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it is the first of June so we have hopped over here! Welcome to the new thread, everyone
Those of you who follow The Adventures of Louise's Youngest will be interested to know that he has been a dating a girl for a while now and on Thursday night went back to her house for the first time. He hasn't met her parents or anything. So he falls asleep and they both wake at 7.30 horrified that now he will have to face the mother. She sneaks him out the back and he is just climbing over the fence at the back when the mother looks out the window and spots him. WHOOPS. I kept saying to him yesterday "hang on, is that a splinter in your knee?"
Look forward to hearing everyone's news.
Morning all,
Sarah as louise said its not weird at all, and remember, even though 'they' say it takes 2 years to get over a break up, that is an average so some people will take more and some less. My ex has just been to collect the girls and it still makes me feel uncomfortable but thats such an improvement on how I used to feel. Things will get easier, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to stick your fingers in your ears if it makes it easier for you . Enjoy your walk along the seafront, my dream is to move nearer the sea, I hope I can make it happen at some point in my life.
Anna, the VIP lounge was not as glam as you'd imagine. No VIPs there, apart from us of course . What they did do was took us through our own personal passport control so we didn't have to queue.
Spent the day gardening yesterday as it was looking a bit wild and over grown. Really paying for it today though as my back is killing me. As I've got the day to myself I've arranged to meet a friend for posh coffee and I'm going to chose my new glasses. I had my eyes tested last month and they've told me I need reading glasses as well as distance glasses and asked me if Id consider varifocals, I was so shocked as I've always associated that kind of thing with being old that I couldn't make up my mind what to do so left with nothing!!
Hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather x
Right I have got us moved over to June, hurrah!!! (although the goose pimples on my arms do not agree, ha)
WELL DONE on the job sarah, I know it is hard to keep trying when you feel fed up but YOU DID IT! no wonder you are excited keep us updated with your house plans!
Eurgh backache PQ, poor you. I know what you mean about the glasses, I take it as a personal affront that I have to wear them, even though in truth I am lucky that this did not happen till I was 50 and my boys have both had to have them from about 6. Enjoy the posh coffee.
How is everyone...sparkling, hazeleyes, kiera, Hopeful?
I am pleased for you Sarah. Well done. As pq says, indifference can take a while - id did for me.
I can imagine the colour of the air at your house Louise. Eldest has done something similar - but that relationship has ended (can't say I'm too bothered, as she wasn't a patch on the previous girlfriend).
I have varifocals - I'm on the second pair. The first were horrid, but apparently there are different types of varifocals which cover more of the lense - so I had those last time. Expensive, but I do get on well with them. Sadly, it's time for another eyetest, and I don't think I can afford these again
I hope you're back isn't too sore pq.
Have you had the bbq hazeleyes?
I did my last ever shift as a student yesterday, yay! Only one little tiny essay to rewrite (700 words, nothing really) and then I shall be a proper nurse. Starting the new job on Tuesday! :-)
Also had the first good night's sleep in ages - I think it's a side effect of the herceptin, but that is a third of the way done, so I am not complaining. :-)
Hope everyone is ok - and can somebody do something about the weather please????!!!!
Can I join in. Could do with some friends to chat to.
Hopeful, great news i've been a nurse for 10 yrs this sept! Can't believe it! Where will you be working? Are you an adult nurse? I'm ld and child.
The weather in bmouth is beaut! Get yourselves down here! Only downer is I'm off to bed as got 2 night shifts now :(
Well done hopeful. I'm sure you'll soon get that 'small' essay out of the way. Good luck for Tuesday. I know you'll do well.
Hi Rosie. Good to see you here I worked nights for a few years - nothing exciting, but I was in the petrol station in Tescos, but that is when I was married. I live in North Wales, and its rather nice here today too. Sleep well.
Hi Rosie,
Nice to see you in the chat room. How's life in Bournemouth? I used to spend a lot of time there as my Ex's mum lives in Iford and his brother in Westbourne....nearly moved there last year but glad I didn't as the Ex's family don't talk to me anymore! but love the place nonetheless.
How many children do you have?
Rosie you are very welcome Good luck on the night shifts and glad you have had some lovely sun.
