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Hi everyone,
wow this teaching lark is exhausting!! Taught all 5 lessons today - plus detention at lunchtime - then 2 hours marking after school. Still got 4 lessons to prepare for tomorrow when son is in bed later. Feeling utterly exhausted, hope things get a bit easier at some point!
Can hardly think straight I'm so tired. Hope you are all OK, sorry not been on the boards much recently, just too much going on.
We have been thinking about you, I am not surprised you are tired. Other teachers tell me that their first year of teaching is the most demanding.
You must have been very naughty for them to put you in detention at lunchtime
I'm not surprised you're tired.
Hope you're enjoying it though.
lol at Louise's comment!
Sounds like its really full wonder your exhausted. On the plus side I'm sure it will get easier, as time goes on you will have a bank of resources and lesson plans that you can adpt rather than design afresh for every class.
Well done you!
hi everyone,
oh dear it's just getting more and more exhausting. On the plus side its nice to no longer be the trainee and to feel like i'm a proper staff member and feel part of the team. On the downside I have never worked so hard and such long hours before. This decision to become a teacher was supposed to improve my life with my son but at the moment the holidays seem such a long time away and i'm working at school til 5pm every night then coming home and working again when son goes to bed, for another 2 or 3 hours. I feel very emotional and worried about it today.
I do enjoy some of the lessons i take but others are a nightmare, i would be the first to admit i have no control over those classes. I need to make the lessons more exciting and interesting to get the pupil's attention but with the lack of available time i only have time to plan very ordinary and rather boring lessons hence the behaviour problems always raise their head. I never wanted to be a teacher that shouts all the time but find i'm doing it more and more. Then i come home to son, who has had a long day of his own, and i seem to take all my frustration with the naughty kids out on son, if he just does something little that he shouldn't I get very cross and grumpy. I know its not him i'm really annoyed with, its just i get so tired.
I would love to have time for me. to have time to focus on doing good stuff with son. to take him to school. to pick him up at the end of school. to have lazy days with my partner rather than rushing around, hardly having time to breathe when i see him midweek or snapping him at the weekend asi'm dreading the next week. I had a lovely day yesterday but as soon as i woke this morning i felt this fear inside me, the apprehension of yet another week working every minute of the day again. How long do i give this before i admit i just might not be cut out to do this? when will it get easier?? just want to cry and cry and for someone to tell me when it will get easier, when i could just watch tv one night, or have time to phone friends, or go to the shops.
It will get easier.
Two years ago, and on another forum I post on, another was in the same situation as you. She did manage to keep things together - a lot of support from the board - and now is very happy. She's on her own with a young daughter.
Teaching is never what you think it's going to be. My brother was a teacher in an Inner London comprehensive for a few years, and my sister-in-law taught too.
The first year, I believe, is the hardest, as you have no lessons planned. Once you're in the second year, you can go through past lessons which does save time.
As daft as it sounds, the same seems to apply in Scouts!!
Do the other staff have suggestions on how to get the pupil's attention?
This girl who now loves her job. She did lots of crying. Then a few pupils would come up to her and tell her the odd nice thing and it built up from there.
Whether that gives you any hope, or not, I've no idea, so long as it doesn't make it worse!
Do you think you need a vitamin boost? My Mum would swear by Pharmaton. When things get tough I do get a bottle (they're capsules) and they seem to help. I need a bottle at the mo, really.
Loads of hugs.
I really feel for you. I know teaching is a demanding job and one of the main reasons you have chosen it is to be able to spend the school holidays with your son.
Sparkling lime is right when she says it is the first academic year that is the hardest.
Do you have any friends in the profession that you could discuss it with and who could give you advice? I don't mean that you should sit in the staff room and tell everyone else at the school you work at, but a trusted confidante?
What about professional organisations? that way you would feel less alone. Click here to see details of the Teacher Support Network
Working in ANY job when you have a young child is not easy. My boys were three and eight when I became a single parent and went to work, but I was able to do only 16 hours to start with and build it up over the next couple of years. Your hours are much tougher, and it's all in one fell swoop. Also ANY job is tiring when new. Set yourself a sensible time limit (say another six months) and review it then. It would be a tragedy to give up so soon after all that work to get the qualification.
