I have to say I've just had some cornflakes.
You've had a buys day sy.
I've been out most of the day, between doing a bit of work, chatting, tea with the in-laws, being late for the Beavers' investing (whoops - it's 5.30 - 6.30pm, not 6 - 7pm...) and then my neighbour called in for a chat.
hello sparkling,
sorry it's too hot to make your omelette, i bought eggs tho, ready for it.
I have never made an omelette. I had honey nut cheerios, very sugary - going back to my old ways.
It's just me and moths again tonight.
Beavers investing, what is that?
I'm trying not to think about how much i spent today. I'm never going to shops again!
Have read some horrendously tragic and brave posts tonight. People can survive so much.
I can't think of anything to say to help them.
have to shut down now - moths gathering around me.
Oooh, I woke from a weird dream.
I was on a spaceship which was mine and I was reluctantly carrying passengers, a group of ladies from some religious order. They were dangerous and I kept my distance.
There was one that the others were wary of, as if she were becoming something else. When she smiled at me she had slightly longer canines, (I love this in real women too).
She came to me as I slept in the night and nuzzled against my head, and in that instant she saw my whole life of love and pain and accepted it. In the dream, I did not know she had visited, but just saw my life playing, I was paralysed in my bed.
Next day, the others in the order knowingly smiled at me and I was confused. That night I was visited again, but I woke this time as she approached and I held out my hand to accept her.....
Then I really woke up as number 21 bus went past outside, damn. I always wake up when it gets interesting.
Told you I was lonely, now I have to create aliens as the only people that might take an interest in me as partner. hehe
This is my text I sent Louise last night about my awful Sunday visit:
Louise. Last Sunday visit very painful for me. It is hurtful for me to see you and paul together. I miss arwen very much. It would be better if I had time with arwen without paul and yourself present. I hope you can understand. simon
Phew. Hope it improves understanding a bit.
Well I think that text sounds fine and VERY calm and adult. Over to her!
What a weird dream. It seemed that the woman was going to be Louise to start with but then ended up as symbolic of your healing to come? Not that I am a dream expert :shock: I dreamed last night that I had been in an enemy prisoner of war camp and my ex husband met me (split up from him 11 years ago!) to apologise for having been such a terrible husband. He brought me a cagoule as it was raining but when I did it up it was tight round the middle and I thought "Huh, I can't even lose weight in a POW camp" So you are not alone with the strange dreams :roll:
NB my picture was in dark and muted colours of a oriental duo playing sax and trumpet
Hello Louise,
the cagool part of dream, was it more that what he had to give you did not fit you? Sounds like a metaphor.
Often with dreams, people leave out what they feel at parts of the dream, and just relate the odd events. The feelings are just as important.
i love pictures and paintings. What was it about the picture that you connect with?
I hope my text helps Louise calm down a bit and next contact be smoother. i hope I am not "the enemy" to her.
At a bit of a loss today. Will phone school in a moment see if kids are in. I want to ask about Luke's hastings trip, see if he going on it.
Car seat has arrived for Arwen, haven't opened it. It's not pink tho. I could get a cover in pink - though no funds for that yet.
phoned the school again this morning. School say children won't be in the rest of the week. Louise is looking at schools and changing job. Distances and cost have proved too much i guess.
I have received scottish power thing today. I think louise cancelled it, as was one of her bills for joint house. At some point i will have to phone them before i get cut off. It is the start of the slow financial death scenario that has been ticking in the background whilst i have been trying to get better. Not sure when to approach mortgage people.
Had to wait a week for dr shakoor, luke's assessment lady. She say he mildly autistic. i have ensured dual info from her. She frosty and say i had letter too, though i tell her it arrived after split and louise has taken all correspondance, also i tell her requested location and to attend from louise and she refuse to reply. she not comment on that though... i guess not everyone will be sympathetic to me.
Wish i was back in my dream this morning with pointy tooth lady, she seem quite keen on me.
I could go find CAB in Tonbridge - not been yet.
Oh goodness, thought i'd have a day off from calls and stress.
need some juice it hot.
Just catching up - I meant busy day yesterday that you had... I'm sorry about getting the letters mixed up as to me it makes me sound like I was being rude. I honestly meant busy...
Cheerios - very nice - well the children like them, I don't! I did have an omlette yesterday, and it was really nice. I've not had a chance to make one for a few days.
That is a good text to Louise.
Maybe you could put a pink teddy to sit in the chair to look after it for Arwen.
How far is this place that they're moving to? Not too far away, I hope.
The difficult thing here is second guessing what she is saying to people. A number of people I considered to be friends never contacted me again. Ex is very good with lies - to the extent that he believes that the lies are how things are. He wouldn't know the truth if he fell over it. Again, my thoughts - he could well be the one who's right.
