Nagging now...
Will you have to sell up straight away? Or will you be able to have a chance to get some ideas rolling?
With seeing the children, I believe that travel costs can be factored into maintenance payments through the CSA... It's about the only thing that will be taken into consideration though, sorry if that's disheartening.
Freelance work - is that feasable? And working from home too? Saves on travel costs. When it comes to business I can sometimes work things out if you find there's obstacles.
Can't sort myself out though!! :lol:
I do hope you're ok.
Yet another new chapter... New beginnings...
all I can say, is it involves a white witch (semi-retired).
Surely not a voodoo doll? Always wanted one of those for The Git - but figured it would only back fire with my track record.
I sometimes wonder if he has one for me and that's why I have a wonky leg! :lol:
Scouts night for me, so I'm not sure if I will make it to the evening chat room. At least not until about 10pm. I need to leave for Scouts at about 5pm to take a tent down. We have a fitness instrucor coming this evening. I think I'll go into the committee room!!
He might be really cool guy! Don't hide. You could mop his brow? Get him aside at the end and ask for advice. Then, take his hand and squeeze it when you thank him! hehe. If it's a woman, eeer, go into the committee room.
Sparkling I'm sorry, I know I've not answered your questions when you've tried to help.
I hope you are not hurt. I'm all inside out at the moment.
I know you're inside out and I appreciate that. Writing it helps at times. Someone just might have a spot on suggestion - Anna and Louise are a mine of information.
I worry about you.
Also, the joy of being anonomous... 8-)
The RAF Chappy, is the other Cub Leader's sister's fiance... And very young! I'm rather old now, don't forget! Forty seven, and doubt very much a toy boy - who happens to be very wealthy - will come my way :lol:
oh sparkling, not a wealthy young toy boy :oops: I would go into the committee room too! In fact, let's both go into the committee room and fold tents :lol:
Sadsy no-one should have to cope with the things that have been thrown at you the last few weeks. You have endured most of the stressful experiences of life in just one short burst. No wonder you feel "weird"! I would just like to say that even with all your stresses and troubles, i have been touched that you have found it in you to give your support to other people going through their own stuff, including newcomers to this board.
I just offered the guy who made me redundant a cup of tea.
That is weird.
I don't think it's real yet. Scared when it hits me.
wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.
I'm rather old now, don't forget! Forty seven, and doubt very much a toy boy - who happens to be very wealthy - will come my way
Sparkling, you are just feeling old. 47 is not old. Maybe not a toyboy coming your way, but be open that you have alot to offer a partner. Why do you think we are all mad about you! Because you're fab! Make sure you love your body. Treat it nicely. Exercise it gently, lovely natural food to feed it, pampering and fun is what it needs. How much time do you set aside for pampering or exercising your faithful body? Massage once a month? I'll send you the money for 1st one (tell me how to get it to you) look here it is! http://www.naturalthoughts.co.uk/rates.htm. It is a woman though...more fun if it was a guy?
47 is not old!
Why would you think someone else would not see that you are lovely too?
You've committed no crime, and there is no sentence of misery to serve.
It's your turn now :)
People see your size first.
Not many people take time to get to know someone...
I had a massage once. I hated it - too self consious - but thank you so much for the offer.
I did have a manicure at Christmas :D
help me here! Er, manicure, is that just cutting nails? How is that fun? I just use scissors.
What about a makeover thing? Is that what ladies like? Gosh this is hard work.
Eeer, new badminton racquet?
Socks, that's it, I so don't know how to pamper women. It's very obvious now.
Hope you OK. I'm determined to find you a mate.
This article tells all!
huuug for you, lovely Sparkling.
hello All!
I'm back! only quick though, friends have gone but now I have to drive somewhere to take some of our guinea-pigs to be re-homed. I will check in this evening to read through posts & say hi to new people.
Had nice time with friends. My children have grown up with them & their kids as I knew my friends before I even met my ex!
I was amazed that when we got talking they both said how differnt I was & the kids too! They said I was much more laid back & the kids actually did what I said, I had not noticed the kids bit myself, but have noticed I am more relaxed.
Ex always made things difficult re: kids & behaviour, his boundries were not as good as mine & moved about a bit. I think they right! now I can see it to. The kids have been better in many ways although not others. So I was pleased to hear that.
They also had not had a clue what I had been through, but said it makes sense now.
Better go, got bit of a drive. Back later.
Pansy x
Hi pansy
So glad you had a good time.
One thing my best friend said to me - how good it was to hear me laugh again...
Sorry about the guinea pigs. I know from experience that it won't be easy.
"See" you later
help me here! Er, manicure, is that just cutting nails? How is that fun? I just use scissors.
What about a makeover thing? Is that what ladies like? Gosh this is hard work.
Eeer, new badminton racquet?
Socks, that's it, I so don't know how to pamper women. It's very obvious now.
manicure is cutting and filing nails - although a bit more to it than that with moisturising hands and having your cuticles done!
I love my badminton racquet. It's old. I have a posh new one (well, even that's old now!!) but I preferred the heaver head on the racquet - more effective smash ;)
Hope you OK. I'm determined to find you a mate.
This article tells all!
huuug for you, lovely Sparkling.
Thank you Sy. I do appreciate the hugs.
I don't feel I'm on the scrapheap though - this is my choice.
I get on well with blokes - always have. I always felt that because I'm big and plain that they've never felt the need to flirt with me as they would someone who was fluttering their eye lashes (I'm a good flirt too, by the way - would chat up blokes for my best friend when we were out... It's an art, you know). I have has some really good friends who are blokes, but once they've met someone, then the friendship couldn't really continue.
