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Bec wrote:
A few years ago I was blissfully happy with a new born son, what went wrong?

I don't know, Bec, I really don't know. Fourteen months ago I was very well off, a professional person with my own flat, a sexy boyfriend and a terrific plan to sit out the recession by leaving the country and spending a couple of years abroad teaching and diving in South East Asia.

Now I'm living on the dole, my life savings have been run into the ground by being forced to sell at an enormous loss, and the sexy bf turns out to have been the worst mistake I ever made in my entire life. I spend most of my time fighting the CSA and the rest of it stressing about money. Oh yeah, and my relationship with my family has been brought to the brink of ruin and will take years to rebuild, if we ever manage it.

And on top of all that I get to listen to commentators on the media referring to single parenthood as a 'career choice'. Apparently it would be illegal to kill them for saying that. Which hardly seems fair.

Posted on: December 12, 2009 - 11:47pm

I tend to go for the box rather than what's inside it too, it seems to have been the story of my life, I look back at a trail of beautiful women all with some sort of mental health 'issue'.


At least that's how I see it...

That whole diving and teaching in South East Asia sounded nice...


Posted on: December 13, 2009 - 8:32am

Six years ago (a lifetime now, I know) I was a respecfully ( :shock: ) married woman (19 years of marriage at that point) I lived in a four bedroom cottage/bungalow, quarter an acre of land, view of Snowdonia (which I still have), Chrysler Voyager (Limited edition, brand new that I worked a 17 hour week to pay for).

OK, no career, but I figured I was going to live there forever.

The children and I are happier now, in our housing association house (safe and secure). I find the benefits side difficult though - but perhaps that has a lot to do with the media.

Funny how you think you have life mapped out and sorted. You never know what can happen today to change all that.

Posted on: December 13, 2009 - 2:41pm

Hi All
Yes we never know what awaits us round the corner heh?! And the best made plans don't always follow through as we are not in control of everything that goes on around us - we are just small cogs in a big big wheel - as far as I can see that is! However that does not mean it is all doom and gloom, just like the half empty, half full glass, we never know what is coming and that is exciting too - things can suddenly change for the better, especially if we believe they are going to.
As for fulfilling our dreams, perhaps when we have children, we put our dream aside for the time being and focus on them. But that does not mean that our dreams cannot be fulfilled at some point in the future. Sorry, I feel like I am getting all philosophical on you all :lol: But we only have to look at the other topic about best thing about being a single parent to see all the good that has come from these sudden, unexpected changes. I know it is hard at times but most of us wouldn't change it for the world all in all and all those material things that we generally collect throughout life do not really stand for anything, especially when we are dead and buried! Really not sure where I am going with this so I think I will just stop there - big hug :P
Cheers C-L

Posted on: December 13, 2009 - 8:35pm

Chrysler Voyager sounds nice. Bet it cost a fortune to run, though, eh?

I think what we all have to hold onto, is that we have the kids. Yeah, they're what make us skint, tired, and trapped. And yeah, we liked our lives before. But the past has gone, hasn't it? Now, as it is, there are two choices - to be the one with the kids, or the one without. And I don't suppose any of us would actually swap those little sods - I mean darlings - for the fast cars, or drugs, or houses, or whatever, that our ex-partners have.

On the outside their lives might look better, but on the inside, we know that we won, really, didn't we?

I took little darling to the zoo today. Thirteen quid. He liked the ducks. Yeah, like the ones they have in the park. In. The. Park. :evil:

Posted on: December 13, 2009 - 9:45pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Well lindsay gii that was 13 quid you won't have to spend again for a while, just go to the park!

I guess it all boils down to what we want out of life. Now I could say a butler and a swimming pool, but actually what I want is for me and my kids to be healthy and happy. Some of that happiness might stem from having a bit more money ( ;) ) but there you go. It's good to be open to new experiences and, as Claire-Louise says, what is round the corner might just be wonderful!

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 8:01am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi all

Claire Louise said:
I am most concerned about you feeling bullied by your ex and letting him visit in your house

I agree with Claire Louise. Bec you need to find some more support from your local services. It is such a horrible place to be, intimidated and manipulated to do things that you don't want. It makes you feel vulnerable and powerless.