I hope CAB are able to help you, especially with ensuring that information regarding the children does get to you both. You are both the parents. Perhaps putting a request in writing as well as by phone will back things up.
I sometimes feel that people don't comment as they don't really know what to say, and don't want to compromise their position... Just a thought, again.
Do phone Scottish Power. It's good to sort things out before they build up too much.
My 13 year old has autistic tendancies. He has his moments (which really are "moments") but is a sweety-pie otherwise. He doesn't tend to express himself with things too well though, and will clam-up rather than let me know if there's a problem.
Hope your mum is coping ok.
A day off from stress and calls???!!!! 8-) I'm still waiting for one of those :D
Whatever it was you watched or read last night, try it again tonight - you might have the same dream.
help me.
What do I suggest to Louise about contact this weekend by text? Previously they dropped with me after school pickup locally here and I took back to Romford on Sunday afternoon (1.5 - 2hrs appx each way).
As they not at school this week, is it correct that I pick up and drop off from Romford,
or should I ask to meet half way and exchange
or they collect and I pick up?.
I'm not sure what is fair. What do you think?
At the moment I have no information about her moving with children from boyfriend's flat, only that she has not been into work here as she used to and is looking for new work (source:luke) and looking at schools this week (source:school).
ps don't worry about causing offence, i'm too dim to notice.
"My 13 year old has autistic tendancies. He has his moments (which really are "moments") but is a sweety-pie otherwise. He doesn't tend to express himself with things too well though, and will clam-up rather than let me know if there's a problem."
Yes, that's my luke to a T. I love him more now than ever, for me that was just way he is, for louise it was an illness to be cured/treated. I guess we are both right in a way.
I just think it would be good to offer to fit in with them, but.....to me, the main thing is that they don't say "well Arwen went to sleep on the way here" so I would definitely try to pick her up from them so they can't use that excuse.
As for professionals like that doc, obviously she can't comment when you make a criticism of Louise, any more than I imagine she is able to respond if Louise were to crticise you to her. But you DO have a right to info about your child, although you might need to smooth the way by offering a batch of SAEs. CAn you get mail re the kids sent to your Mum's for a while so Louise won't intercept it?
re the mortgage and indeed Scottish Power, it would be hlepful to let them now what is going on as soon as possible, but I understand that maybe you want to have the weekend visit and then get the funeral "done" before the next bit?
hello Louise,
thanks for picking up my plea. I really wasn't sure what was fairest.
I will suggest I pick up from Romford Friday at 6.30 - so arwen and luke would have eaten, then take her back with me for movie night (dvd) and story (back at 8ish).
I return them at 4 on Sunday.
for this weekend.
Does that seem fair?
Will try it.
I do agree with Louise, taking that option out the way of using the excuse of Arwen sleeping.
I feel its so important to have this weekend with both the children with you.
There's only two weeks of school left them (there is here, anyway). That is a long journey to be doing the school run.
no reply from louise yet about contact - i would be surprised if she does. She may try Luke as message piece tonight at bedtime which i not be happy about, poor thing. (Though I am hypocrite).
I would just like to say that i have just tried my first plastering! repair looks lots better already. Not very good in corners tho.
I'm patting myself on back.
Not sure if dare go up and look again in case it all slumped down wall...
not most exciting thing for you guys, but i am going to try an omelette - once i find sparklinglime's recipe post.
I'm just going to chop some ham i have into little bits and sprinkle it in at some point.
Will let you know how i get on (everyone groans).
No reply from louise on contact for this weekend...i'll leave it till tomorrow for second try.
Oh gaawd.
Louise put luke on as go between, i say to him it not fair on him and i speak to mummy direct about contact.
She say she not speak to me long and that arwen not ready to come and i have bridges to build with arwen.
I say it been 3 weeks. She say i get time at park. I say i not do that again.
I say i brought her up for 5 years, she say arwen just want a hug from me.
She hang up when i say not dictate to me i have a right to access i am father.
I sense a conflict on friday night. Arwen caught in middle. I so rarely get angry, so it a shock when it come over me.
Such a shame, as i made sparklinglime's omelette and it was delicious.
I feel wrecked by anger and pain - why she hate me so much?
I try FNF but they not answer helpline.
I know this is small compared to what people are dealing with on website - but what are my rights?
I must take tablet. i am turned inside out.
i can't lose my children.
I'm glad you enjoyed the omlette. My 13 year old likes ham. I get that primula cheese with ham in for him and put it in the omlette when it's cooked, then fold the omlette over it to melt.
Things aren't going to be so easy, clearly, with Arwen. It's very important you remain calm when you discuss things. Make sure there is absolutely no come back with the communication. You are right stating that as a father you are more than able to care for her. As you say, with the children there, you do need to remain calm. Poor mites, they must be so confused.
