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Glad you all had a great time kiera. Back to normality now, but don't worry about things. One day at a time. Hope the kids settle back into school on Tuesday.
Hey kiera, welcome home! I am so pleased to read that you had a good holiday, hopefully everyone got the chance to unwind and enjoy each other.
I know that feeling, worrying about what is awaiting you when you get home and then an odd feeling when there is nothing!
Glad you have started taking the tablets, I believe they take a bit of time to kick in, but hopefully they will help through the next few months.
You are doing a grand job and perhaps next year when you take a holiday all of this will be behind you and you will see how far you have come.
I hope you have a good evening and enjoy being back in your own home :)
Sounds like you had a lovely time. I'm really glad.
Hi Kiera,
Glad you had a good holiday.
hi well feel hapier , bin out alday cum bk and letter off my soliciter, drug test negative , even tho i admited to avin coke in june, was from may til august, feel like big weight bin liftedx
Great news kiera, I'm really pleased for you
hi well next court hearin 5th october in liverpool even i live nowhere near liverpool, court as made a mistake,but my soliciter cant get hold of the legal advisor, liverpool a mission from me, ope gets sorted bfore then, dont no why im in court actually, as propa next hearin in novemberx
Hi kiera - brilliant news about the drugs test, what a massive relief.
Why don't you give your solicitor a ring and ask what exactly the October court date is for?
So glad you had a good day yesterday, how about today?
hi got freedom programme today and then one to one with wave, and ive got big nyt sat nyt, my mates birthday, x
Hello kiera,
Hope you have a good day today. I expect you're looking forward to a night out on Saturday!
Hi Kiera,
Will you be drinking champagne?
Hi kiera! Was it good to get back to the Freedom Programme? Are you liking the other women in the group?
I hope the one 2 one went well with Wave too.
So big night out on Saturday! What are you going to wear?
Remember to keep your wits about you, you know what we can get like once we have a few drinks and we start thinking about our exes. DO NOT contact him for any reason! Whether it is to beg for him to come back, or to slate him for his appalling behaviour - in fact - dont even take your phone out with you!!
hi hun im ok, getin bk to normal, not thinkin bout next court hearin in november no point, court av admitted theres mistake bout me goin to liverpool court, thank god, so no hearin in october,cudnt go freedom this thur as my 14 yr old son ad a siezure at school, he feel off his chair and banged his head and ad fit, he ad go hospital, so worried, he doesnt reember it, he is bk ome now, he ad fit yrs ago, but told doctors tht, he ad alot tests dun and everythin normal, got keep eye on him, he as gon in school today, he issited, he doesnt want to av day off, headmaster rang to check how he was,getin his passport sent off today for his trip to barcelona in october, he cant wait wiv schoolx
Ooh trip to Barcelona sounds fantastic, lucky boy. However what a worry about the seizure, it sounds as though the school handled it very well. Did the hospital give you any further feedback as to what might have caused it?
Does he now have to go in for more tests?
Hi kiera, sorry to hear about your son, what a worry for you. Glad he is ok now. How exciting for him to be going to barcelona, i went there earlier this year and loved it.
I hope your son is ok.
I had a similair experience myself recently only not one of my children (was my dad) was still really worrying, they don't know what caused it either, they have since sent my dad for further tests and to see a neurologist, is your son having to do somthing like that?
How exciting him going to Barcelona, how long will he be going for?
hi my son goin barcelona for a full week, he cant wait, ad send for a renewal of his passport, got insuranc esorted, well ad letter from mediation, does say seperatly, but wots point i dont av to go do i, mean my ex notallowed nr me or my house and not allowed contact with our little girl, i dont av to go do ix
You should go to mediation, kiera, it shows that you are doing everything you possibly can. :-)
Hi kiera, I responded to your question on another thread. Did you ring them?
