with him and his kids. Swopped weekends to be with him and so on. He’s just plain and simply selfish, wants everything he wants, how and when he wants it. I’ve seen and heard it many a time, but for some reason, last night, it was the straw that broke the camels back.
We are two very different people, I have grown and changed, he has stayed ass he always has been. I was very blind to anything at the start of the relationship and slowly things came into view. And now, I know he is not the right fit for me.
With my son being sensitive to my feelings and moods, life is very up and down for us all at the moment. My youngest is understandably feeding off my present situation and experiencing the highs and lows with it. As a consequence, his behaviour has been all over the place the last few weeks. I am now understanding the bigger picture.
I have asked myself the following questions; at what compromise could I stay if any? Would I have to sacrifice your own happiness to stay and work at saving the relationship? Would I be making compromises and never be thoroughly fulfilled in life? And the answers I have already tried and experienced. I moved out to find out if I could return to the way it used to be. But if I’m honest, I knew then that it was a step towards ending the relationship. I’m cross with myself for letting things plod along, cross for not being brave enough before now.
Life is a precious gift and it's not a rehearsal. You get one shot at it and if you are not true to yourself and truly happy....then no matter how painful, I realise I should leave.
My parents have been married for 41 years. What makes it work, what makes them tick? They talk, the good and the bad, they are open and don’t bury their heads in the sand. They argue, they make up; they find a way for things to work. But not just that, they may despise one another’s quirks but they rub along together happily, they look out for each other, they help each other, they’re a team but individual too. The laugh together, they cry together, they are always there for each other. That to me seems just lovely J Maybe I can find that one day, but only if I move on and leave behind what isn’t working, what isn’t right for me.
My final question is, how do you break up, how do I explain that he is no longer for me? How do I explain to my boys, his kids, friends and so on? And when? When is the right time, if there is ever such a thing?
Thanks again for letting me bend your ears
X x
Hi midgeymoo, gosh it sounds like you have been doing some real soul searching.
There is no right way or wrong way or time to break up with someone. My mum always said that whenever you have to say something difficult to someone you should say it with Love, rather than fear, malice or hate.
I am not sure if we have already suggested this and it may be too late, but you might be interested in looking at the Couple Connection.
Let us know how it goes, speak your truth, he may have some things to say on the matter that make you feel, think differently.
Sending strength your way.
Hi... Still thinking... All i seem to do is think, one thing, then another all conflicting one another... crazy..
Anyways, i find myself last night and this morning thinking (yes again!), imagining its all over.. Part of me feels elated, excited, the other part, well thats the guilt part. Its like having those two little voices coming from over either shoulder. I keep thinking i will miss him, where as in fact i hardly see him now and am dragging myself to see him when i do and wishing he wasn't here when he is here with me, does that make sense? So in terms of missing him, i think i'll be missing something, but not him?? It will leave a gap.
Ok, so next i'm thinking, guiltily again i hasten to add, what about my boys, my youngest may not be too worried but will struggle with the change. My oldest may not be too happy even though he seems to understand i feel unhappy. He will prob be cross that he won't see my partners children anymore. Then there's my partners dad, his brother, his friends. Ok, so thinking straight here, i'm blowing things out of context. I guess i a) don't want to hurt anyone, b) don't want to be hated because i hurt people, i think perhaps thats what is bothering me the most.
I'm then sitting thinking, will i miss our time together? (we rarely do anything or go anywhere these days unless its what he wants to do) will i miss sex? (i keep trying to avoid it and have so far been successful. But is it me, am i avoiding it because i don't want it, am i not trying hard enough to enjoy it???) will i miss spending time together with all our children? (if i'm honest i've rarely enjoyed it, and i know that sounds so cruel).
So on it goes.. what do i want from him? just for him to be there for me as i have been for him, an emotional connection, to be heard and listened to. Am i going to get this? I guess if its not happened in the last 5 years even through trying and even if theres only been fleeting moments of what i wished for, then the answer is no.
How do i want things to be? As i mentioned in my last post, about my parents marriage, thats how i wish it to be similar to. On equal footing..
What would have to change? I'm lost on this one, probably because i've exhusted everything. I've tried to accept him for who he is, but i end up feeling so frustrated and miserable, and trapped. I've not tried to change him, though i have changed.
Could i try anything else? Anything? Could i compromise or change in anyway?
Ok, so i'm afraid.. afraid of being alone? starting again? i dont really know.
On the flipside though, in my thinkings (the dreaded thinkings!), i thought about life without my partner.. Being able to arrange my boys visits to their dads on whatever weekend i/they wished or needed, seeing more of my friends, having friends round, going out and not being afraid i'm stepping on my partners 'time with me' and his needs. My youngest would probably settle. i could relax more on the days my boys are with their dad, just chill and not be worrying about being at my partners or with my partner by a certain time. My parents can come round and i won't have to worry that my partner is cross that they are here. I can go on a girly holiday or weekend away without being judged.
So a thoughtful night and thoughtful day for me. Strange how one minute everything seems crystal clear and then its like mud the next. Maybe its that guilt thing?
Thanks for listening x x
The guilt thing, I felt, did fade.
I find life easier when you don't have to be working around other plans that will not take you into consideration...
For me it means I can concentrate on the family really, and I can see my friends without being made to feel bad that I've not put another adult first.