Hopeful, that is fantastic, bet you can hardly believe it, nearly there WOW you have done brilliantly. Fingers crossed for Tuesday.
Sparkling how is your Saturday?
My Saturday, other than doing some washing and watching youngest hoover the living room has been generally lazy!
Good for you, sparkling!
I decided I would start reading my new book yesterday, the way looked clear. How wrong can you be...Here is my day:
Log onto boards
Text from friend, would I go and get some (specialised) dressings for her knee
Ring chemist (closed)
Ring chemist and persuade woman to track down dressings in furthest corner of stockroom
Texting back and forward to a friend who is needing some support right now
Go to chemist, go to fruit shop, take dressings and cherries to friend and have a chat
Breakfast (!!!!)
And so it continued....and other highlights were eldest needing advice about dumping someone, youngest ROARING about a confusion on his tax code and ringing the tax office intending to threaten all sorts (peppered with a lot of swearing), calming him down and helping him write a sensible letter to sort it out, friend ringing in a state about our holiday later this year that it clashed with an event there and would it affect things? (answer: NO, but necessitating large amount of research on Internet)..and of course the usual jobs like laundry and cooking tea.
Oh, and I did manage to read to page 70 in amongst all that.
Hope you all have a good day today, and I am hoping for a more peaceful one
Hi all. Rosie, it's lovely to see you in the chat room.
Louise, so your youngest finally got to meet the mother hehe. The poor thing. Have to laugh at his antics. Wow, you were busy yesterday, and so good to your friend too. I do hope today is more relaxing for you.
No barbeque yet Sparkling. Wanted it today, as I was assured the weather would be beautiful. It was at 6am, sun shining through, but gradually, the clouds keep popping over, and some of those quite dark. Not sure I want to take the chance really. Oh well, always next week!!
Hopeful, well done. You've done so well.
Pq, I do sympathise about your back and the gardening. I can only do so much, as I suffer terribly the following day. Saying that though, my garden is full of weeds, as I just haven't bothered!
Hi Sarah, how's your weekend going?
Anna, how's your knee? Hope you had a great time in Cardiff with your daughter.
Back to normal tomorrow. The week has flown by. Feeling tired today, as was talking to a lovely friend last night, and didn't get off phone till midnight. Blimey, we can half talk
Hope you all have a good day.
Aww, that was nice having a catch up hazeleyes. I'm hoping that you'll have a chance over the next few months to have a bbq - as in maybe we'll actually have a summer.
I've been out with a friend getting stuff for a scouty district thing tomorrow. I should be getting around to getting some photos on a USB stick to show. Sausage rolls cooked ready to take along tomorrow.
Sunny here.
Well done sparkling
Yes Hazleyes I did sit in the sun for a while this afternoon (definitely a more relaxing day) but not really BBQ weather here yet. Hope the return to school will go well in the morning.
Anna hope your leg is healing well and that the concert was good.
Take care everyone and see you on Tuesday
Hello all,
Its been a strange weekend here. My neighbours had a party for their daughters yesterday, I thought it was strange that they hadn't invited the girls and I, but I didn't dwell on it as the girls were out with their dad for the day. Anyway I was sitting in the garden reading my book when who should turn up nextdoor to join the party? ex and the girls! it was only me that didn't get invited. I was really upset especially as he was sitting litterally 3 feet away from me on the other side of the fence! I knew some friends would choose one of us over the other one but I never expected it to be the neighbours.
I bought a bbq today and had big ideas for a lovely dinner, however it never got hot enough to cook anything so I ended up doing it in the oven, never mind.
Hi pq. Do you think the neighbours asked the ex as he had them for that day? Hope you're not too upset now, and that you managed to enjoy today, despite doing dinner in the oven!
Hi Rosie, nice to meet you. I don't like night shifts, so I am very pleased that I won't have to do any for a while - where I'll be working they will try to keep me supernumery for as long as possible, yay! Yes, I am an adult nurse (feels weird saying 'I am') and will be working in CCU - I love hearts, so interesting!
PQ how horrible for you! Hopefully everything will settle eventually. xx
Louise, you read 70 pages of what? I do realise I've been a bit out of touch, but I will be back more regularly now.