well il go to the 1st mediation, but no more,no point, mediation is find way of solvin problem with access between me and my ex, tht isnt appenin, hes violent man remeber and i dobt want him to see er, plus hes not allowed to c er,mediation isnt recomended indomestic violence
hiomg my heart poundin. i made mistake luk and c whether my ex on fb, he is, all smilin wiv his kids, i hate him amd feel sick, he posted a message on his wall saying no need for revenge just sit back and wait and revenge wil appen, and he posted anova message on his wall sayin ur the reason im on medication, and im thinkin was all tht aimed at me, got all worked up now, ive bin soo gud, wish i adnt luked nolwx
il go to 1st mediation but thts it, as it says part of session is to see whether fear and violence wil play a part in mediation not bein possible, we are not allowed any contact with each other and im terrified of him so mediation aint gona appen
In the long term it is up to you whether to engage in mediation
As for facebook, he can put what he likes and it need not affect you. He was revealed by the court for what he is! Please, please do not look at his FB, you have moved on now.
i no i cudnt elp myself, ive deleted my account, ive got myself worked up, just seein tht revenge wot he wrote, im thinkin was tht for me, avnt felt like for few weeks,
Hi Kiera,
You did well to delete your account, that way you wont be tempted to have another look. At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether he was talking about you or not, its only words and they can only affect you if you let them. As louise said, you have moved on now.
Hi kiera, you know that it was daft to look at his facebook page, just notice how the emotional side of your thoughts kicked in. You have been thinking logically recently.
Well done for deleting your account. You can open it again at a touch of a button, when you know you won't look. It is so tempting, so it sounds as though you have done the right thing.
Happy Birthday to your boy for yesterday kiera! I hope you all had a good evening. His party at the weekend sounds fun
hi its my boys birthday today he is 11, he got nice presents, man city away kit, ne wmobile,wwe wrestlinjg duvet set and book, new football, new tshirt, and money he dun well, plus party sat. xx
That sounds great for your boy I remember he is a Man City fan, my youngest is, too. Hope the party goes well. So, it will be secondary school for him next year, wow.
hi well police was at my door at 2.30 am, they was lukin for my ex, they asked ad i seen him and ad he bin ere, i said not seen him since court in july and hes not allowed cum nr me ore my house, they asked for an adress and number so i gave it to them, i started shakin, i got worked up, and bit worried thinkin wotys he dun, and ope he doesnt cum myn, police said they wil keep me posted,they wudnt say wot he ad dun,m must b serious if cum myn early hours,xx
Hi Kiera,
That must have been very distressing for you last night. Luckily for you he is not in your life anymore and you don't need to get mixed up in his acitivties.
well as soon as police said do i no cant say his name istarted shakin, got worked up ad go and sit down, x
Hi keira that does sound like it gave you abit of a fright, as PQ has already said you don't have to worry yourself about what he is up to thats his concern, but i can understand what it must have felt like to be woken in the middle of the night by the police looking for your ex and it is understandable from your history with him you would be concerned that he would turn up at your place.
Happy Birthday to your boy for yesterday, did he enjoy it? are you all prepared for his party? how are you feeling now?
hi he must of dunm summat bad for police b lukin for him at tht tym, all better for me, hopefully he wont turn up at court and judge wil giv no contact, i dont want him to see my little girl, ireally dont,i was shook up, they asked ad he bin ere and when was last tym i ad seen him, i gave hithem adress he ad given the court and his number, hope he gets sent down he deserves itx
yeah he ad ew presents he ad new away city kit, new wwe wrestlin duvet set and book and t shirt and money , and got his party food deleiverd today, and his man city birthday cake, nicexxand me a bottle san miguel for at end of party at 6pm cos il need it lolx
and he got new mobile fonexand footballx
Yes his antics could work in your favour keira, hope everyone enjoys the party and you your bottle of beer, your right you may just need it after dealing with a bunch of 11 year olds for a few hours
Is someone going to come help you or are you going solo?
A house full of 11 year old boys, that would bring me out in a cold sweat!! Good luck Kiera
hi well ad letter from my soliciter sayin my ex as now got a soliciter and his legal aid goin thru which im thinkin he musnt b workin then, mean police was at myn a\t 2.30am lukin for him, really dont want him to av contact with my little girl, scaredx
Hi kiera, after the Courts realised that you weren't in Liverpool, was another date made or is it just the final hearing in November?
Have CAFASS made all their findings, or are you still seeing them?