Hi midgymoo,
Any decision carries with it some down sides. You could write down all the for and against factors and give each factor a score out of 100 as to how important it is. Sounds to me as if the main thing that is holding you back is guilt. Imagine if you found out that someone had only stayed in a relationship with you because of guilt. How long will your guilt prevent you from making a decision?
Nothing can move forward MM until you do the moment you are thinking an awful lot, but doing little, this can become your worst enemy.
Perhaps it is time to tell your partner that you are seriously considering ending the relationship, at least that keeps him in the loop.
“In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
- Theodore Roosevelt
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
- Henry Ford
Its long, i'm sorry...
Put thinking aside and opted for talking on Wednesday. Went to see a hypnoanalysist - have been seeing her for quite a while now on and off, for a good 3 months the first time round. She helped me to become who i am today, helped me to shift 'my emtional baggage' and to grow stonger.
Anyway i saw her the last time i was in a right pickle with my thoughts - when i was contemplating moving out last year. I spoke this time of things i have spoken about on here with you all (thank you ). Shes helped to remind me of my personality and traits. I am naturally a carer. I have a caring attitude. This can be a good thing but can hinder too. As a carer, i naturally assume responsibility for how everyone is feeling and how they will feel. I assume blame and fault - 'its all my fault, what have i done, how can i make it all better'. I am also a brooder, so i think lots and make decisions (eventually!) with difficultly. I am also very determined, so try hard, very hard at whatever i do and rarely give up.
So as you guys have kindly reminded me, i am NOT responsible for how he feels, and it is not all my fault - it takes two to tango... Thinking lots and doing little is not very productive either. And however hard i keep trying, i can't change someone else.
I then went to see a homeopath (been seeing her with my boys for a while too, with our ailments). Alot of my physical symptoms are down to stress and the most stress i am experiencing at the moment stems from the indecision of my relationship with my partner. She asked me why i am still hanging on..
As i explained to both, it feels more comfortable to hold on to what you know than to experience the pain that may follow in the future if i end it.
I mentioned that he has asked me to go on holiday with him and told them both about my partner being cross (and me being angry) when he said i don't ever compromise. They asked, if it was someone else, would you compromise - i said yes.
Back to the hypno counselling session. As we talked on it came to the point for conculsion of the session. She asked me, 'so what do you want to do? Have you decided on anything?' I answered 'I don't want to go on holiday for a full week with him and i want to go when i am free to do so (when my boys are at their dads and not a day before). I would be happy to go away for a few days with my partner and then have some time to myself for the remainder of the week. I want to plan my weekends with my boys and go about doing it and would compromise an evening out when i am child free'. So hypno lady asked if this was about taking back some control in the relationship and creating a win win situation. To which i replied yes. If this works (and i did tell her i doubt it would) then maybe we can work this out and reach mutual agreement instead of one sided control in the relaionship. Why do i doubt? Because of his personality, but you never know until you have tried it (yes, trying again ). And the session ended..
In the afternoon, my homeopath appt broched the subject of my relationship again, so i talked about what i had decided when i saw my hypno lady. She asked, why compromise on the holiday if you don't really want to go. I said it was pretty selfish of me really, i want to go because my partner and i generally have a good time. I can cope with his paddies and tantrums, i can cope with his annoying and at times childish habits, i can cope with his planning and cotrolling, but only for no more than a 4 or 5 day stretch, then i want be alone. She asked me what it was about a holiday made it all so different... Its being somewhere other than our home town with no responsibilities in sight, no cooking meals, no children to parent, just us and we function well together. Then reality rears its ugly head upon our return and i again feel the stress and resentment building again. She said, if its the holiday you like, why don't you go away alone or with a friend, whats the difference? To which i answered, your right. She asked if i see a future, i said no, i have plans of my own. The conversation continued... He wants us to move back in together when the kids fly the nest... I don't. Homeopath lady said - thats 10 years away? Are you going to carry on that long, then tell him?
Then something she said seemed to strike a cord (yep another one) 'When you first got together you were vulnerable, you both were, you had not long had a second child and a separation with impending divorce, he was on the same route with an impending divorce being not long separated from his wife. You were both in the same boat. You helped him through his rough times and helped to restore his self esteem and confidence by doing so and by caring for and about him and his children so they could all get through it. He raised your self esteem and confidence because you thought you were 'washed up' before you met him, you needed a boost and his filled the job, at that time.. You were wrapped up in helping him and dealing with your own pain that maybe you were blind to anything else, his behaviour etc and it wasn't until things settled down and you moved in together that perhaps the rose tinted glasses fell off'
I took over from here..
'I began to feel down, but my personality (as above) allowed me to think that it was all my fault and that if it was my fault then i am the one who is to make it all better. All that thinking and brooding led me to not particularly like myself, plus i hadn't really dealt with any of my past issues surrounding my separation/divorce. I then sought counselling, hypnoanalysis etc to try to rediscover me. And BAM, 3 or 4 years dowwn the line, i had rediscovered me'
Homeopathay lady finished it all off..
'So who you were then, is not who you are now, you have changed because you wanted to, but your partner has not taken that journey for himself or with you and now though you may still love him, the differences are more aparent and he no longer fits you'
Wow... what alot to take in in one day. Last night my partner came round, i was quiet, i was distant, i didn't mean to be. Though he mentioned nothing, he knows something isn't quite right. Last night my youngest was on about having his party at my partners next year because his house is bigger, my oldest was on about my partner coming to the 'dads' football match at school next year. On t.v the stand up comedians were all on about singledom and relationship break ups... a mind blowing kind of day.
