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Oh wow:

"In relation to the report, it is important to be aware of the standards that CAFCASS should adhere to. The CAFCASS Officer should:

·       set out all relevant information which the CAFCASS Officer has acquired through his or her enquiries, making clear from which source the information has been obtained and distinguishing between matters of fact and opinion.

·       make clear recommendations (or explain why recommendations cannot be made) which draw on relevant aspects of the Welfare Checklist.

·       explain the basis upon which those recommendations have been made, including reasons both for and against those recommendations.

·       consider all orders available to the Court when making a recommendation."


This site is fab!


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:07am

wow again:

"be aware that, if CAFCASS are asked to contact your GP, they should not be commenting on medical matters such as mental health. The OFSTED Inspection into East Midlands CAFCASS in March 2008 was critical of CAFCASS Officers having made comments on areas outside of their field of expertise or training."

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:08am

I love this site:

"What happens if I disagree with the findings and recommendations of the report?

If there are inaccuracies in the report, write to the CAFCASS Officer without delay asking for the report to be corrected.

A common mistake that parents make is to believe that a CAFCASS Officer is being critical of them, when the Officer is simply repeating allegations that the other parent has made. Your opportunity to defend against the other party’s allegations, should they be sufficiently serious, should come in court.

If you disagree with the recommendations within the report and/or find it contains factual inaccuracies, you are likely to want to make the court aware of this, and cross-examine (question) the CAFCASS Officer in court. The Officer will normally only be attending court if directed to do so by the Judge. If there are aspects of the report which you disagree with, you should consider asking the Judge to direct that the CAFCASS Officer attend court for this purpose.

You also may wish to enter a ‘Position Statement’ into court upon receipt and consideration of the report, but before the next hearing. In this, you might choose to set out what parts of the report (if any) cause you concern. Briefly set out those concerns (or alternatively comment that you are in agreement with the CAFCASS Officer’s recommendations) and hand your Position Statement into the court administration department. Also deliver it to the other party and CAFCASS, ideally 48 hours before the next hearing. This pre-warns the Judge of any issues which may need to be considered and allows time to consider your ‘position’ on their report.

While technically, any statement should be requested by the court, in practice, most Judges are appreciative of being pre-warned of any issues which may arise at a hearing. Be aware though that on rare occasions, a Judge may refused to accept the Position Statement if he did not direct that the parties should prepare one. The key is to keep a Position Statement short, ideally to a couple of pages. Do not assume that any statement has been read prior to walking into court, as time pressures on the judiciary sometimes prevent this. Make sure you raise any issues verbally as well."


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:12am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Thanks for that link, I have bookmarked it and will go and have a good read later

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:19am

Hi Sadsy,

The link you've posted looks really useful, thanks.

I too think you have done the right thing to tell the children, it would be awful for them to think that they had done something 'wrong' that had induced the loss of contact.


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:28am

Also am delving into Ofsted inspects – Cafcass (PDF)

have requested the report for Havering, the above is general inspection guidance.

Muhahhaa [evil laugh] Wink

I didn't realise Ofsted inspected Cafcass.

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:28am

OMG! This is the Havering/Ilford one, parts of Ofsted's findings Dec 09:

"Management information is often out of date or inaccurate and few performance targets are met. Complaints handling and the contribution by Cafcass to the promotion of improved outcomes for children and young people are inadequate, in particular in private law, where the impact of family breakdown on health, education and economic outcomes for children is not well considered or addressed."




"However, the effectiveness of first-line managers is not consistent across the service 

area. Significant challenges remain for national and local managers, including 

tackling the level of resistance to change in the service area. For example, there is 

some continued resistance to performance management and although the new duty 

systems are beginning to show positive impact, some front-line staff have 

reservations about this approach."







Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:40am

that site does look good Smile

Good luck Sy.  You can do this.


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:42am

"Performance management is inadequate overall.

The service area is failing to meet its key performance targets. Despite a clear focus

on performance management, the service area is not improving the quality of

practice and timeliness of service provision quickly enough. The Quality for Children

(Q4C) performance management system has the potential to provide robust

information to drive service improvement but data about the quality of practice are

not captured or used consistently. Too often shortfalls in practice are only identified

retrospectively, thus failing to have the required impact on practice or on outcomes

for children and young people.

Service data, particularly information about children and families who use the

Cafcass service, are not reliable and are misleading. Consequently, the information

provided in the service area cannot be relied upon by managers as a basis from

which to make effective decisions to meet the needs of children and young people."

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:43am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Elementary, my dear Watson......Foot in mouth

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:45am

What a great find Sadsy,

Its worrying that a service judged to be 'inadequate' is allowed to continue to practice without constant supervision (like in a school judged to be inadequate).


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:48am

mum is miserable and is coming over. She has spent quite some time with the children on holiday. sigh.

