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Spend every day crying


and i can say i wasant surrounded by friends infact i was surrounded by noone, was on my own, i went on my own, spent most time in room on my own, wudnt even go out for lunch incase i bumped into him,i ad no support, feel totaly let down by wave  and i no the only person u can depend on is urself, 

Posted on: August 12, 2013 - 7:55pm


hi angry aw wish it was all over with for u hun, i do feel for u, why cant they see thru his lies,x

Posted on: August 12, 2013 - 7:58pm


well maybe his police check will show something maybe he mucked up somewhere surely he can't get away with all his dodgy dealings and lies continusly surely?

whats happening with you kiera what happened at court?

Posted on: August 12, 2013 - 11:51pm


hi hun well it was a horrible day but i did get the result i wanted, he got non contact but he got indirect contact he cud send birthday cards but thru 3rd party, mayb a post office, my solicter suggested my parents but they dont want him knowin where they live, plus they hate him ,but im not allowed to show my daugter card til he proves himself, judge said to him u av delayed these procedings with ur lies adn tamperin with drug test causein me more heartache, judge said to him i am closen the case,u can reaply when all the work is done and not bfore,my solciter interogated him, as it was a contested hearing, was awful, ad sit in same room as him, i sat in corner tho,he stil called me on stand, u cud hear the hostility in his voicex

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 9:01am


cafacss said in court he believes he is risk to my daughter til he adresses his issues,my ex wanted adjourn while he did the work, cos he cudnt aford to reaply, joke, but case closed, he said i avnt ad canabis for last 3weeks, wow, judge said u cud stopped smokin canabis months ago,and done summat bout it, they dont believe he wileven do the work, so we wil see, but i feel i can move on now, he as do 28 sessions domestic violence course,b drug free 6 months, and do drug test to prove,and do counselling,and prove with a doctor note, and go to drug rehab, and b crime free and av no domestic incidents with his girlfriend, ex said social are happy with us, cafcss said i disagree social wil stil b monitering u and ur children, he was put in his place, ha, good result judges saw thru him thank godx

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 9:08am


based on what thou abt ask them that, on what he has said? 

What emotions are they on about?

did you have a fit infront of them?

or is this what he is saying?

What is there evidence to take your child away?

She said a few things which are false,

Didn't you say somewhere along she admitted her father made her say these things?

Why has that not been brought up.

and you should be able to get a second opinion on what the phycologist has said or atleast contest what was said, that is your right so that social worker has no right to say anything other then what you options may be!

Get a job, any job and hours and start saving up for a barrister. 

You need someone to pick this case apart for you.


You need to stand your ground abt more then ever in your  life,  It may take a long time but stick to what you are saying, They had no grounds to put you through this and if the child admitted it is on record somewhere and half siblings have rights.

Try find a barrister willing to do pro bono work.

Tell them your horrific story of how a sociopath manipulated your child and how the social then used past against you.

They won't win if you never give up.

They want you to give up.

Stay focussed on the initial reason why they allowed her to be taken away by the father and why there were no grounds for that all the rest is nonsense.

he has the phycologist backing him up based on what your childhood? to explain what? supposed abuse?

this makes no sense!

They were wrong abt for lissing to him and he was wrong for getting your daughter to lie and everything else they say is hot air, to make you stop trying, keep going.

anyways i am here for yah cheering you on.

stay strong.


Never ever give up.

Took this father years, acknowledge this is not a good situation for her however you cannot give up on your child.

Truth always comes out in the end

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 10:44am


i had contested hearing wed, dont want to go thru tht again, judge said i wasnt upto bein questioned so i wasnt 

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 11:07am


based on what phycologist said that because i had abuse as a child, this has effected my parenting bounderies and when my child is needing displine i either find overwhelming, get emotional or angry and could smack her. and she has told them she dont want to live with me in case i smack her

and she said that when i'm supervised they can see i'm struggling so they may even reduce my contact time

i told her she's been coached and i have recording of such and social just said he's the better parent and they dont think he is emotionally abusive. they said because the physcologist reccommended she lives with him and even if i do the parenting course this is only to improve when i have contact.

and i shouldn't give her a mobile becasue its putting her in the middle of our dissagreements and shes too young and shouldn't have that to worry about 

Thanks for your support i'm taking notes of everything you say and it does really help keep strong

abt xxx


Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 11:34am


Thats brilliant Keria well done i'm so happy for you and now he can't damage your child i bet it's such a releif it's over and now you can concentrate on enjoying your life, maybe have a holiday

ha ha now you can laugh at him silly **nker

thank god their are judges that are good, please keep in touch

abt xx 

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 11:41am


and whom divulged your abuse as a child?