Write a record of everything - again, facts not emotion if you can. I appreciate it's very hard. I look back over the last couple of years worth of records I have with contact and the ex, and it's gone from ranting along with what ever happened, down to more or less shorthand.
The anger will take a long time to come to terms with.
I really do think you need some proper legal advice on how to proceed. Keep trying that helpline number - I guess it can't be manned all the time.
The hard thing is you have Alan's funeral to deal with too, as well as your mum and of course your grief too.
There's nothing small in what you're having to deal with.
Hello sparkling,
I spoke with my company helpline, they say it require a contact order. I already have both parental responsibility and contact order forms ready. C1 and C100.
On the contact order form it requires family mediation to have been attempted and if not why not. I have contacted family mediation earlier in the week and they say they will introduce themselves by letter to Louise. She gets 2 weeks to reply. I will call family mediation each week to see if there is a reply. Once 2 weeks are complete I can complete the contact order form, along with parental responsibility and submit it to court.
I don't understand why she hate me so much? I'm not used to it, why do we have to be enemies?
How do I deal with my anger, it frightens me, I am not used to feeling angry.
shaken - sy
can't get up this morning. think i finally depressed.
Morning Sy
Sorry you are feeling so low this morning. You had a lot to deal with yesterday, with the new experiments (omelette and plastering) and then this awful blow in the evening.
Glad you have sorted out what has to happen re the contact order. I can hear your frustration at the time it will take, that's one of the worst things about these procedures :(
The anger: firstly (sorry if I sound like preachy textbook) it is one of the normal stages to go through in this process, it deos actually mean you are moving forward.....and anger can create a lot of energy. As sparkling says, try not to show it in front of the children and keep a log of everything. As to why Louise is angry with you, well it stops her feeling guilty about what she has done if she can blame you and be angry with you.
Try to get up and dressed and have soem fresh air and think about seeing Luke, at least.
I have to be out at a meeting now but will check in later. Take it steady.
I love luke, it is a good idea to concentrate on him. He's been counting down the days! Bless him!
I know he loves going swimming, so I might do hour trip to Burgess hill to do water slides this weekend while I still have enough money. I love the outdoor bit of the pool too.
Only thing is, I have not got trunks for him. We may have to get some first.
I am trying to get my mind settled on no arwen this weekend. So when I go tonight - no pain/anger.
I will fit the car seat I bought for her today in case though.
I will accept park on Sunday drop off as contact with arwen, as long as Paul and Louise not present. i will say this on arrival
I am going to try and take louise's fish tank with me today. It was always hers and only she know how to look after them.
I'm not telling her I'm bringing it though.
I'm not out of bed yet - will be soon. I need to phone fish place about humane method of transporting small tank.
I'm really not used to feeling angry, it takes me by surprise and i get frightened. I still do not hate Louise (thank goodness) i never wanted to.
Must get up. simon get up now. ok- i'm counting down from 10 -1...
first letter from louise's solicitor.
"We have recently been instructed by your-ex-partner, xxxxxxx with regards to the unfortunate breakdown of your relationship.
She and the children now reside in Romford and our client has requested we write to you to formalise the contact arrangements between you and your children in the best interests of the children and avoid any dispute.
Our client proposes from this point forward that you have Luke every alternate weekend commencing on the 4th July between Saturday at 10 am, returning him on Sinday at 3.30pm so you could then spend time with Arwen as suggested in the local park. As you are aware at present Arwen is very clingy to our client.
It is for you to pick up and return Luke as our client does not have her own motor vehicle to help with that arrangement.
Our client hopes the above can settle into a regular pattern as of course regularity is important especially for Luke."
Feel a bit ill. I think I will have to get a printer for my pc so I can send my own proposal.
Anger. Anger and stress is what left me disabled. My whole body locked up - homelessness was what caused this, not the separation. Issued didn't help with the ex once we were housed though - until that point things had been reasonable between us.
You do need to accept that you will be angry. Heck! You have every reason to be! So don't be afraid of the anger, just try and deal with it - and yes, you have to surpress it most of the time. Screaming into pillows when you're alone is a tremendous release.
The solicitor's letter - good. A starting point and something to work from.
I do think that it needs to be pointed out that Arwen is very comfortable in your care and was delighted to see you on Sunday. You expect time alone with both of your children and that being "supervised" was not beneficial to anyone.
Regular contact is important to both of your children, not 'just' to Luke. (I appreciate that with autism though, however mild, it is helpful having a regular pattern in place)
Travel, you could say, (these are only ideas...) you will collect the children and as you are aware her partner (so, so sorry using that phrase, I know it will hurt, sorry) has a car to collect the children. As she is the parent who has moved the children away without any discussion, knowledge or agreement in place, it is only fair. (you collecting the children, while I know it is a case of "why should you" but it lessens excuses)
A start.