She may need to apply for a contact order now. She misses the children.

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 11:48am

GF is going to her village show. I will miss going, but is probable for the best. Tongue out

I was particularly interested in the display of local men's prize spuds. There were 3 entries last year with GF ex winning 2nd prize for "best presented spuds 2009". Lovely condition and size I heard.

Will miss the village display of remarkable local melons too, sob. Cry

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 12:05pm

Your Mum must be feeling devastated with all of this too.



I'm guessing that the trick here would be to make sure their inaccuracies don't occur with your case, rather than the overall department?


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 12:00pm

sorry - I watched carry-on movies as a child, am claiming innocence on ground of diminished responsibility

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 12:00pm

yes sparkling, I will be on the look out as I read it through. 

Mum is down. I am feeling OK though so may be able to pick her mood up.

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 12:03pm


Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 12:02pm

Does anyone know where to get plans for an enormous beanbag?

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 5:53pm

Hmm, have printed off the solicitor's form for consent from GP.

I didn't like the wording and the solicitor has made the mistake of sending a word document to me. Sigh. When will these people learn?

Have changed the wording to something I'm more comfortable with. Lol.

Wonder if she'll notice?

Hug sy

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 7:53pm

er, have done one of my letter thingy's:

Content removed by moderator

Posted on: August 30, 2010 - 8:51pm

night night.


Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 1:27am

Sigh, not feeling up to the difficult calls that are ahead today.

Have fallen behind whilst the children were with me.

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 11:08am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

You did the right thing to concentrate on the children during their time with you.

Gird your loins for today (or gird your lions if you prefer!)

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 11:37am

Best part is you can say that you've not been in touch sooner as you have been spending quality time with your children, which has rightly been your priority...

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 12:20pm

Am fearing failure at rescinding police harassment letter. sigh. I find it hard to bare unfair things.

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 1:02pm

Perhaps focus on the things that you can progress with at the mo...?

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 4:05pm

Might have another tea and look at Cafcass report marking-up.

I want to concentrate on prepping for getting back to work, but I am so behind with the legal things.

Sparkling, how will GIT and GITESS moving help you? You won't get the opportunity to mow them down in ASDA car park if they go. Surprised

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 5:09pm


Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 6:25pm

He's not crossed in front of me recently, but I really would be tempted to "miss" the brake!

It will help him moving.

I'm being rather negative with the children with what gobbledey gook he's telling them mind...  He's told daughter he'll be seeing more of them Surprised  He's lived in walking distance of them since November 2005, so if he reckons things will improve when he's 160 miles away...  You can't deny that The Git is an appropriate name.

I'm hoping it will help.  Time will tell.  My wish is he'll fade into the woodwork.

Posted on: August 31, 2010 - 6:41pm

Oh sparkling,

why is he saying that about seeing more? It's so blatantly obvious that contact will be less because of the distance. What must your poor children think?

He must be mentally ill like me.

Have a horse ride lesson this morning, so am rounding up all the loose silver coins to get £15 together.

Have tried to get Espace to start, as there's a garage in Yeovil (not sure where this is) that GF is using that is confident of ressurection. However it won't start and Almera battery not man enough to jump start the espace. Sigh.

Am sweating buckets. Pesky tablets, I get so overheated.

Dentist later, sob, the "Iranian torturer" I call her. Because of her resistance to using anaesthetic.

Is sunny at least.

Hug sy

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 10:14am

Is The Git mentally ill?  I seriously doubt it, although perhaps it can be used to defend his actions.  I figure he did have some sort of breakdown all those years ago now, over the debt.  I mean he must have had an idea they were there... Doesn't excuse his emotional attachment to other women though.

i've just had to deal with the fall-out.  Being the parent with care, there has been no action that I can take to make him be responsible for the children, emotionally as well as financially.

I've spent £120 on sixth form uniform.  My daughter has worked hard, and her success costs me a lot of money.  No grant for sixth form - and no free school dinners.  He smugly buys her a £15 itune card.

That is choosing to be irrisponsible.

As you can tell Sy, I am extrememly angry.

He should be making sure he is able to support them through all of this too and its a disgrace he hasn't.  Choosing to be a student at this point - in my books, excellent timing - means he will get away with having to pay maintenance at what is possibly the most costly time.  The pressure on my shoulders is immense.

The Gittess should be choosing to work to make sure these children are supported.  After all she married a man who has four children.

I'm blazing.

Oh yes, and I am very, very broke. 

I read about the garage in Yeovil for the Espace.  i couldn't get it there though.  No money. 

Anyway.  Loads to do in making sure the children are sorted for going back to school.  Also a lot of organising to do to make sure eldest gets his art work from school and gets to an interview tomorrow morning at college.  I'm having to ask a friend though as I have to go and earn my extra £20 a week.