You should not have to be penalized for being abused as a child.


clear cut oppresion.


Thank God you have some proof keep gathering proof and act all defeated submissive and keep on collecting lol.

and collect what they also say to you record them if you must, you never know when it may be usefull :)

You're welcome hun, You'll do great.

Posted on: August 13, 2013 - 11:56am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello ABT, what has the Family Rights Group advised you to do?

Posted on: August 14, 2013 - 7:32am


Hi shockedmum 

I am going to a solicitor on monday and actually have someone to stand up for me as my mate said i'm being victimised and they are taking advantage knowing i haven't got a solicitor and don't know my rights. They are so wrong you wait till i get to court instead of me being mullered by guardian, girls solicitor, his solicitor, social i will have someone that will fight my corner and get my girl back. I am excited i can't wait and to see his face that will be worth it!!!


Posted on: August 17, 2013 - 3:23pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Good luck, abt, let us know how it goes Smile

Posted on: August 17, 2013 - 3:58pm


hi angry aw im glad u feel positive u go girl and show them all, yes seein his face witl b worth it believe me, im so happy u feel like this and have sumone to fight ur corner , xx

Posted on: August 17, 2013 - 4:38pm


Hi Kiera

Thanks, i couldn't have this attitude if it wasn't for all the support i have had from this and couple more sites. You'd think that the family courts would change their system and provent all this time wasted. i have realised that social have victimized me my x is a sociopath naccisit thats using parential allienation and the courts are lost as to what to do, some legal solicitors such as legal aid are useless and this is absolutley overwhelming and all through this we are abused by our x's 

and our children are suffering and they are all hypercrits in for the money, they can go home and sleep at night!! noone cares what if it was their child!! 

now that legal aid is hard to get women will suffer even more. i am gathering money from everywhere to pay a solicitor. i think if it was a normal everyday seperation i could just have help from mc enzie freind but this is not the norm because sociopaths are not recongnised in the courts and need to be specialist investigated (as they found the moors murders) 

can't wait to get in that court, i'm coming my little girl soon be there!

best wishes 


Posted on: August 17, 2013 - 7:49pm


hi hun im thinking of u angry xx

Posted on: August 18, 2013 - 2:35am


Dear shocked mum,

I been hoping to get a solicitor because i don't have much faith in mc enzie freind as for a start she seams rushed off her feet, she told me to stop keep talking about him, and just do what the social want plus she didn't look at all my paperwork it got lost i her email. she wanted more money after i asked for additional advice and she coudn't speak for me, or contact or investigate like the solicitors have that power and i am sure that social and himself are breaking the law somewhere along the line and feel i need a proper solicitor that knows the law justice and can represent me properly when in court. trouble is who? i found a really good one but he's on holiday until my court date and they may have a women but think i need a man to stand up for me i would feel better as it's male orientated and he would likely be more aggressive and actually have some backbone and also it's a money problem this firm would allow me to pay in installments and i have rang a couple and their prices £1,300 are making me stressed out. i don't know what to do and is there any recommended solicitors near me in kent? 



Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 3:38pm


well i had my last hearin moves to another court so it gets dun quicker otherwish it wud of bin november, so i ad it dun 3 weeks after herain in july, cos my solciter said effect its avin on me and want it other with, glad judges took tht into consideration ,aparently i wil get legaal aid again if ex rrapplies cos of the violence but my ex wudnt,u are strong hun, and i do wish u happiness u and ur daughterxx

Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 3:45pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi ABT, can't recommend any particular solicitors as being any better than another, and the charges will vary but not by that much. Have a look here to find solicitors in your area.

Don't worry about it being a woman...I had a woman solicitor and barrister, and they were both made of steel!

Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 4:26pm


i had woman solicter she was very good, she propa interogated my ex, and woman judgex

Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 5:34pm


Another poem

In the mist of the lies I hear your cries.