I'm doing some work, so will write more when I get home - in between sorting scouts!
hello sparkling,
thank goodness you exist - there are angels for sure.
I have made a first start at a reply, I will test it on a few people. Tell me what you think so far:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your communication re contact with my children which has arrived on 3/7/09.
The proposal put forward differs significantly from the original ageement with Louise and offers very reduced and less regular contact than the current arrangement. This is not in the best interests of the children, where frequent and regular contact with their father offers them the best long-term health and wellbeing.
The current arrangement is that I have both children to stay each weekend, commencing Friday early evening with return on Sunday afternoon. They reside with Louise ****** and her new partner Paul during the week. A telephone contact is made each evening during the week between 7-8pm from me to the children to say night night and ask how their day has gone. The same telephone contact is available to the mother during the weekend.
It should be noted that your client has refused to fully honour this contact agreement for 3 weekends now, first week because Arwen was asleep. Second weekend, because she was asleep and last weekend was a flat refusal from Louise.
I have seen no evidence of “clinginess” from Arwen and Arwen and I have a happy relationship during the time I have cared for her daily during the course of her life.
30-40mins park access for me with Arwen every fortnight does not offer the regular and close contact that with her father that Arwen needs in order to continue having a close and loving relationship.
Louise has full access to her new partners vehicle and has been very mobile during the time she has left me. I would of course make every effort to ease collection and delivery to ensure the children’s welfare. However I would also expect the same commitment from Louise and her new partner in the interests of the children.
That's what I have as a start. i did not mention the family mediation offer tho...Louise would have received letter of introduction by now.
Still not got any support from FNF.
shaky - sy
hello sparkling
Anger. Anger and stress is what left me disabled. My whole body locked up - homelessness was what caused this, not the separation. Issued didn't help with the ex once we were housed though - until that point things had been reasonable between us.
So sorry, i was too caught up in myself to see your pain. please forgive me. I guess, because i see the you of "now" that i have not thought what you may have been through. You seem so strong to me.
A happy body needs to carry that strong spirit though. So body needs looking after too.
Have you booked that xray yet? (yes it is outright nagging).
yes sparkling I will be nagging you too ;)
Hi Sy
Good letter! I like the way you are putting it that it is in the best interests of the childrento have that regularity, rather than "it is my right as a father "(in law it is the rights of the children). I totally agree that a short time in the park once a fortnight is woefully inadequate for Arwen.
Of course there are no hard and fast rules about contact but courts tend to say "alternate weekends plus one midweek contact time per week", as a VERY general guide.
I think it is worth mentioning the mediation in the letter to the solicitor.
back to me.... sorry. A long one! Again. I just can't help it.
When the Landlord told me he was selling up I was devastated.
Now I went to a castle on top of a big hill in cheshire - you can see Jodrell Bank from the top. I had a race up there (didn't win) and we pretty well raced back down.
That night both my legs felt like lead weights. By the Monday, I could hardly move at all - not even my fingers. GP decided it was how my body reacted to the adrenilin released by the stress. Got the house (5 months later) and thought magically it would go away. Walking to the house from the car was awful. There are a few steps, and getting down those was horrendous. Once I was downstairs in the morning, I wouldn't go up again til the night (such a challenge) I just couldn't face it (thank goodness for my little downstairs loo! :D )
Ex started to get really, really nasty and in the January was yelling at me in the car park. I could feel my joints locking up as I listened to him (didn't reply as the children were in the car in tears). Awful getting down to the house - which is when I realised that possibly it was the adrenilin...
After 10 months of this GP finally agreed that I could go for physio (after all the blood tests which showed that I didn't sit down eating mars bars all day).
And it did help. It got me moving. Walking again was brilliant - just I'd lost my confidence to go far (used to walk for miles), so really I think I do need some extra help - although when I've suggested a psychiatrist, the GP seems to react like I've said the funniest joke ever.
I've done well today - to think last Friday I couldn't move a my knee as well as my leg was painful (knee swelled!). Done Asda food shopping for the Scout Camp (that took AGES!!!!), then walking down to the house where I do bits of work for an hour (ten minutes to type a letter, 50 minutes talking :lol: Can you imagine me not talking?? You can see how much I type!) - they have a steep driveway. And I got back to the car, then carried my bits of shopping into the house... All without the crutches!
So. I think my knee's better!
I really do think though, at times, that had the GP really, really taken the time out to actually listen to me when all that happened after my walk up to that castle, that they would have seen there were significant issues. I really do look back and can see how depressed I was, although was always told I was just a bit low!