Update on my 'lott': everyone is having exams this month. No2 son doesn't know what he wants to do after A-levels - I wish he would get a grip! No3 son has been accepted at college (hurrah! and he applied all by himself!) where he'll be doing construction for at least two years. Daughter is doing first year of GCSEs - she is working so so hard, so I really hope that all pays off for her.
Will do some catching up!
PQ, I can only imagine how hard that was! I found it surprising when those who I thought were good friends chose to exclude me from things.
I am sorry.
It sounds as though your lot a more organised than my lot!
Hi PQ,
That is terrible - how awful for you. Surely the neighbours should have realised how hurtful that would be for you? Grrr.
Hope everyone's had a good day. It's been beautiful down here on the South East coast; lots of dog walkers, a brass band playing on the bandstand, Firefighters (Mmm) out with their engines and ice-cream vans a plenty!!
Can't wait unti the kids come home tomorrow. I'll be picking them up from school. It's only when the ex has the kids (every other weekend and half the holidays) that I get nasty texts to rub my nose in it that they're with Him and Her (I not-so-affectionately refer to her as Bulldog) which are unnecessary. Anything for a dig. When, oh when, will this bitching between me and 'them' stop?? And I can be as bad as them, to be fair, but haven't responded at all this weekend...
Thanks everyone, I'm hoping there is a reasonable explanation, I've decided I'm going to tell the wife how hurt I was and see what she says.
Well my holiday is officially over as I'm back to work tomorrow, oh well.....
Well done Sarah for not responding to your ex's texts.
End of the world here...
The dishwasher isn't working. It has actually cause the jaws of my children to drop and the look of horror on their faces really is hysterically funny. Funnier still when they had to wash their plates
PQ that does seem a bit mean. They must have realised you'd feel hurt. I'm dreading this kind of stuff. And good for you definitely say something.
sarah well done for being the better person, sometimes I try and be sarcastically nice. Makes me feel better!!
Hopeful, sounds like a great first job. Personally I hate cardiac! Which is a bummer as I work in PICU and we are full of them! I could do with a stint on a cardiac ward might feel more confident then! I like nights as I miss the kids less but they are both poorly at the mo and I want to be with them, they are fine with their dad (also a nurse) but they miss their mummy :(
i feel yucky. Would like to be tucked up in bed! Only 11 hrs til I am!
Bournemouth has been lovely. I live the sun shine x
Hello June! Can you believe it! halfway throught the year again!
Nice to see sarahb34 and rosie78 in the chat room (waving)
sarahb34, Congratulations on your new job, I bet that feels like a relief Having a look at kitchen stuff sounds like fun, I still remember the joy of finding my own plates!! I still have them 15 years on!
pq - your very own passport control eh? Very posh, it was a shame that there weren't more people in there though, did you get complimentary drinks and snacks too? Sorry to hear about the bbq and next door. I wonder how that came about? I wonder if they spoke to the girls and they said, oh we will be with dad that day, perhaps?
sparklinglime - it sounds as though your weekend was relaxing, except for the loss of the dishwasher, oh no! Are you all ready for your scout thing today? Is it this evening? Is it a get together of all the scouts in the district? Will there be games etc or is it for the leaders and officials?
Hopeful - CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! (fanfare) well done, I can't believe that you will be starting your new job as a nurse tomorrow! I hope that the last essay flowed? It sounds as though son No3 is looking forward to his construction course (he has found something that interests him), maybe his 'phase' has passed! son No2 is finding the next step difficult though, I think it is so hard for them I think they can become daunted by the amount of options they have, my daughter is in the same phase of what to do next. Sounds like your daughter is in a good place too.
Hi rosie, nice to see that we have another nurse on board, that is always helpful!! Are your night shifts over for this week? Is the sun still shining your way? Will you be able to relax in the garden for a couple of days?
hazeleyes - good luck today, back to the routine. I hope you and C aren't too knackered this eve, an easy supper methinks or will you do the BBQ??
Hi Louise, your Saturday sounded hectic, what a lovely friend/mother you are and you were rewarded by sunshine in the garden yesterday.