Sparkling lime mentions vitamins.It's a good idea to look at all aspects of your health: food, sleep etc to see if some adjustments would help.
Hi. I'm really sorry things aren't much easier for you. It must be hard not being able to spend a lot of time with your son, always having work to do, plus of course, normal household chores.
Have you spoken to the other teachers to get feedback on how long it is before it does get easier? I has only been a few weeks for you, and with the children's behaviour, they are probably testing the waters with you also. You know, seeing how far they can push your buttons.
I know this is probably a long shot, but have you maybe thought about teaching the younger children, perhaps in the Junior school. I just thought work wise it might be easier for you to plan.
I'm sorry I don't know the answers Bec. You've come so far. Fingers crossed that you have a good week.
thanks for your kind words, still feeling down. Have decided i need to complete this academic year then make a decision as to whether i can keep going long term. somehow just need to grit my teeth and bear it for a while and see if it improves. Think the time of year isn't helping, all this rain and the darkness, may well try some vitamins as i'm living off chocolate again at the moment which never really helps.
mmmmm chocolate.. : )
Would a light box to work in front of help, maybe?
I don't know what it is about Pharmaton, but they're not cheap, but do seem to lift me...
The good part is that four weeks have already gone.
Loads of hugs.
still feeling down - need to try Pharmaton I think. Like the sound of a lightbox but had a look on amazon and they are quite expensive. Have spoken to a couple of more experienced teachers today, they say next year (ie Sept) things should start to get better - just don't know whether I can keep working this hard / feeling like this until then (well until July anyway). I hate quitting tho so for now i guess i'll just plod on. But I'm unhappy. really unhappy, feel on the edge of tears permanently.
I am thinking that perhaps it won't be as bad as this for the whole year. Half the problem is the tiredness! as I said in my other post you have really been put in at the deep end and it takes a while to build up stamina in any job....I honestly don't think that things will continue like this until July.
You can do it. You've worked so hard to get to this point. We're all here to hug you.
Hi. My arms are stretching out to hug you. I think you're fantastic, the way you've gotten through everything, and hopefully maybe after xmas, things will get easier for you. Are you sleeping ok?
hi, thanks everyone, the tiredness is just horrible. I'm working til 11pm every evening, then going straight to bed as I'm shattered, then get up at 6.30am, its relentless. I force myself to have one night off in the evening to see my partner but i'm so tired i'm not great company and it means that i'm even busier the other nights. I don;t do any work at the weekends other than Sunday evening as I'm with my son but this just puts me behind most other teachers (especially newly qualified ones) that usually seem to work all day sunday to get themselves organised for the week.
i feel so run down i dont know how i'll make it to half term, never mind christmas. Every teacher i speak to says the first year is the worst but its so unbearable i'm struggling to cope with it literally every day. This wasn't the way i ever wanted to live. I want to work and i'm happy to work hard but this is just too much. i can't think of anything else. i'm a different person to the happy relaxed person i was during the summer. i'm just expecting my partner to dump me any day as i know i'm grumpy, look a state as I have no time for myself, constantly complaining and this makes me even more upset and bothered by it all. i'm turning into someone i don't like at all. i know the answer is to find some time in the day or week for myself but that just seems totally impossible at the moment. :(
This sounds really tough for you, it just seems so relentless! It sounds from what you've said like your pretty organised and having time set aside for your son I hope at least prevents you adding an guilty feelings onto how your already feeling.
I guess it'll get better as the year goes on and in the long run its worth it. I'm sure your partner can see the pressure your under and will understand why your grumpy. Have you got someone who is your supervisor during your NQT year within the school? Is it worth asking if you could stretch your NQT year and cut down to 3/4 hours or something similar? It sounds like you really need to see a light at the end of the tunnel and it must be awful feeling so low all the time.
Thinking of you.