When my children are grown up, who knows. (Although my 13 year old (and from what they've said today, it could apply to them all!) might be living at home with me forever!)
Goodness Sparkling,
you do put up with a lot of nonsense from me.
Sparkling lime: :o :o :o
Pansy and sparkling it is so great to hear that you are both laughing and generally able to spend time with friends, that's the ticket ;) Pansy have a look in Evening chat when you get back. Hope everything goes Ok with the guines pigs
Hello sparkling,
umm....now you are sending me cryptic messages "see" you later ?? will have to figure this out.
I can be quite dumb on a regular basis :lol:
Hello Louise,
I am on form again yes :lol:
guinea-pigs so happy, I took them over to a animal park, they are in with about 20 others running around squeaking! :D
I will be back later to go in chat room & promise to behave myself :D
thank goodness I have you to talk with about badminton:
I love my badminton racquet. It's old. I have a posh new one (well, even that's old now!!) but I preferred the heaver head on the racquet - more effective smash
I have been using some second-hand carbon fibre yonex racquets I got the kids on ebay. But I would love to get my old steel "Blacken" restrung. It is really whippy and has heavier head. Quite a deadly tool in the wrong hands (mine). So know what you mean.
Why are you so far away, we could play as a pair! It would be a laugh!
It would be a good laugh!!
Re-stringing costs more than a reasonable racquet now. I've started buying the children racquets on amazon or ebay, and for £2.99 they're having remarkably decent racquets. Fine while they don't really respect them - they play in the front.
I'm a Carlton fan!
The ex had Yonex.
I always use Yonex shuttles though...
Oh no, if I use a Yonex when we play, will you call:
'5-9 to "the Git" one in hand?'
Not all Yonex players are "the Git", statistically not probable.
help, sleeping tablet getting me.
night zzzzzzzzzzzz
I'm quite certain it's not just gits who use yonex sy - honest!
Hope you had a good evening.
Had an early night and the rabbit wakes me up thumping his hutch. All on edge now incase he's woken neighbours. I've been out and given him a good talking to. It was at 4.30am though :o
Hope you're doing ok
Sparkling, why does rabbit do that?
is it a warning of danger near by?
hug - misalign and squash noses
Yes, I wondered that about the rabbit too?
All that talk of racquets is very technical!
Guys, just to let you know that Anna is on holiday for a week so it is just Yours Truly online, with the imaginary glasses :D I will be away in a few weeks' time so you will have a holiday from me, honest!
I hope Anna has a lovely time. :)
As for the rabbit, it's meant to be warning of danger. The danger he's facing is rabbbit stew :roll: . Not really, he's lovely most of the time!
I've got some foam matting somewhere, just a case of finding it.
Daughter has gone on her overnight duke of ed hike. For a change, we weren't last at the Scout hut. They'll probably end up getting wet tomorrow though.
I'm loading pics onto my flickr page - for the first time!
It is marked for family and friends though, so not sure if it will work!
I'll leave it up for a couple of days, but will delete later. I'm not on it!!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14522621@N03/3845088334/in/photostream/ rabbit
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14522621@N03/3844297083/in/photostream/ dog
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14522621@N03/3845087064/in/photostream/ children a couple of years back - the one who's 13 had changed so much!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/14522621@N03/3845086580/in/photostream/ cat
Ah... perhaps I didn't need to upload them all...
I'm no good with stuff like this.
hey there,
no, I was forbidden access. Ah well.
I'll change it to public for now :D
Well, if I could find the option I would... :(
Also Sparkling, I pressed your Y button*.
Is that OK?
*sy, do not make a comment about this...stop that now....I can't help myself...you dare...you'll upset her again!....I'm beginning to type now, nanannaaaaahnaaaah!...STOP...STOP....STOP...pheeeeew. It has passed. We are all safe again now. sigh.
Sy, can you try it again?
Also Sparkling, I pressed your Y button*.
Is that OK?
*sy, do not make a comment about this...stop that now....I can't help myself...you dare...you'll upset her again!....I'm beginning to type now, nanannaaaaahnaaaah!...STOP...STOP....STOP...pheeeeew. It has passed. We are all safe again now. sigh.
Yes that will be good. Just showing you off line at the mo...
Have you gone??? Sorry, was fiddling with flickr...
I'll have another go.
Can't get Y to work either. :(
gosh, this is frustrating.
How does it work?
I don't know! I know I have to sign into my yahoo account for it to work...
I wonder why it won't work?
When I added you, it said it was going to ask you by email
"Sparkling will be sent an email to ask permission for you to be added. If you are really annoying, Sparkling will refuse and you will be blocked."
Does that help?
Did you manage to see my pets?
it say you are offline.
it say you are offline.
I'll go off and sign back in :(
I give in!!!
Did you see the photos? I've put it onto public now
When I added you, it said it was going to ask you by email
"Sparkling will be sent an email to ask permission for you to be added. If you are really annoying, Sparkling will refuse and you will be blocked."
Does that help?
I shall look forward to 'hearing' from you.
Yes all lovely, except cat, which is barred.
Very clear pics.
I'll go and unbarr it - she's a black cat
My mum annoyed I am still snuggled up in duvet. She coming to help me with tidy house for estate agent visit.
I'm not good son. I'm snuggling some more though.
all I can say, is it involves a white witch (semi-retired).