I strongly recommend that you contact your local Womens Aid, go back to counselling. You need to get strong. It will take time, but it will be worth it. If you are going to have to deal with this bully for the next 10/15 years, then you need to learn tactics and strengths for it not to affect you emotionally every time. It will be hard, but it is possible.

Your son will see things for what they really are, as long as you are honest with him. He is still young, but he knows that his dad makes you feel uncomfortable, they seem to have a sixth sense for this! Be open with him, because if you don't he will learn to keep emotions hidden away and see that to behave like dad is a better alternative as he seems more 'in control'. Like I say he is still young and he has you day to day, just keep your relationship alive and real.

Please contact local support agencies and come back and tell us how you got on.

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 12:18pm

Hi all
No surprise here, but my son's half sister's Mum told me last night that they shan't be visiting next week after all. (they were due down on the Sunday til the Tuesday)
I am relieved, because of different circumstances, but I am also a bit cross. I knew from the moment she said they were coming, that she wouldn't. I went all out in August to visit them. I had to take a loan out and stuff, but I wanted the children to meet each other. At one point when I said I couldn't afford it, she (the mum) told me I would be letting the kids down, and it wouldn't have been fair!!!
As I had an idea that she wouldn't be coming to see us, I have been mentioning it to my son, saying, 'don't be too disappointed if they don't come' etc etc. Last night I told him, and he just said, 'well, I'm not surprised. You were right'.
I am more angry, I think, over the fact that now, I have a blinking box of stuff that will have to be posted, which of course is money that I could have been spent on something else :evil:
Sometimes I think, why the hell do I bother. Why is it my son who is always let down, and I bent over backwards to make sure the kids weren't disappointed in the summer. I know, I know what you are all going to say. I did it for my son, (which of course is true) Oh well, another little rant over hehehe.

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 12:46pm

lindsaygii wrote:
Chrysler Voyager sounds nice. Bet it cost a fortune to run, though, eh?

I think what we all have to hold onto, is that we have the kids. Yeah, they're what make us skint, tired, and trapped. And yeah, we liked our lives before. But the past has gone, hasn't it? Now, as it is, there are two choices - to be the one with the kids, or the one without. And I don't suppose any of us would actually swap those little sods - I mean darlings - for the fast cars, or drugs, or houses, or whatever, that our ex-partners have.

On the outside their lives might look better, but on the inside, we know that we won, really, didn't we?

I took little darling to the zoo today. Thirteen quid. He liked the ducks. Yeah, like the ones they have in the park. In. The. Park. :evil:

Yes it did. But in those days I was able to save up for the service. I used to do 32,000 miles a year, and the children and I have many great memories of brilliant days out in it. I don't think it's a car I'd recommend if you had one or two children, but with four it was ideal - long wheel base so you can get the shopping in, of course... :roll:

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 9:44pm

alisoncam wrote:
Hi all
No surprise here, but my son's half sister's Mum told me last night that they shan't be visiting next week after all. (they were due down on the Sunday til the Tuesday)
I am relieved, because of different circumstances, but I am also a bit cross. I knew from the moment she said they were coming, that she wouldn't. I went all out in August to visit them. I had to take a loan out and stuff, but I wanted the children to meet each other. At one point when I said I couldn't afford it, she (the mum) told me I would be letting the kids down, and it wouldn't have been fair!!!
As I had an idea that she wouldn't be coming to see us, I have been mentioning it to my son, saying, 'don't be too disappointed if they don't come' etc etc. Last night I told him, and he just said, 'well, I'm not surprised. You were right'.
I am more angry, I think, over the fact that now, I have a blinking box of stuff that will have to be posted, which of course is money that I could have been spent on something else :evil:
Sometimes I think, why the hell do I bother. Why is it my son who is always let down, and I bent over backwards to make sure the kids weren't disappointed in the summer. I know, I know what you are all going to say. I did it for my son, (which of course is true) Oh well, another little rant over hehehe.

Oh gosh. How disappointing :roll: 8-)

Personally, I wouldn't post the box. I'd just post some of the lighter gifts. If she's offended, does it matter? I know I won't be sending out gifts this year, and I'm hoping people will understand...

