stupid tablet,
only got me to 4 am, like i really want to sit here with my thoughts.
wonder if anger worse without tablet? nah, it's just being treated like dirt that does it.
I gonna ask luke what he wants, if he not fussed at seeing me - i give him up and let him go to his new life without me.
I don't need all this pain. Louise can ask arwen each week if she want to see daddy, if she not going to come, I concentrate on making a new family. i finally understand why fathers don't see their children. It's the excruciation pain and humiliation of having no rights and bowing to the whims of selfish mothers.
I ready to let go of them now.
could only scrounge another half a tablet off my mum.
Would rather have had 5.
Cut, you b*****s, cut!
And old Danny fell round
and round and round and round...
...like a penny whirligig.
Twenty thousand miles!
lt took him half an hour to fall
before he struck the rocks.
And do you know what
they did to Peachy?
They crucified him, sir...
...between two pine trees...
...as Peachy's hands will show.
Poor Peachy, who'd never
done them any harm.
He just hung there and he screamed,
but he didn't die.
The next day they came
and took him down...
...and said it's a miracle he wasn't
dead and they let him go.
And Peachy come home
in about a year...
...and the mountains they tried
to fall on old Peachy...
...but he was quite safe
because Daniel walked before him.
And Daniel never let go
of Peachy's hand.
And Peachy never let go
of Daniel's head.
His head?
You knew Danny, sir.
Oh, yes.
...he became the king of Kafiristan...
...with a crown on his head.

Hello Sy
What a horrible, horrible evening for you. No wonder you are so angry. It sounds as if the force and extent of your anger scare you, it is awful, isn't it, when we are "taken over" by that terrible rage? Coming after the events of Thursday as well, it is very stressful.
You're right, a HUGE percentage of parents lose touch with their children within a year of separation.....and the politicians use this statistic to criticise those parents, and they have NO IDEA of the circumstances, or that those parents were more or less prevented from contact, thought that the children were better off without them or even gave up in despair.
Please do not consider running off with the children, you would play right into their hands and she could then argue that you couldn't be trusted to bring them back etc. Also please do not give up trying to be part of their lives, you know they adore you. Try and stay calm to day, and do the neccessary re form-filling.
Will check in later.

Oh sadsy, what a roller coaster you are on at the moment, my heart goes out to you.
It was good to hear that Thursday went well all things considered.
It is no wonder you were feeling so angry, to be let down at the last moment. I would feel the same, it is the lack of control that you have over the situation and it seems so very unfair.
You said:
[url]I gonna ask luke what he wants, if he not fussed at seeing me - i give him up and let him go to his new life without me.[/url]
I urge you not to do this. Just keep going on your path for what you want. My daughter (14) received a text the other day from her estranged father (his choice) saying 'if you don't want me to contact you have the courage to say so', she was devastated and didn't know what to do. She is very uncertain of his mood swings and aggressive behaviour, but she still needs him to want to keep trying to get into her life.
Whereas you have a relationship right now with your son Luke and as hard as it is, keep fighting for it. Children always want the love of their father, whatever their mother might have told them, or the situations they might have experienced. Show him that you will always be there as he is probably very uncertain of the situation, being moved away with a new man in a different house, not sure when he is going to see you.
Please, keep calm for him, tell him you are doing everything you can to see him and stay in contact with him, regardless of what his mum is doing. They say the best thing a man can do for his children is show respect for their mother (I understand this is hard, but it is what your children need from you).

Your anger is understandable.
Don't let Luke or Arwen down though, they will need you all their lives. They are far too young to cope with choices. They need boundaries and regularities.
Next time you speak, you ask them if they had a great time camping. You need to learn to sound happy at their enthusiasm and be happy for them - no being miserable about missing them, other than saying that you did miss them, but are glad they had fun. And if they did have a great time it might be something you can do with them during the summer holidays - even if its only in the garden.
It's ok me saying that being the parent with care, however, their father managed to keep control over me for a long time even after. As I've said before, it's something I can't get my head around.
I've also been thinking of them not going to school. As their mother has now changed areas, it is too far to take them to school. As it's so late in the term, I'm wondering if this is why the school is accepting this.
Your mum is grieving for Alan. You too, I know will be grieving for him in addition to everything else.
Your boss sounds pretty understanding. It would be good if you are able to get back to work to get some routine back in place. It's good if she's going to make allowances for now. Do you work on your own or with others?
I'm sorry things are so horrid, I really am. Sending loads and loads of hugs and strength your way.
Am back at my house.
Mum take me back, she not want me around at moment.
Bought a movie for luke for this weekend. I just sitting.
Have seen picture in my mind of Paul coming at me next week,
I kill him with my bare hands in front of my children.
Last act of my life before I get thrown in with the other tortured animals, for eternity.
Rev Mother Gaius: There is a place...terrifying to us, to women.
It is said a man will come - the Kwisatz Haderach. He will go where we cannot. Many men have tried.
Paul: They tried and failed?
Rev Mother Gaius: They tried and died.
I think I am in that place now, the terrifying place that women cannot comprehend, go or dare look into.
The thing that is different for men and women.
Need my other half Anti'D think.
give me couple of hours to get out of this.
sorry - can't get out of anger.
Mum call and tell me more of Louise thinking and her plans for metering out contact for me.
I say mum, you must not be in contact with my pain at the moment.
She say it not helping her. I say she not need mediate, it was her choice. Give mum to end of Sunday and she can tell me if she want to continue mediate. Then I tell Louise she be dealing with me again.
I say I have to fight for children contact, if I go submissive, I will cast the children free. I have to stay in fight mode.
I'll talk to counsellor re anger. Anger not going away. Cannot be there for mum at the moment. Shameful.
sorry anna, louise and sparkling and mum,
can't keep myself together for anyone today.