This morning my partner left, he asked what i was doing Saturday evening, as that is when he is free after running his children about the place and he asked what was happening Sunday, am i coming with the boys to watch his daughter run. I reeled off the weekend and his face dropped, i hadn't said he couldn't join us its his choice after all and i said i'd be coming to watch his daughter run.
I think he is aware of something, and yes the honest thing for me to do would be to tell him i am seriously considering ending the relationship. Yes. Its going to hurt for all concerned and we will all get over it. My homeopath lady is right (as are all of you who have so kindly supported me), if i see no future, if i don't wish to move back in, if the emotional connection has gone therefore leading to a physical connection ceasing to exist, then what is left? Though i love him and care about him and always will, it isn't fair on him, I or anyone elase concerned to keep hanging on, just in case i might make the wrong decsion. Everything points (i did a 'for breaking up' and an against) towards this not being right any longer, even in my head then i can't allow my heart to keep ruling and holding everyone back fom moving on...
Its going to hurt like hell when it finally happens, but i'll get there..
x x
Hello midgymoo, you have done a lot of reflecting and discussing in the last few days.
It is feeling to me as if you want very much to do the right thing and not to hurt anyone, but whatever decision you take will involve some type of hurt and that is what is particularly difficult for you.
Sorry, its me again.. Same old thing i'm afraid.. Still not summonded the courage to end it.
A few weeks back, i lost it completely, i honestly did feel like i was slipping back into my days of mild depression, it wasn't pleasant. I cried, alot, i snapped at my boys, i was down right miserable to be very honest and not very pleasant to be around. I felt like i had completely lost control of everything and i couldn't think straight on anything. I started to perk up a little at the start of last week and i'm kind of ok again now.
I now know for sure that i want this to end. But how does one end things when its all in a bit of a pickle and my partner is a control freak?
Prior to my 'depressing week', my partner had had a pop at me about not spending time with him, failing to compromise etc and treating him like sh*t. By the end of the telephone conversation i found myself feeling guilty, guilty because i have be a bit abupt with him, i have been avoiding him and have been doing things without him etc. I felt like i had been told off. But the difference this time although i felt this way, i was also aware that i had been manipulated and i felt it plain and simple and i realised how may times before this has happened. At the end of the call he was on about us holidaying, how my day had been, do i still love him (i did pause extremely long before answering this one because by this point the answer was 'no', however i said yes. And the conversation ended with him declaring his love for me.
I made the effort this weekend to spend some time with him, because i had taken in what he said about me not compromising etc (as above). And... He went off to play golf with his mate on 'our' weekend together. I felt angry because he had had the cheek to go on at me about not having couple time and then he runs off with his mate for the day on 'our' weekend. He went out of his way on the evening before, made us a meal, bought me some magazines coz he knows how much i like them, bought me some non alcoholic drink, bought me some of my gluten free bread and some hummous. Since i moved out last year, he has never done this, though he has cooked for us before.
The afternoon after his golf, he planned for us to meet up at a local fete. The evening we went out with his mate and partner for a meal and a movie. I felt in a daze all evening, willing myself to be interested and to make conversation, i stuggled to motivate myself, but managed, just. That eve in bed, i may as well have been a lady of the night coz thats how i felt. I had sex because he wanted it, his needs were met, its all he wanted, its all the nice things were for. Good old England i thought, i'm stupid i know, very...
The last day of 'our' weekend, my boys came home early from their dads :-) So my boys, i, my parents and my partner went for a day out with a load of my sons friends and their parents for an end of season (footy) BBQ and games etc. It was great, i spent it talking to my friends, my parents and playing with my boys/the other children.
The other thing that seems to have rocked the boat is that one of the guys at the garage who sservice my car for me, asked me out for a drink (i've known him for a while and we've always nattered away here and there on my visits). I said that would be nice and i'd love to sometime. I came away thinking 'cool' but hen got to the point of, what am i thinking, i have a partner i can't do this. But the thing is i would like to go for a drink. the first few days after him asking i was like 'what if?', but now i'm like, too much hassle, i need some time just me with friends etc, but if hes a decent guy and likes me then one day maybe, but also maybe not. See, i'm crazy thinking this way??
One last thing is that my youngest son 'hates him, hates him so much' (his words) and 'wishes we would break apart'. My oldest said he knows why i am upset, its because i'm not sure what i want to do, is that right mummy?
My dad said 'I know its alright for us outsiders to see its simply a case of breaking up, but i appreciate that its difficult as theres alot of feelings and emotions involved. I know it will hurt, but consider how much its hurting now, all you are doing is extending the hurt regardless of whatever descion you make'
Like i said, I now know for sure that i want this to end. But how does one end things when its all in a bit of a pickle and my partner is a control freak? How does one end it when i feel torn apart inside? Maybe i've begun the grieving process, maybe thats what my bad week was all about? I care about him, i'll always love him but its just not working for my boys and i.