The Git, meanwhile, chooses not to help.  Gosh.  What a life having that freedom by choice.

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 10:52am

Oh Sparkling, 

you are right to be angry. Is he aware of the need for helping his daughter? Does she ask him for help? It might be better than you asking or informing. If she informs directly he might listen.

If Lk asked me for help I would listen, if L demanded help I would turn away. Might be worth a try?

I can't start the espace. I might need to get a battery or charger. It is an old battery. A charger would be cheaper by half. The espace features in my back-up plan for the evacuation of the house, as it turns into a van quite readily.

Have given doctors details to my solicitor so I can be interrogated for mental illness.

Oh Sparkling. This money thing is a pain. What about child care, could you become a babysitter or childminder? If your evenings are free? What about politics or working at the local authority?

Lk has gone back with a compass set I bought off ebay. It is a Rotring one and is quite nice even though second hand.

Had my horse ride lesson and it was really good but exhausting. It's the last one as they are being turned out into the fields now.

Have sent another letter to Cafcass:

Dentist next.

Hug sy x

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 1:03pm

Have fun at the dentist!

The Git tells the children he doesn't have to pay for anything as he doesn't live with them.

I certainly wouldn't expect the children to feel that they need to ask.  It is up to me, the parent to address such things, anthing else would be dragging them into a dispute, which I've worked so hard to avoid.  Anyway, the "other" parent does know, full well, that children always needs things. 

There we go.  He chooses to close his eyes to their needs.

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 3:37pm

Personally, I feel the word removal from school without your consent would be better terminology. 

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 1:11pm

I think as its now over 12 months, that a regular contact pattern has been established. 

Breaking this regular contact pattern, which the children look forward to and enjoy would be detrimental to the children's happiness and relationship with you.

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 3:46pm

Must be a day for counting out the penny jar!!! I've added to it all Summer, and have the grand total of £5. Not quite that amount, but hey. Should be spent on something for C, like new polo shirt, but I'm choosing to buy something else, food for bbq. Want to give him a treat for his last day at home with me. BBQ not quite a treat, but it certainly is here for us!

Sparkling, the Git, is a real b****y Git. He shouldn't have to be told what the children need. He made the kids as well as you, and you have had to shoulder all responsiblity, because he chose to balls up. He's walked away without really a care in the world, and it angers me. Loads of hugs for you. I know with your disability it is hard to be able to get a job, but in my eyes, you have and always have done the best by your children.

Sun is shining, so now I shall go and spend the measly £5, and head into the garden.


Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 1:15pm

Sadsy, when you say if L demanded money, do you mean if she told you the children needed, say for arguement sake, a pair of trainers, would you then not give the money, but if Lk asked for them you would? I guess out of your child support money that you give,  she would use that to buy the trainers etc anyway.

My son's sperm doner has seen me sell my son's slide, to buy him a pair of sandals, and didn't bat an eyelid. No maintenance, no nothing. When my son had the nerve to ask for £10 for something, he was told to ask his Mother, as he didn't have it!!!!! He who chooses to spend his money on gambling, meeting friends in the pub!!

Sorry gone right off the subject really, off to garden, before sausages burn.


Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 2:21pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all

I have been off the boards for a while but been catching up with this thread.

sadsy - when writing to 'official' people, I would try and keep sarcasm out of your letters, so that thye read what you are actually saying rather than dismiss it becuase of your tone.

sparklinglime - when does your ex and his wife move? I only ever asked twice for money off my ex, both times he gave it, but then stole it back at a later date, believing he was more entitled to it! I completely understand where you are coming from.  We might sound like martyrs, but at the end of the day, we know......

alisoncam - the sun is shining, it is a BEAUTIFUL day here and I think that a BBQ is a great treat and I wish I was coming over!  I hope you have a fun afternoon and C is all prepared for his new year at school.

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 4:15pm

BBQ was great, apart from the blasted wasps!!! C says I make the best sausages, burnt!! Cheeky monkey. He is all prepared for first day at the Juniors, but I'm not, boo hoo.

Hope you are well Anna, good to see you on board!!

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 5:11pm

Hi Anna Smile

The children seem to think he's leaving on Saturday.

My mother-in-law had thought it was the 7th, but then thinks she's got her weeks mixed up and it could be the following week!!

God, I hope its Saturday.  I just want him gone.

Do you think he'll fade away??  I'm guessing not...  He's not even giving them tea this evening - if it is the last visit...


I think one thing...  I'll start a separate thread... Cool

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 5:42pm

Not even the decency to tell you when he is going? Shame on him Sparkling. Don't be too  surprised if it was the children's last visit today, and nothing happened from him. As awful as this sounds, maybe the kids will get a different perspective of things if this is the case, (last visit I mean).