Don't be sorry.
You've had so much to deal with.
no more pain please lord tonight.

How would it be if you thought that this time, these few days, were your lowest ebb? That you had hit rock bottom and however terrible that place is, that's now the worst, that the feelings can get no worse than THIS, however dreadful and unbearable they are? Because that's what I think has happened: you have been keeping yourself together in a certain way, because of the funeral and now those defences can crumble and the depths of your despair materialise. Sy, for every day of pain you now have, it is a day less of pain that must be endured, worked through and learned from, before you start your slow climb to recovery. Don't give up.
thank you Louise, you are lovely.
hug for you.
have woken,
not so nice satyr dream today.
I was taken to old temple again by my love to be, blind again.
This time though, the old wizened priestess was not nice. I was pushed to the stone floor on my knees, my lovely partner gasped with alarm, but was held back from me and the touch of her warm guiding touch was removed from my hands.
The old priestess was impatient, and she stroked my brow then stayed there and her other hand came to rest on my chest. Then she tried to force her way into my soul and I recoiled, but was held in place by blade points and gruff voices.
She tried to enter me again and I cried out. My partner was sobbing and crying no. Eventually it was enough, the priestess had not found her way inside me, and was annoyed. She told my partner I was not of her cast and she could not tell if we were right together. She say to go to the temple on the other side of the valley, where the spirits of the woodland creatures are worshipped. I was sobbing and shaking afterwards.
My partner reluctantly took me there, she would not be welcome there.
I was trembling and she whispered to persuade me in. I would not go in. Soon, others from the temple came and escorted us to the very top room of stone. Again I knelt, with no sight. I felt the hands again on me from the priestess, but she was different, with none of the fierceness of the first. Gently she entered me, and I had visions of a majestic stag standing, of pale gold and silver, in the early morning woodland mist, his breath eddying in clouds and big brown eyes sparkled, his head held high. I held still, the slightest sound, and he would be gone. He was me.
Phew, not analysing this one.

Yes, sometimes an analysis is best avoided! ;)
I often have really nonsensical dreams, not mystical like you, Sy. Last week I dreamed I was in the Big Brother house, one of the housemates was telling me I was a nice person alhtough they had "thought I was hideous when they first met me" and then my Internet friend from Coventry came into the House to do a car boot sale! I don't think that is even worth analysing :?
Are you going to try and get some fresh air today? A ride to Tesco?
morning Louise,
I did ride to tesco last night, the lady who sits next to me at work (just about remember work) sent me a recipe for spaghetti by email. So the ingredients were my aim for the ride to tesco. Spent £10. I'm trying to persuade her to enthuisiastically have a baby with her fab boyfriend, rather than finance a house. I'd like a female equivalent of him. Cycled back and looked for second hand book on Watership down film art* on amazon. When I went to buy, I had no card! I'd left it in the machine at tescos till.
So drove back with passport (expired) and driving licence.
My first spaghetti went fine, though I have enough for all week long.
I'm tempted to go for swim (after a fashion), though never been on my own, not sure if i'd feel lonely or awkward or miss Luke. Lucky I have my old car, other is broken somewhere in haywards heath.
Your dream is cool, though missing the emotions, which are key. You are nice, so no worrying. Phone your friend today (sorry I being bossy).
My dreams may be anti-D enhanced, they occur when I am half waking.
Am putting off parental/contact order forms. Grrr, cross with myself, scared.
Huuug for you Louise
*please stop me from designing a tattoo of the black rabbit of inlé for my back!