Sorry its covering the same old ground, but thanks as always for listening
x x
So sorry, back again already
I forgot to mention that i have also (so very stupidly in my down moment) agreed to go on holiday for 5 days with my partner and as far as i know hes booked it. I feel a complete idiot, i should have said no, but was afraid to say so and ended up agreeing to go. I'm not looking forward to it, its in mid August, ages away and i really am not looking forward to it. I know i've been stupid. I keep thinking, what if i end it before then, then what, do i go as a friend, do i pay him the money, what? And if i do go, thats a month of playing a silly game, enduring sex, spending time together...
I feel so messed up, its late, i'm tired.. I love him but i just don't want this anymore, i just don't x
Hello midgeymoo,
It seems a while since I first 'met' you on the boards and I'm saddened that you are still struggling with regard to your relationship.
You seem to know what you want and what would be best for your boys, yet you remain stuck because you don't want your partner to be upset. It does seem from reading through your recent posts that you care much more about his feelings and not hurting them than he cares about yours. There seems to be a lot of covert criticism in what he says to you and I sense that he is prone to 'me me me'-ing too.
Sometimes there comes a point in life when it doesn't matter what other people want. There are times when 'being selfish' is the only way forward. If you 'don't want this anymore', don't have it.
As for the holiday, that's small stuff. He can always give it away or even sell it on. But don't concern yourself with that. It matters very little in the great scheme of things.
I hope that you find yourself able to take action soon, because it sounds as though the longer this goes on, the more mired in this relationship you feel.
Thinking of you,
M x
I do know what i want and i know what will be best for my boys and i. I do care about my partner and his feelings more than he does for me, probably because all he thinks about in the grand scheme of things is himself, your right, its all me, me and me..
My dad and my friends say i'm too nice, i guess i am but look where its getting me.
I know have to take that big step and break the cycle. Deep down i know its over, it has been for a long while.
I keep trying because i'm scared, not of being alone, but of one day starting again with someone new. I know that sounds really silly doesn't it. A silly excuse. But i guess having been through a divorce, this relationship and a whole host of counselling etc, i'm better prepared for the future now. I.e. i'm not as likely to just grab at something or hook up with someone because i'm feeling lost and vulnerable.
I need to do this. I know i'm going to get alot of flack over the holiday alongside a whole host of other things that he'll throw at me, i know i'm going to feel the worst person ever, but i'll only be feeling like that because of his words and i do have a choice in that and how i allow myself to feel. I've got my friends and family to support me through it.
My partner is coming round tomorrow for tea, and to sleep over then the following day he's off work, home alone before his kids come to stay at his for the eve. He has his kids over the weekend too. So, whens the best time to raise this rather serious issue? And do i say 'we need to talk' or something more suitable?
Please help me if you can, i need to do this, i want to do this and i want to do it soon... Then and only then can i get my life back together x
Hi midgeymoo, my gut reaction is Do it Now. Why put it off? The longer you dwell on it the harder it will be. You know you don't want to be with him, imagine how you would feel if it were the other way around? You would prefer to know as soon as possible, it would be awful to think that your partner had wanted to split but not had the guts to tell you.
Please be honest with yourself and then be honest with him. If he is nasty, cruel or unkind then you will see his true colours. If he is hurt and begs for you to reconsider, stand your ground and repeat that you are not happy and it is time to call it a day. You undersstand that he will be upset and you are upset too, but right now, you know this is the right thing for you to do.
It hurts so much, it really does..
What if i am wrong? What if i'm making the wrong descion? Oh, this is stupid, i know the descion is the right one. I feel so rubbish, like the worst person in the world. Why? Because i've held on too long to bring it to an end and it will hurt him so much, i do care, alot, this will crush him and its all my fault for my ' I must try harder, i can make it work' attitude.
I'm feeling so anxious, because i'm thinking of tackling the situation on Thursday, but just thinking about it makes me feel like backing down and not doing it, not saying anything, carrying on.
In my head i have a battle, i feel i should carry on to keep him happy, coz he is happy, he loves me, he thinks so much of me, its what he wants. On the other side, i feel, oh i don't know......... lost, cruel, selfish, stupid etc
I cried my eyes out this eve after my youngest sons parents eve, he is struggling at school, hes making up stories in the playground, his confidence is so low. He snaps at me, gets angry with me, demands so much attention.. I cried because its dawned on me how much i have put my partner first, above my own flesh and blood, and i hate myself for that. I should of put a stop to this years ago, but i didn't..
I'm so sorry, i'm talking rubbish, babbling on and covering the same old ground yet again, sorry
Don't apologise for saying what you feel, midgeymoo...emotions are not always coherent.
As I said before, this is no longer about what your partner wants - and it sounds like he does a lot of wanting - but what you desire and need for you and your children.
It sounds as though tonight would be a good opportunity to call time on your relationship. But ultimately, as you are aware, it's down to you.
Let us know how you're doing - no matter how jumbled up you're feeling.
M x
Aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!! I think I'm losing the plot and I've got myself in a right state and feel stuck. One day I'm sure that's it, I want to end it, the next I'm unsure if I do actually want to end it!!