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 9:46pm

Hi Sparkling
Just wanted to let you know I shall be thinking of you tomorrow. I know you are going through an emotional time right now. Think of all the wonderful memories that you have of your Mum,
Take care
Alison and C.......
x :)

Posted on: December 14, 2009 - 9:47pm

alisoncam wrote:
As I had an idea that she wouldn't be coming to see us, I have been mentioning it to my son, saying, 'don't be too disappointed if they don't come' etc etc. Last night I told him, and he just said, 'well, I'm not surprised. You were right'.

They're smart, aren't they? See right through all the bull***t. Which is kind of heartbreaking, actually.

Oh Alison, what a pain in the a**e. Are they miles and miles away, then? You know if you post that box, you aren't getting anything in return, don't you? Sigh. O know what you mean about why is it us trying to do the right thing with these horrible people around us. I blame our parents for bringing us up properly. :(

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 12:36am

alisoncam wrote:
Hi Sparkling
Just wanted to let you know I shall be thinking of you tomorrow. I know you are going through an emotional time right now. Think of all the wonderful memories that you have of your Mum,
Take care
Alison and C.......
x :)

Thank you.

I'm already crying!!

My friend is hopefully calling in the morning. She and I shut our selves in the kitchen when everyone came back to my mum's house after the funeral. We just made pots of tea and sandwiches. Amazing how much people can eat and drink at such a time... I just couldn't face them.


Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 1:30am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hello dear sparkling lime

Just to say that I am thinking of you, too, I am glad you have a friend coming over and can chat over some of your memories together. I know one thing you have said in the past is that you wish your Mum could see your lovely children now but you know what? I think she can!

Take care

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 8:03am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi alisoncam

HUMPH! I would be soooo cross about this :twisted: , you did well to prepare your son. Your experiences of this woman have NOT been good lately and I am wondering if you are changing your view of her in general. Don't go to a load of expense sending Christmas gifts!!!!! Do look at the positive as well, you admit you are relieved in one way, so try to concentrate on that. You did your bit, if she chooses not to do hers then so be it. You never know, she could be rather shame-faced about the recent incident with the children's dad..........Anyway what matters is that you and your son have a fab time, with or without them :D

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 8:07am

Hi lindsay
Yes, they do live quite a way, on the coach, which my son and i took, it was four hours, plus a bus ride for an hour, then half hour to get to the house!!!
In a car, which she has, it takes 2 and half hours from door to door.
Now, the box. Yes, I do honestly think you are right. Of course I haven't bought to receive, but the postage is way tooooooo much, so I shall have another rummage and remove stuff. The rest can wait until after the hols ;)
Hope your little boy is ok, and that you're both looking forward to christmas, (though of course he hasn't a clue at the moment). Bet, he loves all the twinkly lights eh! Uhmmm, bet he could get into all sorts of mischief there :lol:

Oh Alison, what a pain in the arse. Are they miles and miles away, then? You know if you post that box, you aren't getting anything in return, don't you? Sigh.

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 12:08pm

Hi Louise
The experiences haven't been good, and there is so much more that I couldn't write about on these posts!!!! I've felt like I've knocked myself silly over the past months, some people maybe look for help, but don't actually want it, (if you know what I mean).

You never know, she could be rather shame-faced about the recent incident with the children's dad..........

I wish I could say that this is the case, but I know it isn't.
No matter how low I feel about Christmas right now, my son and I will have a fantastic day, just like last year. When he talks about Christmas, his little face lights up, and that puts everything into perspective. Ooohhh, he's a blinking pain at times, but he brightens my darkest days.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 12:15pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh well, alisoncam, maybe I was being a bit too charitable about her, you know the true situation much better than me.

As for your son's face lighting up, just think if we could bottle that joy and excitement, Alison, we would become millionaires!

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 12:24pm

Hi Sparkling

I'm already crying!!

Sending you hugs, (tissues wouldn't arrive in time)!!
I hope your friend comes, and you have a nice time with her.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 12:54pm

I've just texted her. She's doing some work up the road and then intends calling in.