Meanwhile, on your own at nearly 47 with four children, and you don't have the confidence to walk too far, isn't good. But what can I do?
Otherwise I'm fine!! :D
hello sparkling
Anger. Anger and stress is what left me disabled. My whole body locked up - homelessness was what caused this, not the separation. Issued didn't help with the ex once we were housed though - until that point things had been reasonable between us.
So sorry, i was too caught up in myself to see your pain. please forgive me. I guess, because i see the you of "now" that i have not thought what you may have been through. You seem so strong to me.
A happy body needs to carry that strong spirit though. So body needs looking after too.
Have you booked that xray yet? (yes it is outright nagging).
sy, please don't be sorry. It took me 5 years to get the courage to leave, so in a way it's taken me 10 years to get to this point.
But yes, now I am a whole lot stronger - and yet it takes very little still to make me crumple. "Before" what ever that was now! I would have said I was a confident person. I'm not now. However, I still think I do now have my 'old' personality. The last time my best friend called in to see me (she lived in Leeds, but came home a lot - and always called in) at Easter two years ago, we were laughing in the living room, and she told me how glad she was to see the 'old' me. She knew me from before I was married, she knew me inside out. She died at the end of April, just weeks later.
So... You will survive. You will get stronger. You will never, ever forget, and you will always be bitter (well, I am!), but you do move on.
When I was homeless I was renting a holiday house from a very dear friend, and she said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I suppose it does, but my version is you wake up, you're breathing, you've got to get up and get on with it!
I will go now. I have a list to type out.
And I'm crying too much to see the screen...
Guess who...
Curry cooking - so efficient by my standards. Early tea because of camp.
sy, a thought.
Everything I have done with the children has been to be seen as being fair with their father. I've had rants, believe me, when he cancelled last minute with things. Only once in front of the children though - well, that they heard.
When the children grow up, I don't want them to ever be able to turn to me and tell me I was horrid and blame me for stuff.
This means that some things I have done - where even my in-laws have told me to stop contact - has been done to be fair in the eyes of my children.
When he said he was going to move across country to Lincoln, I made plans with him to meet half way. My children thought I was wonderful. Really though, I was more concerned about him driving with the children when tired too...
So, just a thought. make sure the children keep knowing you're wonderful, how ever hard. Having said that, you need to be assertive 8-) ...
I think it might be best if you ignore me. I could be stressed as this lot are getting themselves for camp on their own. Me and youngest. Last time three went on camp, I was so looking forward with having time just him and me - week from hell. He wanted to know when they'd be back and we were still waving the minibuses off! He missed them.
I think you need to point out that the children need to be together... Arwen might start to see it as favouritism.
Going to stir the curry now (chicken fllets browned off in wok. Two jars (this is for six - the other leader is coming for tea as I'm looking after the dog :o ) of curry masala stuff, three tins of carrotts and two tins of sweetcorn. Simmer for half an hour-ish with the odd stir. Serve with rice (you can get those in bags).
Yum Yum, sparkly. Hope the camp goes well, and I am glad that your leg is so much better. Just a thought (you know I can't resist! ;) ), rather than a psychiatrist to understand the link between stress/adrenalin and your leg problems, have you thought of a counsellor who could help you explore the feelings you have before the leg problems start, and then develop with you a series of techniques to try to prevent it/alleviate it???
I'm so sorry, I need to read your posts properly and luke wants me to watch tombraider with him. I've been driving for 3 and half hours.
I'm wishing you a very lovely dream tonight and I will try to catch up tomorrow.
Not much of a friend am I.
So sorry you deserve so much more.
I do hope you enjoyed the film!
I didn't get away from the camp until after 9pm - waiting for the "friend" who my ex got close to to arrive with her daughter. I'd paid the £20 over her daughter, so I did need it back.
She was due at 7, but arrived after 8.30pm - then talked and talked and talked. To say I was cross legged by then is an understatement!! :o Promised youngest a drive thru - and I don't break promises.
The camp looked lovely when we left. I hope it doesn't rain - but if it does, it's not cold! I'll think of them while I watch tele in bed :D
hello sparkling,
I've done well today - to think last Friday I couldn't move a my knee as well as my leg was painful (knee swelled!). Done Asda food shopping for the Scout Camp (that took AGES!!!!), then walking down to the house where I do bits of work for an hour (ten minutes to type a letter, 50 minutes talking Can you imagine me not talking?? You can see how much I type!) - they have a steep driveway. And I got back to the car, then carried my bits of shopping into the house... All without the crutches!
So. I think my knee's better!