My partner was round last night. He was quite happy, spending time wiv my boys (my boys seemed happy too), he chatted away, snuggled up to me, offered to help out wiv washing up. I felt distant, like I was sitting on the edge watching it all. I couldn't bring myself to talk much, or to touch or cuddle or kiss. I snapped at him when he offered to help and just felt annoyed by his presence. He on the other hand was just perfectly happy. I am full of cold and tired too so blamed everything on that. I sat thinking, 'it's me, I'm making no effort to enjoy his company'. I'm thinking 'perhaps I've blown this all out of proportion, maybe it's just that I have very little time just to be in my own company' I'm bored though, but it's coz I'm making no effort I guess, well not wiv my partner, I just can't be bothered, I want a life, my life and I don't feel I'm living it my way coz I'm always putting my partner first. Even when I do occasionally put myself first I feel guilty coz he's usually said something about my time to myself.
I'm not doing the things I wish do do coz I'm holding myself back through guilt of pushing my partner to one side in order to do it. I'm allowing myself to be fuelled by guilt. I'm not sure of I'm trying to talk myself into or out of ending it, or seeking permission to end it or a telling off to just stop being silly and work at it. A combination maybe???
I know i'm doing way too much thinking and not taking action, but i don't know what action i truely want to take. Well i do, but i'm trying to be sure its what i want for real. I considered how it was with my ex husband before i found out about his affair. It was pretty much normal, we still had a laugh now and then, but less so, we still spent time together but also less so. He became much like i am now, a bit snappy, avoiding me on occsasion, and just different in general. Thinking back i would have prefered him to have just told me, yes it would have still hurt, yes i would have still been angry, emotional etc and given him a hard time, but it would have been out in the open. As for timing, my ex said, every time was not the right time hence he ended up having an affair and continued whilst i was going through PND and a realing from finding out i was pregnant with our second.
Guess that says it all, my ex still loved me as a dear friend but no longer as a wife and lover, but took the wrong way out.
So what i am doing is just the same but without the affair.. However hard i try i see no future of equality, because in that future its all about what he wants, the house he wants, and the garden he wants, and the places he wants to visit, his children, his job, his money and finances. Where do i see me? tagging along, nodding my head, agreeing to everything, living his life.
I love him, i truly do, he is a very pleasant person in the flesh, but has low self esteem, is very insecure, attention seeking, needs to be in control under the surface. I've given him all i can with very little in return and i feel i have nothing left to give in the relationship unless i put my life and my childrens on permanent hold. I'll never be able explain this to him, it will be all my fault anyway.
I've just lost the plot really, i can't think straight, well thinking too much really, going round in circles and getting nowhere
Hi MM, until you have some sort of conversation about this with your current partner, you are going to continue going round in circles.
Tell him.
Tell him your head is going round in circles, that you are questioning your relationship, that you dearly love him, but know that ultimately you are not happy.
Your head will continue to go round in circles until you do something, anything! I could say, ok, I'll tell you what to do 'Buck up and get on with it!' would that make any difference? I think not.
Can I ask, how did you tell him that you wanted to get your own place? How did he react? What did you say?
I know i need to tell him, and no, however much someone tells me to just get on with it, i chicken out! I don't like to hurt others, and i know not saying anything hurts more! And yes, i'm hurting, alot, i'm fed up of allowing myself to buckle under, i know i need to grow a backbone and stand up for what i want I'm always afraid of making the wrong choice, look at the whole moving out saga, its taken me years to get that far! I'm not in love with him, if i was i wouldn't be trying to avoid him, i wouldn't be tempted by being asked out by another guy for a drink, i wouldn't be wanting my own life, if i loved him i would i'd be planning everything with him in mind, thinking of our future, but i'm not! And however hard i try, i can't see any future in it, i dearly wish i could, but i can't, i can't go back to living the way we were in an atmosphere where everything is his way or no way and where i have to fight for the things i'd like
I told him i needed space to think, to raise my boys, to regain some sense of self. I told him i needed space to step back and look at our relationship, with the view to working through my (our) issues, sorting my own head out, my own probs and moving forward with the relationship by returning to the way we used to be - living apart and 'dating'.
He said, me moving out was probably the best thing to do as counselling won't help. He said that i would probably meet someone younger, leave him and then he'd be on his own. He said he would prob sell the house as it will be lonely and hold too many memories, hes now redecorated, given his daughters a room each as oppose to sharing as when my boys and i lived there, hes fixed the things that needed mending and has done the garden. I had asked if we could redecorate and fix the broken things and sort the garden all to no avail. So bit miffed with all that, but hey, it is his house.
I repeated what i had first stated (above) and that i was trying to find a way to salvage what we have.
In all honesty, i did still want to try, i did miss him loads when i initially left, i loved him loads too.
Now, i love having my own place with my boys, i feel free when its just us and we are doing our thing. I feel i can be me. But the minute my partner comes to stay for the eve, or weekend i feel uneasy, i feel trapped i do what he wants to do or suggests. If i go to stay at his for the weekend, i feel like i've returned to the past. If we meet his kids and mine, my youngest always ends up being left out and his own brother has no time for him, i find it uncomfortable at times, again its like being in the past.
Ok, yep, i'm stupid. I'm trying to do what is best for everyone else, to keep everyone else happy, and ultimately like you say, i'm unhappy. If i change and change the way i behave and allow myself to be me, then i'll end up feeling guilty, manipulated etc because i'm not being or behaving how he expects me to be. He wants that vulnerable, gullible, emotional person he met 8 years ago. I'm struggling to be that and i feel i want to rebel all the time. He wants that person as she was easy to manipulate and control.