In the crowd of mess I feel distress

why is it wrong to sing my song

we all need someone to belong


where are you now my darling girl

I feel you drifting away

and I need to pray


never mind my sweet I hold my head high

I really don't like the lies, miss intertpretration

god the frustration


just like a slice, justice is nice

soon be caught at the court and I will be free

to run with glee!


I tell you my x just don't get stressed

a Few weeks to go so be prepared for war

you real naccistic rule

thought you'd mess with me did you?

You deluded fool


everyone knows what you do

and we all see through your cool

Act out is a matter of Fact

and that aint exact



so hurry up and crap!

Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 9:58pm


hi angry how are u, great poem, and its so right x

Posted on: August 19, 2013 - 10:11pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Thanks for sharing your poem with us abt, do you find it helps to get it down on paper?

PS. I had a female solicitor and she kicked his butt!

Posted on: August 20, 2013 - 8:22am


hi angry how are u tonyt, are u okxx

Posted on: August 20, 2013 - 10:47pm


She rang me today and then heard her say '''daddy she's putting L""" on the phone'' the phone was turned off, (L***thats her brother) 

She rang me back and said she wasn't allowed to speak to her brother or nanny. i told her she was and he shouted out she don't have to if she don't want to. '' you do want to though your normally happy to'' i said, then she said why do you put them on the phone when i don't want to and i'm not allowed''he told her to disconnect the phone then he text me saying that i allways upset her and he's not going to let me anymore

so is this parentialation or what. he can't do this can he? and see how he twists it arround so i got no proof only a text that he said i upset her!

Posted on: August 23, 2013 - 9:43pm


hi hun god he is sick isnt he, how can he do tht to his own daughter,hes the one bloody upsetin er x

Posted on: August 23, 2013 - 9:52pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Make sure you keep a note of it in your written records anyway, as further evidence of what he is doing, and maybe you just need to speak to her on your own for the time being and not rock the boat.....justice will be done in the end.

Posted on: August 24, 2013 - 8:38am


yes. i will just talk to her and dont want her upset its a terrible position to put her in. now she feels guilty for wanting to talk to her brother. today she said shes going to be bridesmaid cause hes getting married and i will be her step mum. then she said only joking. see the games he plays.   thats what he was like to me he would say something emotional or personal an

d then say its a joke.  he is really sick!  would i be able to show this chat forum to the courts? and can i get him to be admitted to mental hospital? 

Posted on: August 24, 2013 - 11:43am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

This forum is in the public domain and anyone can have a look at it, ABT. As for his mental health, for someone to be sectioned, which is what I think you referring to, two doctors have to agree that a person is a significant risk to themselves and/or others

Posted on: August 24, 2013 - 4:29pm


Well great, now the hearings been reallicated due to social worker left now the guardian,, why they left??  mmm maybe cause they be in trouble   w*****

It has given me a little more time so i'm looking for a barristor, but my girls birthday soon so wander if i can get to spend half day seeing as i gave birth to her?

very tired of all this, trying to keep the strength

abt x

Posted on: August 31, 2013 - 12:28am

Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh how annoying that your hearing date has been changed but as you say it has given you more time to look for a barristor and prepare yourself.

Are you able to request spending sometime with your daughter on her birthday or do you have to stick to arranged contact times?

Posted on: August 31, 2013 - 9:01am


Hi, Yes i am having another attempt to get a barristor, thats what i need as mc enzie freind can only support me and i really need someone with the law to sort this case out.  

i'm going to ask my social worker if i can have half a day on her birthday

Just need to keep strong and sort this mess out 

thanks sally

abt x

Posted on: August 31, 2013 - 11:00pm

Sally W
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Fingers crossed that you get time with your daughter on her birthday.

Posted on: September 1, 2013 - 10:49am


poem 3


As i sit here and become further than near

my fears become true and i feel 

i'm losing you dear


I love you so much 

how can there be so much miss-trust

it's so so injust


My cheeks are so wet 

all i do all day is think and fret

but i know the date is set and yet

i'm so upset


Thinking of you and my face light up

cause your so bright my little might


Your my strength and light 

i'd better tough up i love you too much

cause i'm not giving up without a fight

To be with you now  is all that right


Posted on: September 4, 2013 - 8:30am

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

That's so lovely Laughing

Please write your poems out and make a special book for her, you can give it to her one day when she is a bit older

Posted on: September 4, 2013 - 8:33am


hi angry how are u hun, thts lovely poem, yes dont giv up, xx

Posted on: September 4, 2013 - 10:18am



No way will i give up, i'm fighting mate and i will win, they are not going to get away with it. 