I found not much info on adrenaline related things:
I'm a new member that was googling for an answer and came up short. I found this sight and thought I would give it a try. Anyway, I seem to think that my natural adrenaline rush is causing back problems/spinal problems for me. I think this because after i get an adrenaline rush from either getting mad or something happening to trigger one like a sudden event or getting frightened, the back pains start. As the rush slows and starts to end, my back has a huge throbbing in the lower thoracic parts. Sometimes when i move just right after one it will bring me to my knees. This will also happen sometimes when i get up from a nap, but never when i wake from a sleep. This occurs every time after i get mad or scared and my adrenaline starts pumping. After this happens it will linger for sometimes up to an hour, but will fade if i sleep and wake up. Am i off by a long shot, or is there something different wrong here? Thanks for the help and support...
If I don't agree with a doctor's approach, I ask for a different doctor in the surgery. They vary as much as people do.
sy, please don't be sorry. It took me 5 years to get the courage to leave, so in a way it's taken me 10 years to get to this point.
But yes, now I am a whole lot stronger - and yet it takes very little still to make me crumple. "Before" what ever that was now! I would have said I was a confident person. I'm not now. However, I still think I do now have my 'old' personality. The last time my best friend called in to see me (she lived in Leeds, but came home a lot - and always called in) at Easter two years ago, we were laughing in the living room, and she told me how glad she was to see the 'old' me. She knew me from before I was married, she knew me inside out. She died at the end of April, just weeks later.
I am so sorry for the loss of your good friend. It is very hard to say goodbye to someone who has a real understanding of you. I think it does take time to leave a relationship, when there are many children, as it is a huge decision. I'm sure that you tried and tried and made self sacrifices in the hope things would get better. I know I would take 5 years too. I hope I will be more sympathetic to Louise in the distant future, as I have never had to leave anyone.
And I'm crying too much to see the screen...
You are crying because you are a big hearted person who cares deeply. These are really good qualities to have. Be proud of your tears.
So, just a thought. make sure the children keep knowing you're wonderful, how ever hard. Having said that, you need to be assertive ...
I really don't have any rights as a father except by Court order. It is different for mothers. Not sure where I can be assertive.
Sparkling, have all your children gone to stay at camp? Are you on your own? This would be a hard thing for anyone. How long are they away?
I'm not ready to do curries yet, I still on my first omelette. It was really yummy by the way! So thank you. It didn't look great though, wasn't sure what to do with the egg lifter tool, so I just poked it a bit....
a counsellor who could help you explore the feelings you have before the leg problems start, and then develop with you a series of techniques to try to prevent it/alleviate it???
This is a fab idea, I wondered the same thing.
huuug for you
I must sleep soon.
I spent morning trying to get help with solicitor's letter from Louise. Panic has subsided a bit. Solicitor can only propose and represent, only court can impose I guess.
Spoke to FNF contact, he charge £40/hour to go to court with you, emails etc. He say if Louise prone to lie or exaggerate take a witness with me when I collect Luke and Arwen. All I have is my mum. She did come, but was slightly cross. I kept apologising, I don't have any friends. There is none else to come with me. Traffic was horrendous.
I spent an hour syphoning moldy seawater out of louise' fish tank before I left. I almost gagged and had to keep washing my mouth out. Then I spent 30 mins trying to catch pesky clown fish in a tiny net. They would survive for 3-4hrs the fish shop say. I packed the whole tangle of cables, measurers and salt etc into the car. The tank itself is small, but was so heavy I thought my spine would crumple. I didn't tell Louise I was bringing it, I didn't want her to have a choice over it. It was always her tank and hobby, which she neglected terribly.
When we finally arrived. Only Paul came down with Luke and Paul's Becky. I asked about Louise and Arwen and he said they were upset. Paul looked reeeeaally ill. Worse than last week. Very black around the eyes. Becky was quite excited about the fish tank. I said to my mum that Louise becomes more and more demanding through a relationship. Next thing she will pressure him to get proper job...
I said that I would do park with Arwen on Sunday, but without Paul and Louise. He say they were going to stay in car last week, but Luke asked them to get out last week. This time I say I get map, no need for him to take me. I invited Becky too.
Luke's hair stank, he say they only wash it once a week. Smelt of sheep poor thing. His hair is all fresh and lovely tonight. We held hands again in bed, and he helped me get get my boho necklace thing off.
I haven't taken a sleeping tablet, feel nervous of it in case of fire. Allright, I try half a tablet. The other half will fly across kitchen no doubt.
Tired now.
love sy
Hello Sy
Hope you are Ok this morning and got some sleep. Good that you have Luke with you and also good that you got rid of the fish tank ;) You will have to see what happens on Sunday with Arwen and the park. I wouldn't torture yourself about Louise and Paul's relationship, you have to concentrate on you and the future. I notice that you are discovering that all things connected with separation and divorce are expensive! You're right, only a court can impose a decision and what is so hard is having someone else make a decision about your life like that, in my experience.