My leg is still painful, I think it is all the nerve endings rejoining or thats what it feels like! I had to laugh the other day, I got in the bath and my legs are black and blue! I had been focussing on the stitches and didn't realise how much the rest of my body had taken a battering! Eddie Izzard was fabulous, thank you for asking!! Typically the tallest man in the stadium happened to be sitting in front of me, so I had to keep shifting to see Eddie, but it was hilarious, our cheeks were hurting from so much laughing!
Have a good Monday everyone!
Still haven't written those last few words, aaahhh!!!
Had a lovely surprise yesterday, when a friend turned up out of the blue to sort out my garden. I can actually see it now - It was totally overgrown. Best not let it rot again, huh.
Right, will be writing now. Have tons of phonecalls to make in the afternoon!
C'mon Hopeful, you can do it!! How lovely of your friend, can you sit in your garden this afternoon and jot down those last words?
Can't see the laptop screen in the garden... :-(
That was lovely to have the garden sorted, I'm sure. You have really lovely friends Hopeful.
Please not that I have finished work for the day Having said that the morning started very badly with phone calls from work at 7.30am. Boss was lucky that he'd left the building before I got there!
Well back to work for me today, it was ok but I'm surhe end of the week my holiday will seem like a distant memory!
I spoke to my neighbour, she said my ex just turned up, that she wasn't expecting him. Not sure what to make of that.
Hopeful wha fab friends you have, hope you managed t put pen to paper today.
Get on with it Hopeful it'll only take you a little while then you're done!! How nice :)
Hi Anna waving back. Yes no more shifts for a week, I'm very part time, I only do 5 long shifts a month. The sun is shining! Not sure i'll do much relaxing with my monkeys though. Especially as they are both getting over bugs and extra clingy! God im tired!
and fed up. Really want to shout and scream at ex and hit him and throw things at him! Is that normal? When will I feel better? I can't face living with him for another week never mind months! Was anyone else in this situation? Sorry if I should post this on this thread. Not sure of rules x
Morning Rosie,
My ex and I lived under the same roof for 10 months, it was awful so I can understand your frustration. The one thing you can rely on is it will end, there will be time in the future when you will not have to live with him any more. I used to go out a lot, spent a lot of time visiting friends and family at the weekends.
Another glorious day here.
Good morning all
Rosie we tend to have day to day chat here, why not start a new thread about that or you can just add to the one you were already posting on in the Introduce yourself section, just click here to see it. How are your two doing? Hope you get to catch up on your sleep.
Hopeful the LAST FEW WORDS, good luck and espeically good luck with the job today, is so exciting for you after all your very hard work to know that you are now a fully-fledged nurse. A relief for you that no 3 son has chosed the way ahead and let's hope no 2 son will get some inspiration too.
PQ how was work? What do you thnk about your neighbour's explanation? Is the girls' dad in the habit of dropping in on your neighbour? Sounds a bit fishy to me, mind you I am always suspicious of everyone. Just call me Miss Marple.
Well done sparkling on the prompt finish, though eurrgh with the early start. Have all yours gone back to school and college (apart from big J of course)
How are you Hazeleyes?
Sarah did you get the kids back ok and how was the handover?
Anna am glad you enjoyed your concert and I guess it will take a while for the bruises to go. Poor you!
Well Youngest has announced on Facebook that he is In A Relationship. When I mentioned it, he said "Oh yes, she made me do it" HAHAHAHA.
Hi Louise,
She seems genuine. My ex isn't in the habit of just dropping in on them, but if the girls told him about it he might of decided to try and catch me out as he keeps a very close eye on what I'm up to! I don't know really. I know I don't want to fall out with my neighbours so I shall accept her explanation and move on.
Oh and work is good thanks, the usual catching up when you've been off for a while.
I think you're right to move on from it, PQ. Yes, always lots of work to catch up on when we have been away. I have three counselling clients this afternoon, I did not go last week so I will have lots to catch up with too
Big J had a 6.30am start yesteray, and then a 12 hour day.
We had a bit of excitement at work. And if you don't hear from me again, we've been arrested and thrown in jail.