Aaaarrgghh, whatever!!!!!
'But the minute my partner comes to stay for the eve, or weekend i feel uneasy, i feel trapped'.
I think you have to look at the above, midgeymoo, and ask 'Is this how I want my life to be?'
I couldn't continue with a relationship that made me feel like that, but I'm not you. We all operate differently.
I agree with Anna. The dialogue you are having with yourself will continue to go round and round unless you share what is going on for you with your partner. Rather than seeing this as possibly the end of your relationship, you could look at it as the beginning of new possibilities for you and your boys.
Ok. Clear head today. Been out with my friends over the last two or three days and been nattering as you do. Not been out with my friends like that for a while now, the chance arose and i took it though.
Anyway. I've been getting all worked up about HIS reaction to everything and the holiday situation.
So putting HIM to one side and his reactions. This is what i want for my boys and I, I want to be free. Yes he is going to feel emotional, angry, frustrated and he'll attempt to manipulate etc, but thats to be expected, thats him.. I'm not responsible for that. I am however responsible for my life, my childrens and my own feelings, and i have control over that.
As for the holiday, well booked or not, its not as big an issue as i've made it out to be, i've blown it out of all proportion. Yes i should have stood my ground and said i don't want to go in the first place, but with a head racing with rights and wrongs at the time and end it or not end it thoughts, i said yes and i can't change that. But i do have the right to still say i want to go or not, any number of things could happen for me not to go - illness for example.. There will be a way round it - he could go with a friend, he could take his son or one of his daughters, he could ammend the booking to include him and his kids, i could pay him my half or the full amount if need be if the cost of it matters that much. The one thing i don't think is sensible to do would be to go as 'friends', as i'm not sure i would be strong enough for that so soon after calling it a day.
So whether the converstion comes about today or whether i go to see him when it can just be he and i on Tuesday eve, its the end and i need to be honest not just with him but with myself too. Its over.
I won't deny its not gonna hurt, because i know it will for both of us, but i'm not backing down into the corner he may try to push me this time. I would like to say we can remain friends, i'd like to but sme space may be needed before that can occur if it does.
Thanks for listening x
Be strong and best wishes
The same from me. Keep a firm hold on that clarity, midgeymoo x
My Partner has booked the holiday, he told me today, he booked it a few days back, my face dropped and i went quiet when he told me. He knows. He asked if something was wrong and i said that everything was wrong at the moment. He said 'you know whatever it is, you can talk to me, you can tell me. I love you and we've been through alot together. Do you want to talk now?' I couldn't do anything except for nod or shake my head and i couldn't look him in the eye or speak to his face for the rest of the eve. When i left to go home with my boys, he said 'Shall we go out on sunday? If you like as i won't see u weds eve, i'll come to yours on fri eve and cook a meal for us and stay over if you like, then i'll leave to meet my mates on saturday for our day out, your call' i said 'maybe, i don't know'. He then calmly said 'you don't know what you want right now do you?' i replied 'No'. He held back his tears as i left, i could see he wanted to cry. He knows. I feel like i'm preparing him, just like i did when i was moving out. I feel so mean and i feel awful. When i got home, i cried, lots, and my lil one went off in a hissy fit, hes not sure how to cope with things really so a hissy fit is his answer, so i left him to calm down. My oldest, came to comfort me bless him and asked what was wrong. I told him that i'm trying to decide what to do with regards to my partner which would mean the best outcome for us. He asked if i mean no more boyfriend and girlfriend. Then he added, 'is it ok if i can be sad too, will i see him and his children again? will he still be your friend' i said that would be nice, but i'm not sure. I told him that i don't want to keep feeling unhappy, miserable and sad and snappy at my boys. He said, i tell you what mummy, from tomorrow lets be a happy mummy and have happy times. Tears streamed down my face. Just before he went to sleep he said, try to feel the happy feelings mummy, not the sad ones.. I told my youngest once he'd calmed down and he said hes fed up with my partner and his dad too and that he sorry for saying he hated me but that he does hate me in a nice way sometimes. I hugged him and told him i love him.
First step taken, and it took me by surprise i didn't think i'd divulge anything through body language or talking, but i did.
Feel rubbish, but know now i am heading in the right direction and doing the right thing for my boys and i x x
Right midgeymoo, if this was me, now is the time, your partner knows something is not right, he will either work hard to make it right (which will make it harder for you) or he wiil be on tenterhooks until you sort this out. Do the kindest thing for all of you, ring him or go over there and tell him that it really is over for you.
He will be ok, yes he will hurt and so will you, but when you moved out, he fixed up his home and sorted things out. Bite the bullet, it is not fair on any of you anymore.
Say to yourself over and over again, I speak my truth with love, I speak my truth with love, this can make it easier. You don't want to hurt him, but you do need to stand up for yourself.
i feel like utter rubbish. i feel awful, mean, nasty, thw worst.
He rang up this eve and asked me again, what the matter was. So i told him...
'We shared some happy times together, but something is not working between us and i need to move on. I know this is painful, i appreciate that. Its hard for me to say it, but i've thought about this long and hard. I'm not telling you this so that you will change, or do things differently. I am telling you this because i feel that this is the end of the road for us. I have changed, i have grown apart. Its unfair of me to just string it along pretending everything is ok when i no longer feel the same about us. We have shared a great deal of joy with you, but now its time to move on'
And then i let him speak. As he spoke i felt awful...