Have a good day with Luke. You are the beacon in his unsteady universe.
Hi sparkling Glad you got everyone installed at camp, well done for the leg-crossing :oops: Hope that you can enjoy a bit of peace this weekend (the calm before the storm heh heh?)
Thank you for the link sy - I have that in a new tab to read next.
I felt the cross legged thing was quite an achievement too!! Especiall after having four children! :roll:
My youngest is still here. He was asking when they'd be home and we were possible 40 seconds away from the Scout hut! Two years ago, the three all went on a summer camp. I'd been looking forward to it so much, just me and the youngest, but it was an horrendous week. He's not used to being without them..... I've asked what he wants to do today. He wanst so go to Spar for Trading Cards.... I think not :shock:
I would often be on my own when they stayed with their dad, sy. I'm sure you can imagine how much I missed them, but having 'time-out' and some quiet did help.
It's been one year and 11 months since they all last stayed with their father.
I'm glad to say it's stopped raining! Not for us, but for the camp. I know the eldest couldn't find his waterproof trousers! But it's breezy, he'll dry quickly. :D
Have a lovely time with Luke.
hello sparkling,
took L to swimming, it's an hour drive and I've never taken him on my own. We both enjoyed it. He is trying to teach me front crawl with head in water. he is better swimmer than me by far. I paid for loads of lessons. Now I am very weary.
I got a couple of looks from ladies, but i think it was more that my trunks were falling off than for any attractiveness on my part. I lost 2 inches from my waist in last 3 weeks and they don't fit anymore.
Bought L swimming trunks and goggles in swim shop first. he's been good as gold today. Then we went 1hr to nannies.
Then I left him at nannies while drove home 45mins i got some free legal advice from solicitor* in Bideford.
Then I drove back 45 mins and collected him.
We may go swimming again tomorrow.
We watch second half of tombraider now.
* will post later on uncomfortable advice i received.
I'm so glad you've had a good time with Luke.
You'll get more confident the more you do with him.
Sorry it's been uncomfortable with the solitor though.
I can see it's going to be a long road ahead.
Its brilliant that you're actually enjoying yourself and that your son is enjoying spending time with you too. Maybe this will show your ex that you're more than capable of spending alone time with your daughter too?
I wish I was losing weight at the rate you are =D I seem to have gained more weight thanks to my horrible tendency to comfort eat. Try and eat a little healthier though, okay. It's not good that you're not eating well and it'll only make you feel worse.
Hello ifyouseeher and sparkling,
I have to take sleeping tablet, I never get past 1am naturally now.
We have recently been instructed by your-ex-partner, xxxxxxx with regards to the unfortunate breakdown of your relationship.
She and the children now reside in Romford and our client has requested we write to you to formalise the contact arrangements between you and your children in the best interests of the children and avoid any dispute.
Our client proposes from this point forward that you have Luke every alternate weekend commencing on the 4th July between Saturday at 10 am, returning him on Sunday at 3.30pm so you could then spend time with Arwen as suggested in the local park. As you are aware at present Arwen is very clingy to our client.
It is for you to pick up and return Luke as our client does not have her own motor vehicle to help with that arrangement.
Our client hopes the above can settle into a regular pattern as of course regularity is important especially for Luke.
Solicitor told me to accept this for 2 months with a view to building on it with the family mediation offer louise and I will have received. Also to ask for parental responsibility. If no progress, then put in parental responsibility and contact order after that. Court needs to be seen as last resort.
I bit horrified at prospect of seeing arwen for 30-40 mins every fortnight. She will forget me. Luke is not happy he not see me each week either.
I don't know what to do!
Also, Luke has eaten like a horse, he say he not getting enough food during the week.
I usually comfort eat biscuits, but it seems not this time with separation. My diet appetite has gone crazy and I eat fruit for some strange reason. Biscuits unopened. I did make my second omelette today. I hope I don't go back to old ways, I look better slimmer. Hooray, it's raining outside, I won't have to water all Louise' plant pots. Love sound of the rain.
Ex will not take view that I can have Arwen. I'm not sure what's going on with Arwen, how much is truth and how much is exaggeration. Paul say Arwen upset Friday when I visit, though I did not see her. Paul look really ill. Wonder if Louise is starting to demand from him yet? He doesn't have a job as such, she will pressure him. Luke enjoying himself will just annoy her.
I go to doctors Monday and I'm sure she will not sign me off despite stepfather's death. Anti D's make me emotionally numb much of the time. I feel nothing about his death. It's really odd.
thank you both for posting - it really keeps me going.
Good morning Sy
Glad you have had some good time with Luke. And I hope it all goes Ok with Arwen later today.