Yes i like to express sometimes with poems, i will do a little book and keep it in her keepsake box. even with that he keeps telling her to ask for her first tooth that come out, i want to keep in her box

he saying he want her to be cared by his sister if he goes into hospital, she hasn't even been investigated and whats wrong with my family whom she has already a relationship with? bloody cheek, and theres no need for that cause shes coming back to me, don't that show clearly he don't want her in my life? or my family. He didn't even get on with his sister anyway he fell out with her last year and then he is saying his girlfreind can care for her and have stability that's a joke, no telling how long she's around they already split up last year for 3 months and she was never investigated plus they had a row couple weeks back where he threw everything out his car and broke the mobiles. this was in front of our girl. and psycologist don't recommend her parent anyway

see how he is trying to hurt me through our girl. If courts can't see what's happening it's beyand a joke


Posted on: September 5, 2013 - 6:00pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Glad you are keeping a memory box for her, abt. I know you were expressing concern before at him trying to besmirch the name of all of your family as well as you.

Posted on: September 6, 2013 - 7:26am



Everyone, i'm missing my darling girl, seeing her tommorrow, last time i saw her she told me she was frightened, now i want to comfort her and tell her everything will be ok and she wont be given to strangers, i'm her mum i'm not going anywhere but i can't say anything cause they are watching our every move. i hate them so much their f***** w****ers 


Posted on: September 9, 2013 - 9:57pm


hi hun how are u, ur seein ur girl tomz,aw hun i cant imagine wot ur goin thru,  xx but u gbet to see ur litlte girl tomzx





Posted on: September 9, 2013 - 10:06pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi abt, as difficult as it is I know you will be strong for your girl. Let her know that whatever happens she will be ok, that lots of people love her and want the best for her.

abt do you have any family supporting you?

Posted on: September 10, 2013 - 8:12am


hi angry how are u today, av u spoken to ur soliciterx

Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 4:07pm


hi, Can't see solicitor until 23rd, so tommorrow i have to go to hearing and tell judge i'm not prepared to give a statement without having legal representation, that would not be a fair hearing, i have been victimised and this is violation of my legal and human rights.

see how it goes tommorrow and oh yes he said i can see my daughter for 1 hour thats nice of him on her birthday you know the day i brought her into this world

wish me luck i'm scared


Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:04pm

Parenting specialist DoppleMe

We do indeed wish you luck, that is a very good point you are making, that you have no legal representation. Stay calm and strong, abt


Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:06pm


hi hun aw im glad u can see ur daughter for an hour, altho i wish u see ur d aughter all the time, think positive hun u wil get to see ur daughter ll time,good luck at the hearin tomz, yes ur right u wait for ur solciter, aw good luck hun il b thinkin of  uxx

Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:17pm


thanks kiera and louise, yes be calm and strong and positive thats why i been through this hell cause not been strong enough. still it will be sorted soon



Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:32pm


Hi abt haven't been here for a while as I have been having nfh issue's.

While I have been researching on how to deal with this lying nuisance neighbour, the common piece of advice I have been given is, record thing make note of it, use dictaphones and cctv's. and slowly you will establish a pattern of behaviour.


You can apply this to your life to abt, record the conversations you have, comments he makes and it will show how he antaganises you, winds you up, manipulates.


As far as courts are concerned they do not care unless you can prove it!

and untill you can he will continue to get away with it.

Good luck abt came back just for you.


stay strong.


and wish me luck to i have nfh issue's


Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:42pm


Abt what is this hearing about specifically.


You can do it yourself,


I know you can.


even if you have to stay up hours preparing your case you can do it.

I tried having a hearing adjourned because i had no legal representation and wrote a letter to the judge and the court clerk phoned and said that was no valid reason and I would still have to turn up!

Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:45pm


Hi shockedmum

Hope you sort your noughbour problem, thanks i have missed you on here, please come back after end of month and keep you informed. i am hoping court agjourned until october and yes been trying to get evidence and seeing the best solicitor i can on 23rd so he can upick this case as you said. I really appreciate your advise is so good and i'm never giving up

take care

abt xx

Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:50pm


good on u hun,  u can get thru this, these men shud disapear off face of the earthx

Posted on: September 11, 2013 - 8:53pm