I have just been re reading some of your posts and I noticed that when you were in Court in July, the Judge actually stated that in your situation Mediation is no good.
Did you attend the Parenting Programme yet?
It is understandable that you are worried about what the courts will decide re Contact as you are not in control of that however your drug test was negative, you have made no contact with your ex since court, you have been attending playgroups with your little one and you are also doing the Freedom Programme. So your slate is clean.
I would ask your solicitor to ask the courts that if you have been told that your children could be at risk of going into care if you contact this chap, why might they think it is beneficial for the children to see him. Lets not forget Contact and Access is about the rights of the children, not the adult. (Its one of my bugbears sorry)
What was the letter from the solicitors about? Was it just informing you of his legal aid application?
hi yeah letter just sayin tht my ex as now got a soliciter and his drug test not yet bin dun, as bin waitin legal aid, and i bin advised to not go mediation but my ex as to go to get his legal aid thru, well rang my soliciters and she said they even givin peophiles acess to their own kids and i said it aint ryt, ex violent man yet judge wud giv him acess, scary, she said their b strict supervisions in place, and me sayin av no caontact i wud b critisized in court i said even tho i want to protect my litle girl from thug of a father, my next hearin in november 21st, not heard off cafcass at allxsee wot hjis drug test says, i no it b postive for canabis., we wil see bout the whizzx
Hi kiera you could try chasing up the Cafcass people to see where things are up to with them!
It is difficult to say which way the judge will rule his decision, as your solicitor has said sometimes people can do horrific things and still get access to their children and in some cases they don't.
How did the party go the other night, did everyone enjoy themselves?
hi i feel awful this mornin my anxiety well bad, ad dream bout my ex, and woke up heart poundin, feel panicky this mornin. cudnt wait get in the house, rainin so heavy, feel worked up, ad dream bout my ex aftyer police ad bin myn, tht i got told to disapear but my ex found me, bin doin well but feel panicky and aftre spkin to my soliciter yesterday sayin il b critized in court if i say no contact to my ex seein my little girl but not cos i hate him its cos im scared bout him avin contact with er, i cant elp worryin bout itx
and got toldmy kidas at risk if i av anythin to do with him so surly judge say no contact, even my soliciter says peodophiles av contact with their kids, and its wrong im scared, wish i cud move awayx dotn want ex av anythin to do with erx
Hi kiera, sorry you have been having nightmares, poor you.
I totally agree that this is a contradiction: on one hand you are told not to have contact with him or to allow him into your children's lives and on the other hand you are told not to obstruct contact. WHAT? WHAT??????
Please try and calm down, however, you are not going to get anywhere by panicking. A panicky kiera will just not be able to make herself understood. What WILL be effective is a calm kiera telling the courts that you just want your children to be safe and that the last court hearing banned any contact. Surely any time would be supervised anyway so your daughter would be safe, but hopefully none would be granted.
In the longer term you COULD think about moving, are you in a housing association house?
is it normal for me to fee like this, u no since police turned up at myn ive bin feelin bit scared in my house, like it all got brought up agin, mean ope police dont tell ex it was me who givthem his adress adn number, ive bi non edge again, lukin at cars goin pass and if one pulls up im thinkin its my ex,yeah im in a council housex
Yes I would say it is normal, you thought you were doing a great job of putting it behind you (and you are!) and then it all comes up again for you.
It is really unlikely that your ex is going to turn up...but if he does then immediately call the police. I think, though, that he will be wary after everything that came out about him in the court
hi feel bit worried again,my soliciter as wrtoe to my ex statin tht police cum myn at 2.30am askin questions bout him and i want to no why as seems serious, and if u wont say then my il bring it up at next hearing, his klegal aid asnt cum thru so my soliciter as to write to him, but worried thinkin wot if he angry as he feel ive grassed on him tellin my soliciter, but i av ryt to no why police was at myn at tht tymx
hi im back, we all ad gud holiday. weather wernt to bad, went to beach and swimming, caravan nice, went sea world, was gud being all together, always in back my mind was court and worryin bout will i have letters from social and soliciters when i get bk, but not one letter from anyone, ive started takin my anxiety tablets, low dose, kids bk at school tuesdays