Thing is her she's off to her sister's tomorrow in London - and sadly, she's having chemotherapy. I have a bit of a cold, and the eldest and youngest are full of it. Somehow I don't think she will really be able to call.

I think she's stand on the path and I'll speak to her from the door! :lol:

My neighbour's daughter-in-law has come over to take her Christmas shopping. She should have been here on Sunday, but didn't arrive til yesterday evening.

I'm glad she's having a trip out with someone other than me.

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 1:19pm

Hi Sparkling
Some days, things never seem to go right do they? You're right of course about the chemo, and colds etc. My sister is having to be so careful at the moment.
How are the boys doing? Hopefully, they will be as right as rain by next week!
Whether the friend does get to call or not, you will still be able to think of the lovely memories.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 1:50pm

I bet the boys will be fine by next week - getting a bit worried about me though!! :lol:

Thanks Alison, it means a lot you caring.

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 2:48pm

Hi Sparklinglime
Sending you lots of positivity and love. Perhaps you could dress up in a srugeons type uniform with a mask, gloves hair net etc and then get together with your friend?!
As Louise said, you have all those fond and fun memories inside you whether or not you do actually manage to get together or not and you have your boys around you (all snotty and all but there all the same!)
Thinking of you
Claire-Louise ;)

Posted on: December 15, 2009 - 3:52pm

She called while I was on the school run! Typical. We did have a good chat though, and as she said she wouldn't have come in with the children having colds (I've stopped coughing again now).

Youngest isn't too good. I really don't think he'll be making it to the Panto with the school tomorrow, he's wheezing, and I'm not feeling too happy about him being 35 miles away from me should he have a bad attack.

He's dozed up with ventolin, calpol, vitamin tablets, tangerines (for the vitamin C :roll: ) and cough medicine.

They saw The Git this evening. Only comment, it seems was telling youngest he had a bad cough :shock:

Posted on: December 16, 2009 - 1:10am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Oh dear, sparkling lime, I hope he doesn't catch their cold.........................

How are all the troops this morning?

Posted on: December 16, 2009 - 9:26am

Hi all
OMG, flakes of snow today! Its freezing, and I hate it :evil: My son's little school friend is here today. Her Mum rang me first thing to see if I could look after her as she's not too well, and the Mother has to work. (single parent). After the call, my son asked what N.... wanted. Had to tell him a white fib, or else he might have wanted to stay off school too!!! I told him that she was having problems with her computer and wanted to know if I knew anyone that could look at it for her. His answer was 'well, I could look at it'. :lol: Think the little devil knew what was really going on, as he announced that L..... was coughing a lot at school yesterday and wondered if she'd be there today!!!
She is at the moment snuggling under his duvet watching tv, (much quieter than my son) Perhaps I could swap :lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep warm everyone.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: December 16, 2009 - 11:15am

quick hello. My legal aid is coming through after many months.

Now I have the mortgage company after me, as I still have no job. DWP mortgage ppl do not speak with public. Call back service, however they never call back - lol.

What a life, sigh.

Louise is not giving my children the pre-christmas present I put in their case 2 weeks ago. For some reason she is witholding it.

I've asked for it back by text when the children visit this weekend.

Have not been to badminton for ages - am fat again.

Espace has been diagnosed with terminal gearbox and clutch. Bye bye espace. I'll run it until it fails in a crunching mess of gears.

£60 in my account, so my last days coming money wise. I guess I just pull the plug on all the direct debits and send some letters "normal service resumed as soon as possible" lol.

Bye bye


Posted on: December 16, 2009 - 10:41pm

At least the legal aid is coming through...

I hope you do have a good weekend with the children. No comment about Louise, she does nothing but shock me.

The winning bidder for my renault on ebay turned out to be a git and a non-payer. I'm lending money of my children at the mo 8-) All the bills seem to have come in at the wrong time.

CAB - get letters out to those you need to. Keep them informed of what's going on.

It's disgusting that things are taking so long to sort with the Job Seekers Allowance. No compassion.

Sorry sadsy. I did buy a lottery ticket last week, but seems it's just a waste of £1.

Hope Christmas plans are tootling along ok.