My stomach is playing up. I've done everything i can for you. I've put you on a pedalstool, i've idolised you. I've tried hard, i changed for you. Your boys love me. My girls love you, they'll miss you. i'll miss the boys. I really tried hard to be a father figure to your boys, i know it didn't work, but i tried so hard.
Who've you been talking to, everyone i expect. Bet your dad knows, he probably said thank goodness for that you got rid of him at last. Can i ask you a question, are you seeing someone else?, when are you going to start dating again, its alright for you you'll prob find someone else just like that, how do you think it'll fee for me seeing you with another man? At least your ex can have a good laugh. I just booked a hotel for £350, what am i going to do about that, and i've booked you a restuarant for your birthday. Maybe we could go away as friends for a few days, can we still go out for your birthday?
My kids are on holiday for a week next wednesday, i'll be all on my own. I've got nobody now, nothing, i'm all alone. I wish i was dead, i wish i died on the operating table when they took my appendix out. This house reminds me of you everywhere i look, what am i going to do now? All i wanted to do was to move in and be a family together, its all i ever wanted. I just wanted to be loved. I'm besotted with you, i love you so much, i'll never love anyone else as much as i love you. Why can't we just try again?
What about when we went to bath for that week, (the week before i moved out) it was a lovely week, we had a great time (my emotions were all over the place due to my moving out as soon as we were to arrive back home). I still have your test messages from that week away, you telling me how much you love me and are in love with me etc. That was only a year ago, how can things changes that much in a year? How can you change in a year from that to this? When you moved out, you said this was to make things better, that it would help, that we could be like we were before. Was that your plan? to move out and let me down gently before finishing it off? It was your plan wasn't it?
So i'll see you tomorrow then (i'm going to drop my key to him and his key to me sort of thing). Why don't i cook us dinner? I just want to see your eyes. Does this mean i'm never going to make love to you again? We made love the other weekend, didn't that mean anything to you, don't you feel anything? Oh, i love you so much. I better go to bed not that i'm going to get much sleep tonight. Can i just come and see you now (nearly midnight), i want to cuddle you and kiss you. Does this mean i'll never see you again or speak to you again. Is that it, are you just going to cut me out of your life.
Then he told me he loved me and said goodbye before hanging up...
I stayed calm throughout, i didn't raise my voice or argue at all. I simply remained calm, listened to all he had to say and answered calmly to his questions.
When i came off the phone, i cried, but i cried because all that he said hurt so much.
I feel terrible, i was tempted to make it all better, to give in on one occasion, but i held off and stood my ground and didn't give in.
So why do i feel like i've just ruined his life? Why do i feel like the worst person?
I'm going round tomorrow as i said, but i will have a chance to talk with my hypnotherapist/counsellor tomorrow afternoon and i won't give in or back down when i come face to face with him. It will be goodbye. Friends one day once things have settled and calmed down. But goodbye.
Oh my gosh, this hurts so much, tears have just come from nowhere now. Slow songs on radio, thoughts of the good times, thoughts of the nice cuddley loving times. All the nice stuff has come flooding back.
I really did love him, i still love him but i know he is not right for my boys and i. I am forgetting to not so nice times at this moment in time i guess, and its hiding all the disappointment.
I hurt him, and its hurting me
Good morning midgeymoo, I am not surprised you are feeling incredibly emotional, you have been through a whirlwind of emotions recently.
I think you need to give yourself a huge pat on the back as it is not easy. Your ex has every right to be hurt and upset and has gone at you from every angle to try and get you back, but at this point you must stay strong. It is natural for you to feel drawn to him when he is at his most vulnerable.
Dont hang around for a chat today when getting your keys, this isn't good for either of you.
You don't know what the future holds, you may feel after not seeing him for 2 weeks that you would like to or may may feel utter relief, all you know right now, today, is that the relationship wasn't working As it Was.
Let us know how it goes :)
Loads of hugs midgeymoo
Hi Midgeymoo
I don't think I've ever read your story before. It sounds like you've really given it everything you can. As the mentally healthy person in this scenario (it's not you - trust me!) the main thing you can do for him is to remain calm, consistent and boundaried.
The longer you are apart the more extreme his words and actions may become as he tries to manipulate/control you back into the old way of living. Be prepared for this and keep remembering you are doing the right thing (for everyone) and maintaining calm, consistent boundaries.
I would also steer clear of too much explanation. Everything that needs to be said has probably already been said. If you get too embroiled in future discussions it may become a sign to him that there is hope as well as an opening to attempt control. I would advise keeping your sentences short. Obviously I know you are not the sort of person to be unnecessarily cruel but you don't need to be over kind either.
I will be thinking of you.
I'm now off to see him. At least my parents are here when i come back home, they are looking after my boys whilst i pop out.
I just need to remember that i am not responsible for the way he feels, he is choosing to feel this way and understandably too as i have just sprung this on him out of nowhere (on his part anyway).
I know i have been thinking of the nice times, but i have been thinking of the not so nice ones to and the constant unhappiness.
I have changed and i have grown up and i am honest enough to say with confidence that we no longer fit together. I know what i want, i want something like my parents have and i'll never find it by staying with him.
x x
Well done midgy moo, you have said it in a nutshell, you are not responsible for him. Do hope it was not too traumatic for you.