I am not at all surprised at the legal advice you got. it is not pleasant to hear but at least it is a concrete plan. I don't think that Arwen wil forget you! I think what sparkling said was so true.....there is a long road ahead. I said to you the other day that that is one of the worst aspects of the process of separation, that everything takes soooo long. So, one day at a time, etc.
Have a frank chat with the doctor tomorrow and see if you can get another couple of weeks. I do believe that the funeral will be a bit of a turning point for you, you need to get that off your mind before you move forward with your own stuff, that's what it sounds like to me. I agree Anti-ds can make you feel numb (although the first stages of grief can be like that, too :( )
Take care
There's not much I can add here really.
Arwen will not forget you.
I do think your mum and you have so much ahead of you this week with Alan's funeral.
Enjoy your time with Arwen this afternoon. I hope the sun shines for the three of you.
Oh noo, it all went horribly wrong.
I took Luke back to Romford, he read Eragon all way there. We arrived a little early. Luke buzzed for ages until they came down.
I asked Louise about solicitor's letter and the benefit to arwen of reduced contact to 40 mins a fortnight? She did not answer bar that it was because of this that she using lawyer. I said she need hold up a mirror to herself.
Paul shouted at me that it was for me that they giving me 40 mins in park. I told him to "STEP BACK" in a voice that frightened even me. I told him firmly "I AM THE FATHER".
Arwen, Luke and me went to the park and had great fun. I love her so much. I've missed her so much. She remembered me! We kissed and hugged and played until I thought it best to go back.
I took them back to Paul's flat and this time we went up through the security door and to the door to the flat. I held and hugged the children with tears in my eyes, louise went and hid in the flat. The children were so loving, i was so moved.
I asked Louise about the benefit of the reduced contact with arwen again and she would not answer. Paul came to door threateningly and told me to "GO AWAY" all wide eyed. I told him "don't threaten me Paul" I felt no fear of him and I told the children I would have to go. Luke wanted to stay with me and clung to my side. They threatened more solicitor's letters and they were calling the Police "for badgering the children on his doorstep". I said to Luke he had to go with mummy and i loved him, arwen went in too. I told Luke I would have to go before police came and the door slammed behind me.
I got back and there were no Police waiting. I feel wretched and alone. Please, someone tell me it will all be ok. I might even have to phone my stupid dad in canada.
I cried my way home again, huge wracking sobs, through dartford toll crossing.
Back at the bottom of the snake again (snakes and ladders).
Someone hug me please.
Big cyber hug to you!!! ;)
I don't think they will get the police, what could they say to them? You have not been violent and you turned up as arranged for your time with Arwen, end of. You are not harassing them, you asked them to explain and they wouldn't. I say again that Arwen will not forget you. I guess you have to sit tight now and find out what her next move is. It's not nice waiting for it, like water torture :(
I'm going to be hard here, although I am saying it with copious amounts of hugs.
Don't do this.
Louise is choosing to do this via a solicitor - so you need to say all this in a letter to the Solicitor.
You are giving them ammunition here for them to use against you. The children will see that you are upsetting mum.
I understand why, but the children won't.
There is a very good chance that their mother will be "milking" the situation - just as my ex has done with my lot over issues.
I don't care how hard it it, but you hug your children, tell them how much you love them and how much you're looking forward to seeing them next time and walk away.
They call the police, then anything that goes to Court , they'll have that on the paperwork. In that situation, I know that I have been adviced to phone the police should my ex start shouting at me by my house again.
However wrong this is sy - and I know it is totally, totally unfair, you have been put in a position where you always have to be careful with what you say in front of the children. You are giving her grounds to say that you're behaving unreasonably. This is also why you need to take a friend, work colleague or your mum with you.
While I'm so glad you had a great time with them today.
I took mum on Friday at Luke's pick up. FNF guy advised it if Louise inclined to exaggerate. It took 2.5 hrs to get there.
But mum was so tired I couldn't ask her today.
I don't have any friends.
I was very brave and assertive today.
Not seeing Arwen is the source of my pain. I held her tiny form whilst Louise recovered from her emergency caesarian, when she was born, and i talked to her until mummy came round in recovery. She's my girl.
I have no legal support.
I have 2 enemies now.
I know i am helping them, though there is nothing reportable, as Louise say.
Things will be worse now though.
I am a good person.
I did not shout.
Thank you sparkling for your hard message, it is true and I feel happy that you are able to say these things to me - it is a great compliment that you have spoken so honestly.
Can I have more hugs now please?
Mum's upset tonight,
i need to go to her.
sy - loads and loads of hugs.
I have plenty for you.
Your poor mum. It will be a difficult week ahead for you both.
Sorry to whinge,
I'm really lonely tonight.
Oh no - forgot my tablet!