Loads of hugs

Posted on: December 16, 2009 - 11:49pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Hi sadsy

Good to hear from you, glad trhe legal aid is coming through but everything seems to take so LONG! Have you had to attend that seminar yet, the one where they tell you about your responsibility on JSA, to apply for jobs. What jobs? Where? :(

I agree with sparkling, better to get those letters off about the bills you can't pay.

So you have the kids this weekend? Hope you have a nice time, you can make your own Christmas.

Posted on: December 17, 2009 - 9:15am

Hi Sadsy
Have a wonderful weekend with the children. Are you making it a Christmas for them, or are you seeing them just after?
Take care, lovely to hear from you
x :)

Posted on: December 17, 2009 - 12:07pm

Hey there!
Pansy suggested a way of getting DWP to call me back, which worked.

Pansy got me the email of my local MP and strangely enough, soon after, I got a call from DWP mortgage dept saying they will be paying and I will be receiving a letter shortly.

I have just stopped crying in relief.

I can last 3 months now.

I had to explain to my counsellor from Zimbabwe about WWII. How there was nothing but a run of terrible failures, until one day, there was a success, then another, and another.

Having a T to celebrate.

Picking up the espace from garage tomorrow.
It will sit silently on the drive in like many espaces across the country.



Posted on: December 17, 2009 - 6:16pm

I don't have the children at Christmas, but just after Christmas.

Have run out of money, so hope kids OK with what they have got.
I'm having fun "testing" Luke's internet radio from ebay. It's in good condition and I've had fun listening to 10,000 radio stations from around the world. Radio Afganistan was particularly interesting.

Well, I've got to see if it's working :)


Posted on: December 17, 2009 - 6:20pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

What a relief about the mortgage!!!! At least it gives you a breathing space. Let's hope it does indeed mean the tide has turned

You can have your Christmas with the children afterwards, they will love it. Not half as much as you love the Internet radio ;)

Hmm your car, well you know my Scenic went to the garage in the sky during the summer, went back to a Rover this time.

Posted on: December 17, 2009 - 6:52pm

I can't believe it!

Alliance & Leicester were not satisfied with DWP payment (which is an overpayment so some arrears get paid too).
I had to fight them off trying to take from my £60 a week jobseekers! I told them no.

I told them we would talk about the arrears when I am in suitable employment.

Good grief. Am loving recording calls I make with these people too. I fully recommend it. If you have a computer with microphone and $15 it's a must.

If any of you want to know how - just post me. It's legal as long as you tell the recipient.

Snow everywhere today. Have to pick up the stricken espace later. Sorry Louise your scenic is gone. I would say that Renaults last about 3-5 years less than an equivalent Volkswagen from my experience. A VW will last 12-15 years. A Renault will last 8-10.

Must have some cereal now.



Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 12:00pm

That radio sounds brilliant!

Do you know Sy, the children won't give a monkeys. You'll give them a very happy Christmas whatever. I find that's the bit that matters is the laughter and randomness. There's the memories, I think gifts just get forgotten so quickly.

As awful as it sounds, there could be less pressure on you too, as Santa, ahem, called elsewhere on Christmas day... 8-)

I'm sorry for swearing - but it could well turn into stars! Bloody Renaults. As you know, mine has broken me financially.

At A&L being sods????!!!!! You think they'd understand by now that it's a difficult situation. I'm so glad the MP and DWP got the mortgage payment through - a bit of pressure off, even if A&L aren't happy.

I hope you're doing ok. Always look for an update from you.

We keep having polystyrene ball snow falling from the sky. :D Not settling, which is fine as I have to take the children for a haircut after school. We're all full of cold though, so I'll make them stay in the car until it's their turn - so long as I can park outside the shop.

Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 12:54pm

Some mobiles record calls, too.

As for legality, it's a weird one. I think you do have to tell them. But interestingly, as a journalist you aren't necessarily required to say, unless you plan to use it for broadcast. At least, that's what my boss at the Beeb told me...

I recorded a call with BT without telling them, then referred to the recording in letters to two debt collecting agencies and in writing to BT themselves. No-one ever asked to hear it, or challenged me on it. And it did put an end to months of nonsense I'd been getting from them.