Hi. It sounds like a vicious circle for you. Having a night off in the week to see your partner, and then that leads to you working more the following nights to catch up. You must be worried as it is still a fairly new relationship, and I'm sure he is aware that you're under a lot of pressure at the moment. Maybe cut down on your hours? Is that possible? You've got to think of your health too.
How is your son getting on at school? Has he settled in well?
Hi, hope next week goes ok for you. Only another few weeks to wait for the holidays. How have you been feeling? Take care
Hi Alison,
Thanks for thinking of me.
Son is getting on well at his school at the moment so thats good. I am shattered again, stressful weekend with one thing and another, feel like I need another weekend already! Towards the end of last week things at my school were seeming a little bit better as I'd managed to have a couple of earlier nights which made everything feel better. Feeling that Sunday night dread now tho, wondering how to get through another week, this is the worst part of the week, might go and have a bath before i worry about the work i need to do this evening.
How are things with you? Are you still enjoying helping at C's school? Bet he loves you being there. Have a good week
Loads of hugs and strength.
Is there a possibility of working part time for a few years? It may help if you know it is only for a term/year that you are working part time.
All teachers say that the first 6 weeks are the worst, all the new names to learn, kids testing their boundaries etc but that it gets a bit easier after half term. So that's two weeks to hang in.
That's encouraging news, tower of strength, hopefully the mist will start to clear for you soon, Pink. As I said before, any new job is exhausting to start with, and at least you have half term not too far away. At least now we know why school holidays exist, I always thought it was for the children but now I know it is a safety valve for the teachers!
Hope your week is Ok, we are all thinking of you
Hi. Only just started the volunteering again last week. Have to say, this school isn't very organised, yet they are crying out for volunteers!!! Son doesn't give a hoot, he takes no notice of me whatsoever when he sees me walking around the school. It's his friends that come running over, he'll give me a wave, if I'm lucky hehe. Actually, I much prefer that, than him sticking by my side or something.
Great to hear your son is settled, His Mum will be too, soon
Have a good week.
One down, four to go until the weekend...
Does everyone finish school a week on Friday? This has certainly been a long term or is it just me? I'm sure Pink will agree with me. Hope today went well.
Yes, 22nd here.
hi , yes 22nd here for me too, seems bit more manageable now that a break is in sight :) thanks for all your support, lovely to be able to have a moan and get so much support, thanks, I know I'm not on here much at the mo to support the rest of you but I hope things are going well
we are your personal army of cheerleaders, we are so proud of you and it is great to be able to help you.
Hi , hows things going this week? I was chatting a teacher this morning during break, (was volunteering). She has been a teacher for years, and she was saying by March time, she feels she can relax a bit more. She did make me laugh as she said, the kids don't see her smile until then, all she does is shout from the September until Christmas time, making them get 'into line', sorting out behaviour etc. After Christmas, she said she notices a big difference, and finds things much easier.
Hope you're feeling better, not long to the holiday, hip, hip, hurray!!!
I'm so glad to hear that things are a bit easier. Well done to are amazing!!
just one week to go......just one week to go...
its been another tough week - kids have been really playing up and i'm struggling to know how to manage them - think i'm ready for the week off then have a new start
Yes, just five more days, you can do it! Try to get some rest over the weekend though....
Yes, you can do it...
Try the either or thing, and give all the good ones a lolly on Friday? You can get really cheap ones in Home Bargains (we love Home Bargains!).
It might be that they are too old, but even my 18 year old gets a big grin on his face at the thought of one! (Have to make sure they're all ok with e numbers and diabetes though... My 11 year old goes crazy with e numbers and we did have a Scout with diabetes, otherwise it's something I wouldn't think about!)
Hi, having a quiet weekend and starting to feel almost human again altho I've written a to do list (not school related, just normal stuff) and I've realised that I don;t have time to do all the normal stuff. I really want a haircut but its going to have to wait. This weekend is showing me that altho the busy fun weekends are great they do put extra pressure on the following school week when I start off tired and disorganised from the beginning, maybe i need to be stricter and say at least once a month i need a quiet one. Its hard tho as I hate turning invitations down if my partner or any of my friends have fun stuff planned! Not done any school work this weekend yet, but am hoping to be productive this evening in readiness for the last week before half term :)
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and having a peaceful sunday x
Hi, hopefully your last week will be an easier one. Have you any plans for half-term?
aaargh how did half term go so fast?? worried about finding the energy for the next 7 and a half weeks :(
Hi . Did you have a lovely half-term with your son? Are you back today? Am sure you'll be just fine. Not long til Christmas!!!