Thank you :-)
I am (strangely) feeling good this morning and i felt ok last night when i got back home too??
I was round my (ex) partners for near on 2 hours in the end last night. I got through the door and he offered me a drink to which i said no thanks and then we sat down. At which point he burst into tears, and i wasn't too sure where to look, but i sat patiently and waited for him to talk. He apologised for crying and then cried some more. He cried the majority of the time, which was understandable and what i had expected.
He came out with pretty much what he had said over the phone. I sat and just listened to him and answered his questions when asked. He asked me when i was going to start dating again (i said that that is my business and my choice), to which he said 'do you realise how hard it is going to be for me to see you with another guy. He asked me Why i have changed, and what has changed (i said i have grown up and learnt alot about myself and am therefore different to how i was 4 or 5 years ago and with that my perspective of the future has changed), to which he said 'oh so you mean i'm childish and haven't grown up. He asked What did i do wrong (i said that these are things that have been talked about many a time over the years, its not the fault of anyone, its just that the dynamics have changed, there may be things that both of us have said or done that have hurt the other) to which he said, i don't feel that i have been anything other than kind, supportive and have loved you but i'm sorry if i have hurt you. He then added that he wishes i was butt ugly, fat and spotty so that it would be easier for him to accept??
He then went on about getting drunk, wishing he was dead, that hes never loved anyone before and that i am the first person he has really loved at all. He said that he'll be all alone and that its alright for me coz i have my boys, my parents, my friends and that he has no one hes just all alone. (he has 3 kids, a dad who lives alone, collegues and friends at work and friends he goes out with/plays golf with). He said that though i have made a desicion in not wanting him to be together, he doesn't agree with it and it is the wrong desicion for me. He asked if we could go for a day out sometime just so he can see me again (i said not a good idea as it gives false hope and no closure - i said the same when he mentioned the holiday etc). He then asked when i'm going to get all my rubbish out of the house, the house that he had bought for us to live in as a family and grow old and grey. He said he got the house for me and was doing it up for me (hes turned my boys bedroom into his eldsest daughters room??).
He said that its ok for me, that i would find someone just like that but he wouldn't and doesn't want to find anyone because he wants me. He said i'd probably go sleep around now just coz i can (talk about low opinion of me!!), he said that even if i did that, or cheated on him or hurt him so badly then he would still take me back.
And so it went on and on, and i listened to it all responding only where needed and i felt totally calm and relaxed throughout. He asked for a hug and i gave him a hug.
He went on a bit more, running himself into the ground with self critism ( i used to do that to myself once upon a time and at this point i felt sorry for him coz only he can change that). I got my shoes on to leave and said i would be back Sunday to collect my things from within the house (few of boys toys, some framed pictures and some filing). He said it would be nice if we could go out for the day too, i said no thanks, false hope, no help in moving on that way (said he didn't care coz he doesn't want to move on anyway).
So i left to go home with the proviso i would be round on Sunday to find, sort and collect my things.
I know for him this was out of the blue - the end that is as he was under the impression we (or he) could talk it round and get back to 'normal'.
All through the conversation etc, i kept in my mind - i am not responsible for the way he feels and what he chooses to do is his choice not mine, its up to him - of course i care, but its not my responsibility.
So when i got home last night, i felt... Happy?? Free i guess a huge weight has been lifted, and i feel able and free to be myself after all this time. I spoke to my boys this morning and they seem ok. I said that they can ask anything they like or tell me whats on their mind and i'll listen/respond. He can't tell his kids as yet as they are on hols with their mum for a week, i'm not sure how they'll take it. I know they'll all miss one another. My boys asked if they could see his 3 again, i said that once the dust has settled then that may be apossiblity, but that i don't know when that will be. Its the same thing i said to my (ex) partner when he asked if we can be friends. I said now is not the right time and only time will tell as evrything that is so raw will need to settle first.
Thanks for listening (again) x
Great job midgeymoo! I am so pleased to hear that you bit the bullet, you were firm but fair, you listened and you stood your ground.
I hope that on Sunday, you will be able to keep this up, as of course, he will try again and this time it might be a different tactic.
There may be times that you feel a bit low and even a little lonely, but it sounds as though you are already feeling a new lease of life. As hard as it was, you did it and you feel like a weight has been lifted.
So what are your plans? Have you written a wish list?!
I think here and there of the nice times and whats left behind, and i think of him alone and feel sorry for him. But i realise this happens and i also remember the not so good times, manipulation, guilt trips and my constant unhappiness and tears of sheer exhausion from trying so hard and getting nowhere.
I went out this evning with the mums from school and i'm off out on Saturday eve with some friends from where i used to work.
I plan to live a little. I'm considering a singles holiday or a few days away when my boys go away on hol with their dad. My mum and i are going to book a spa day for sometime in August. I plan to catch up with my close friends from my home town. And most importantly i'm going to have fun with my boys. I'm sure i'll find lots more things to do as time goes on.
And as for any future men in my life, i'm more cautious and certainly more prepared x x
hi, reading through ur last post i cudnt help wonder why ur still with him? sounds like he doesnt make u happy and once ur in a situation where ur lying to save urself feeling the wrath of a partner it just gets worse?
sorry for being blunt! ur post just reminded me on how much i lied about my whereabouts as my ex was quite controlling