Maybe I was lucky though, I was pregnant at the time, so everything was a little bit mad. ;)

Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 8:37pm

ken this is totally not arrelivent (am not a great speller but hope you ken the word i mean)

but vw are the best cars by far. Had a beetle for 10month before i got the passat in february.

Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 10:37pm

Hi all
I have the most amazing friends! I have been looking after my son's friend for a few days. Today, it was snowing, and the kids stayed off school, so I had the little girl again. Her Mum needed to xmas shop. She came back with a box, and presented it to me, saying it was from her and another Mum at the school. It was a pair of trainers for me :o I have been going around in a pair of cracked trainers, that my feet have been getting drenched in, and these wonderful people bought me some new ones. I have been so tearful, and stuck for words. They said, they have seen me struggle to get my son's xmas presents, week after week, and they wanted to do this for me.
How lovely is this? I cannot believe this has happened, and I am so so happy.

Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 11:18pm

that's a wonderful story for a wonderful person!

Happy Christmas :)

Posted on: December 18, 2009 - 11:47pm

Some mobiles record calls, too.

Aha, yes I looked into this and they have to run windows mobile I think.


Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 12:20am
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

Wow Alisoncam, you so deserve a nice surprise like that. I expect the girl's mum is really grateful for you looking after her daughter and was delighted to give you a prezzy. What a lovely thing to happen! :D

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 7:51am

Hi Sadsy
Glad the legal aid and the DWP money are coming through after all your battles. As Louise said, that must feel like you are turning a corner with all this finance stuff. It sounds like Pansy's tip certainly paid off.
As for the vehicles, we have a 25+ year old camper that is absolutely the bees knees and runs like clockwork and hardly needs anything to get through its MOT each year. Plus we get to camping pretty much every weekend in the Summer. Its a dream - called Baisaabhi (my son named it) which happens to be hindi for respected brother, man!!!
Cheers C-L

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 6:10pm

Hi Alison
That's lovely. :)

I'd love a camper van

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 6:46pm

alisoncam thats great. a helping hand goes along way.

would love a campervan aswell. would love an old beetle.

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 6:53pm

Trainers - brilliant. They must have really put their heads together to make it something that would help you, instead of going the easy 'bottle of wine and a box of chocs' route. Which makes it even better! :)

Also a member of the VW fan club. I used to have a Beetle but it wasn't very good (blew up on the M4 in the end), but I've got a ten-year old Golf now and it rocks.

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 8:08pm

the trainers were such a lovely thought! I find I get really touched these days when people actually put some thought in and do or say something really kind, you deserve it, hope they give you a spring in your step!

Bec x

Posted on: December 19, 2009 - 9:01pm
Parenting specialist DoppleMe

sparkling lime

How' s your cold? did you administer the Ribena?

Posted on: December 20, 2009 - 8:58am

Ohhh for all those people suffering from colds/flus and coughs. I am just pulling through from mine and I can recommend the following:
Blackcurrent with honey and whisky
Lemon and ginger tea (tea bags or the home made variety)
Oranges - lots of them
Inhale Hot water with karvol or eucalyptus
Lots of echinachea tablets or liquid
It will pas after 3 days or so - just stop doing everything if you can, wrap up warm and rest, rest, rest.
good luck C-L

Posted on: December 20, 2009 - 9:05pm

Hi Bec
Yep, the trainers certainly have put a spring in my step!! Kept my feet dry too :)
Days later, and I'm still very much touched by their kindness.
How are you doing? I bet your son is getting really excited now isn't he? I have presents around the tree, and my son keeps shifting them around, shaking them, re-organising again, and again :lol:
Hope you are well, and you have a fantastic Christmas. Well done by the way for surviving all the school stuff. Not long to go before you qualify. YIPEE. Have a good rest this holiday.
Take care
x :)

Posted on: December 21, 2009 - 6:17pm

Hi Alison
Good to hear you have a rela spring in your step now, thanks to your new trainers! Just at the right time too byt the sounds of it.
Have a good xmas
Love C-L

Posted on: December 22, 2009 - 8:52pm