Yes, halfterm does go fast! Hopefully it will be a better few weeks for you and all sorts of fun activities with the children as well!
It may be seven weeks away, but my fourteen year old has put up some fairylights.
Only one set, but holding him back now is going to be difficult!
It'll soon be here.
Hi- feeling poorly this week so had to take a day off today. just keep sleeping, no energy for anything else, and full of cold and a sore throat. Feel guilty about not going in to school but really don't think I could have managed today, must go back tomorrow tho. Feeling ever so down, maybe its just because i'm poorly. desperate for regular time for myself but just seems impossible. all i'm ever doing is rushing around or working. still working til 11 about 5 evenings a week, that is after getting up at 6.30, getting to school at 7.40 and staying there til 5 when I rush to get son, have 2 hours with him then start working again at 7pm. It might get easier next Sept ut that seems an awful long way off. The other NQts at school are not parents, I'm feeling very sorry for myself and am not fun to be around. I'm neglecting my partner as i'm so shattered I forget to do the special stuff for him and make those extra bits of effort that i would love to do. really hoping the magic fairies appear from somewhere and make my life easier. Can't afford switching to part time. Wondering why i changed career, stupid stupid long hours that i hate, i'd rather do something where i can leave at 5pm and not have to think about work til the next day. aaaaarrrrrgh, i'm full of self pity today and hate feeling like this.
Hello,I have just been saying on the other thread that I was sorry to hear you are ill. Everything looks more grey when you are poorly and tired, doesn't it? And you are parenting as well as doing this demanding job.
Is there any way you can afford some help, such as someone to clean the house once a week, or do you do your supermarket shop online etc? just things to lighten the load in other areas.
Poor you. Loads of hugs.
Online shopping is a godsend. Especially when delivered with two bars of Caramac.
Hopefully your partner will understand how difficult things are and hopefully help where he can - even if its making sure you can chill together on Friday evening.
Friday tomorrow, and another week to cross off the school year.
Hi. I do hope you're feeling much better now. Don't worry about taking time off sick, C's teacher has had 4 days off so far since September! If you're ill you're ill, and thats all there is to it. Anyhow, you'd only be spreading germs
I'm sure your partner understands how hard you're working, plus trying to juggle everything else, including time with your son.
I hope the next week goes well for you.
Hi. How did things go this last week? Really hope it was ok for you, and you're able to have a stressfree weekend with your son and partner.
Take care
thanks Alison. Its Sunday evening tho and I'm still shattered and very apprehensive about getting through another week. I handled a couple of classes quite badly last week, have got really behind on my marking, have all this weeks lessons still to plan, and have two teachers observing me one lesson this week to give me feedback on how I'm getting along.
The weekend has been great but never time to really relax, more just doing the essential stuff, I'm really struggling with full time work but the thought of earning less if I were to switch to part time is not attractive. Keep just hoping that next year things might get a tiny bit easier altho its depressing to see how many of my experienced colleagues still work every evening :(
Hope all is good with you x
Loads of hugs.
Thanks sparklinglime. Decided to stick it til next Summer but going to investigate alternatives so that if I'm still unhappy could make a change then, either in hours, school or something. I think the cold dark days don't help at the moment either.
The dark evenings don't help, you're right.
I think that is a good idea though, and different options should be coming up - is it May? - for the new school year.
Good luck with this new term and your new class!
Also good luck with new relationship too, I think all your worries are really normal and also healthy, I agree with Louise though, decide between you that you aren't going to 'TALK' over weekends, they are for fun and relaxation!
I am rushing out now, but just wanted to pop in and say Hi!
Great to see you around! Look forward to catching up when I have a bit more time!