Someone came wanting to off load memory foam mattresses. The van was sign written, and he had travelled across country to pick up 2 mattresses and other furniture. There were 8 mattresses. Essential other new furniture gets taken back with two mattresses - no room for the furniture... Either storage plus another trip across country to get them, or flog them for what they could...
So, I now have a new mattress, as does my colleague. Memory foam one side, orthopeadic on the other. British made, beautifully wrapped (which is why we think me might have the police calling... Mattress? What mattress??? Just colleague is cool, I would go red and stammer)... I can't believe it. I can't really afford it, but I am desperate for a new mattress, and have been in so much pain.
We just kept looking at each other and giggling. Her husband came to pick their's up (if he'd have said no, I would have, as they are rather careful about things), one of the lads turned up, and so it was chucked in the van and brought here quickly...
I feel rather guilty - very guilty really, as I don't believe the tale for a second. Yet the relief at having a mattress.
So... What would you have done?
PS I will deny all knowledge...
I'm a bit of a 'goody 2 shoes' when it comes to things like that sparkling, but I think if I'd needed the matress I probably would have gone for it, especially as the colleague got one too...but don't worry your secret is safe with me
I'm totally 'goody 2 shoes' too. But colleagues husband is so cautious, it wouldn't have surprised me if he'd have rung the company before they agreed. Which is why I said yes... Everything was sign written - not a white van man thing.
I think I'm still rather dazed!
Ooh sparklinglime how lovely, I think you deserve it, so have a naughty little giggle, then lie back and enjoy! You are anonymous on here so no one will know it was you!!
PQ well done for being assertive and asking the neighbour, who knows the real story, but you have shown that you won't let anything slip past you. I hope your holiday doesn't seem too far away yet?
good luck today hopeful, essay all done now?
rosie, I am not surprised you are tired! Although your little ones need your energy, do keep some reserved for yourself and make sure you have a little treat, I can imagine that things are pretty fraught at your house at the moment. I look forward to talking to you more on the thread that you start.
It is another glorious day here which is lovely, I hope everyone has a lovely evening :)
I'm off out this evening for a snack in the pub up the road. We thought there was only two of us, but another friend thinks she can join us - yeaahhh. Its been a while since we've been out.
Glorious here.
Hurrah for the mattress!!!! You NEED it with the constant backache. xxx
Essay not finished. I had a block, plus uni have messed up again and I can't get on the e-library, so now I have problems finding articles. Been onto uni and they say it will take five working days to get back on, which means I get access the day before the essay is due. BIIIGGGG Sigh.
First day as a proper nurse was good - everybody was really nice :-)
I'm so glad that you're proper nursing day was good Will you need an extension as the problem is down to the university?
My lot are still trying to sort the mattress out. I have visions of sleeping in my armchair this evening! There's a lot of laughter going on though.
Nice evening out, but I have totally ceased up. My left leg does not want to work. Times like this I wish I could park by the house instead of the top of the estate...
Now I'm being selfish.
Beautiful sunset.
Glad you had a good day Hopeful. A good team makes a huge difference to your experience and working life!
Sparklinglime sounds nasty, is it a recurrent thing? Hope the mattress helps.
I have started a thread so any comments gratefully received. Off out for a meal with my bestie tomo evening. Yippee xx
Hi Rosie - I have severe arthritis in various places now, sadly. Mostly I can manage, but when I lock up, it isn't nice. My left leg still isn't co-operating, so it could be fun walking up to the car!
I shall have a look at your thread now...
Morning all,
Sorry you've stiffened up sparkling, do you know what causes these flare ups? How was the matress? Did you get to sleep on it last night?
Hopeful, glad your first day went well. I remember mine, I felt so proud of myself.
Rosie, I'll have a look at your thread later.
Well A woke up in a dreadfull mood this morning, the joys of being back at school have obviously set in!!
Have a good day everyone
Good morning one and all.
Great news Hopeful, so glad you have got on well. Booo re the Uni library though, that is a ridiculous amount of time to wait.
Sparkling did you get the mattress on the bed, was it lovely? I agree with Anna, you deserve a bit of luxury. Did you enjoy the pub snack? wow that was a long shift for your son.
Rosie, seen your thread, good that you posted it. What sort of place are you going to tonight with your friend?