We'll all put the flags out for you Sparkling once he has gone for good Smile I know it will give you peace of mind anyway.


Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 6:32pm

your Git sounds just like my Git, tells children things that make no sense whats so ever! 

 I do hope you have a more peacful life & that your children settle with  the change without to much upset.

Hug for you Sparkling. Are you going to have a party to celebrate? a crafty cider? you can toast him on his way, he he!

Pansy x

Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 9:05pm

Thank you all for your comment. Back to school is tough time. I do not get any information from ex as to what the children need. If she did I would rather not give her cash, but the item that was needed.

I have bought winter coats (TKMAX is great for these) and those horribly expensive shoes from Clarks and school equipment off ebay, as well as the proper direct deductions from my benefit.

I ask for info from the school regarding what items are likely to be needed during the year or if there are any excursions and their cost.

This is quite a hot topic so I will try not to cover much more. I hope I am not judged too harshly. When I have an income I may be better placed to help, however relations are so poor because of the protagonistic arena that is family law that I will get little info from ex.

I'm not feeling guilty at having a horse ride today to keep me going (£15). I only have to walk into the children's empty room, still and quiet to find any sympathy for ex rapidly evaporate. Also, the purchase of a £700 fish tank and and at least £100 of live stock affects my trust in her judgement.

I can remember speaking to ex's lover and attempting to make bridges in the early weeks, however keeping A back for 1 month after she was taken was the end. A line was crossed for me, fuelled by L arrogance. There's no way back.

BBQ - wasps are a pain this time of year, they seem so desperate.

Scarcasm - it does slip in from time to time - I won't let points go uncovered or job responsibilities go unmet. I am a pain in the butt.

Counselling - Mum coming with me tomorrow night. Dynamics will be a bit different. Wonder how it will go?

GIT - maybe a term I am earning? I reckon he would respond more to requests for items than to cash. It might give him back some of the fun of parenting, choosing shoes or clothes etc? All right it's a long-shot.

Dentist - "The Iranian Torturer" says I need a crown. She was very nice to me and knows full well what Citalopram is. I just need to make sure she uses anaesthetic.

Yeovil - this garage has just supplied GF's car back worse than when it went in. Am worried now when I take mine down. Gulp.

Am thinking of the future, and how there can be any communications when the lawyers have gone away. What will happen? My original plan was that Relate would find a way of us still communicating about the children. Sadly that did not work, I just cried for 30 mins and then we were told we were unsuitable.

Am I doing enough for the children? I am worried now. I am still paying off ex's debts. I just don't know.


Posted on: September 1, 2010 - 10:56pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello sadsy

Yes it will be interesting to have your mum there at counselling....You will have to wait and see whether you get a response from the school, that's great that they have shoes and coats for the winter anyway.

Hi alisoncam

UGH wasps. I have a belief that every animal, bird and plant on the planet contributes something unique and wonderful.....the one exception being wasps. And possibly the yappy little dog who lives at the house at the back of mine and makes too much noise for his own good Laughing Good luck with the junior school debut, I will talk with you on the othe thread about that.

Hello sparkling lime

If only you had a firm date, you could start a countdown. Whilst I agree with you in principle about not putting the onus on the children to ask for things, I must say that I have seen it work well with the children of a couple of friends, for the young person to say to the other parent "I really need some shoes for school". The other parent can sometimes say "...and I give your Mum money every month to buy your things" but in the case of your ex, this is not true. Do you think his parents would be able to give a bit more help?

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 7:42am

Ugh, my mac's fan is about to fail. It is making tremendous racket. I think the laptop's major operation will have to happen soon. Have been putting it off. All those tiny weeny screws.

Have a battery to fit in the espace. Will it come to life?

I don't see that children asking for something specific that they need is a harmful thing unless abused as a method by a parent. I reckon it would work where parents hate eachother and cannot bare the thought of giving cash to their ex.

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 8:25am

Just a quick note to say GF's son is going back to school today and I wish him a very fun and relaxing first day of school. He is very brave after being at home so long. Massive achievement for both mum and son.

Hug sy x

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 8:29am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Yes, good luck to your boy!

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 9:09am



Have fitted new battery (mum bought it, sigh) and Espace has burst into life. All systems are go for trip to Dorset. It even, just about, changes gear. No warning lights, even the airbag computer didn't go haywire this time.

Could this be a turning point in my life?

No, it's just a battery change. Feels like heaven to see the life back in it again.

Some loud rock music is required now.

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 12:29pm

No idea what espace is, but it sounds exciting for you. Smile

When do you go to Dorset? It's a beautiful place. Are you going near Swanage? Do you have family there Sy?

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 12:39pm

Hurrah!!!!!!!!  I hope it keeps working!!!!

Posted on: September 2, 2010 - 12:41pm