I am meeting my counselling supervisor today, which is excellent as I have a lot going on with my clients, and I have another client at teatime. Youngest has put on FB that he is In A Relationship but I notice the girl hasn't
Hope you had the best night's sleep ever, Sparkling! :-)
I don't want an extension for the essay, every day this is late is a day late for a 'proper' salary! Will just use abstracts and hope I'll get away with it!
Of course, yesterday, when I was working, the weather was fine. Today it's miserable again. What's going on????
Wishing everyone a good day!
It's another sunny day here. I can't remember the last time we had a few days of summer weather - and I am going back a few years here!
The children were brilliant last night, and the four sorted out the mattress and clean bedding! I had to close my eyes before going into the bedroom!
I slept all night.
It's a long time since I last slept like that as I wake up a lot with pain when I move. It could have been the excitement of the day, but I'm hoping it is the mattress!
I still can't believe it, and boss is sulking as he says we should have got him one... Neither colleague or I could have stretched to paying for two though! I had to phone him (he's working up the coast so I don't see him ) just to say how well I slept!
Anyhow, just a sneaky update while I'm alone in the office.
Perhaps the weather will make it easier to get the essay finished hopeful?
I hope A comes home in a better mood pq. Youngest has now started the year 10 timetable, and he's not impressed with the subjects he's chosen so far. I'm just pleased they're working again, as they've had loads of free lessons for months now.
Your youngest is still making me smile Louise :-) Hope your meeting goes well.
Hi all
sparklinglime, I am so happy to read that you slept all night, long may this last
This weather is amazing isn't it?
Hopeful, I am so glad your first day went well, I was rooting for you!
pq I hope that your daughters day got better and she came home in a better mood than she went out in.
Rosie78, I hope you have a good evening with your friend.
Hi Louise and Sally, happy Wednesday
Yeay glad you got a good night sleep....does this mean you'll be spending a lot of time in your new bed??
A had forgotten all about her bad mood this morning, in fact she'd probably forgotten all about it before I'd got in the car!! I really need to start paying no attention to her mood swings.
My laptop is not very well, so please forgive me if words have letters missing, the keyboard is a bit poorly!! It is so old, I'm surprised its lasted this long!
Good evening lovelies!
Just a quick wave hello from me. Things have been crazy here, not had a spare minute hardly. The good news is that me and J go to Cornwall for a week next Friday. I can't wait! J's dad is then going down for the second week so that J gets two weeks down there. He is very excited about it. Don't think he'll be that excited about the six hour car ride. Ho hum!
Hope everyone is keeping well x
Hi it was a yummy Thai meal! If you are event in bournemouth try koh Thai. It's Thai tapas and its bloody lovely! Been there several times and its always 100%! Had a laugh with my bezzie, and a little cry. Always embarrassing in a public place! But it was nice to get out xx
Indifference...I'm looking forward to the day when I'll feel that. 'They' say it takes about 2 years to come to terms with emotions after a divorce and it's just turned 2 years. I think I would be OK if it wasn't for the debt, loss of home, indignity, withdrawl of financial support for the girls and just the complete dismissal of the situation we have been left in. Screaming and crying doesn't help - I've done all of that - and he'll never get it. At the end of the day, he couldn't handle the real world of family responsibility and has gone off to his old comfortable world of living with a girl, working very little and playing his guitar. It is pitiful but still hurtful.
On a much brighter note though, after being really upset at not getting a job I went for a few weeks back, I applied for another on a last minute whim, got an interview and landed the job!
My overriding emotion was RELIEF.... now I'll be able to move out of my parents with the girls at the end of the year once I've saved up the deposit and other fees.... Will have to move the girls to the school that I'll be working at, which will be stressful for them, I know. It'll be a 3 day a week job-share - Gold Dust in teaching. I am so pleased I didn't give up...but it was close to that!
I'm already picking out kitchenware etc I like from Ikea! Very premature but it's exciting - I've never decked out my own place before. I went from Uni to working abroad to living with my Ex, who didn't seem to give me an opportunity to have an input into the decor...that's never occured to me before!
Anyway, it's a lovely day today. Think I'll take myself for a walk along the seafront!