Why shouldn't you have a tatoo? I wouldn't, but then I'm a coward!
That was good of you colleague - seems you have more support than you're aware of...
I hope you got your card back. Easily done! I was a cashier at Tesco for a while (nights), so it's not uncommon.
I don't really think you're putting off the Court forms. It's Sunday, and the Court's closed anyway. I honestly think that a 'bit of time out' has been necessary. You've had one heck of a week.
thank you sparkling,
am missing L a bit today. Am stripping wallpaper, very dull. also, slow, do 10 mins work, then sit for 50 mins.
Have put washing machine on and dishwasher, taken photo of electric and gas reading, my bill is £117 month! I only use them 3 times week max. It was the one bill L used to pay, but it was never £117 before!
M at work who sent recipe is wise beyond her years, and sits next to me. She has reduced me to hysterical laughter and tears on a couple of occasions, especially when we passed a 120K consultant at his desk with a huge digit stuck up his nose! He ignored our astounded stares, which made it funnier. We're like giggling schoolkids. I miss her.
I'm trying to persuade her to have a baby at the moment, she 38. I've told her to go with her boyfriend and burn their contraceptives together. Then, make love all night, like it is their last night. Should do the trick.
I temped there first, and I remember her offering me a "tic-tac" with a strange smile when we worked in the evening on deadline item. I thought it was drugs! I didn't know her then. So I politely declined, with dignity, as temping you meet many different people/working cultures across London. Yes, it was just a tic tac! Duh!
Card was retuned once i had id and receipt for purchase/transaction time. Young lady was very efficient.
This tattoo thing is pure vanity on my part, it's just I noticed all the guys seem to have one at swimming baths last week. Thought I might be more attractive with one...hehe.
sparkling - have you had your x-ray?

No, I've not had my X-ray, and losing my nerve over the whole thing. I tried the surgery a few times to chase it, but they're always engaged.
Maybe tomorrow.
I'm being strict with what I eat, and I'm being more active again now the knee is better. I seem to get a strange comfort knowing the crutches are in the cupboard if I need them!
I'll phone the surgery tomorrow.
It's all self-inflicted. I've been big all my life - even when I was very, very sporty!
I'm glad you have a good colleague - they make work so much easier. Support her with them wanting a baby. A child is so life changing. A child can also put tremendous pressure on a relationship...
I need to take the eldest to work now. It's quite a nice day. Fresh and breezy. Youngest is at a friend's house and can stay there while I'm gone. It's not often people seem able to help with babysitting!
Need to be pulling myself together again.
I can do this - as in walk! Mind over matter, could just do with someone by my side, holding my hand and encouraging me (friend wise!! Nothing more...) I'm still being silly about going into the back garden incase my knee goes again!

Yes I bet you would feel more confident to have a helping hand, sparkling. How did the work experience go, by the way? My youngest is going this coming week but luckily he can just get the bus :) he is working in the same shop where my eldest works fulltime. You MUST keep phoning the surgery until you get through, we will not stop nagging you until you go, heh heh :roll:
Sy that bill does sound very high, mine is £68 a month but got quite an efficient boiler. You have my sympathy stripping wallpaper :( it's s laborious task. Could you hire a steam stripper? they are much quicker. When I finally got rid of all the wallpaper here, it took forever as I have one big through-room. What made it worse was that a couple of years previously I had painted over the wallpaper in an attempt to have cheerful Mediterranean decor and it had come out a very bright yellow :shock: After I had almost finished stripping the lot off, I had a nightmare that I had come downstairs and "someone" had stuck all the paper back on the wall again, in bits, like doing a jigsaw :o
Glad you are having a quieter day today, enough time tomorrow for the Court form

She had a lovely week, thank you, although she did find it boring. As much as she likes rabbits, being put in the cuddle corner a lot of the time with children on school trips didn't impress her much! She won't be sorry to be back at school tomorrow.
One week to go...
I hope your youngest has a really good week.
I used to love wallpapering! Even taking it off - my dad would give me that job, and must have done a good job making me think it was an honour!
Don't blame you for a break after doing that for a while.
I keep threatening to paint here. I've just not got around to it yet. It's the thought of moving everything. A lot of things stuffed in a small house really, but with four children, it all seems necessary. That's my excuse!
I have the paint, and the rollers.... :D
Louise, noooo don't mention the forms! I'm hiding from them.
I have decided that my purgatory will be an endless mirrored corridoor, showing multiple images of Louise kissing Paul and my children happily walking away from me with them. Whilst this is going on, I have to strip the walls of paper, which run nightmarishly on and on into infinity.
Oh no, ipod has skipped to "Without you" by Nilsson! It played when my dad left us on the radio at the time. Mum showed me the divorce papers last week. She was rummaging through old papers etc. I found I was hypnotised by it.
It's OK to have someone hold your hand. It's a lovely thing. Re colleague, yes Maria has a plan, I just teasing her. She is much more emotionally intelligent than me. Guys, are mostly quite blunt instruments, suited for situations that require it. I worry about her age if she trying to get a house before baby. Time will go by. Not sure how together they are with baby thing. He very young and free spirited. Wonder if he has an older sister...
OK, there's a technique to phoning the surgery. All I do is wait to the open time, sit there and push the redial button on the phone over and over again. Works every time. Max wait 5 mins.
I do worry about your mobility sparkling. How far can you walk without pain? It would be great if you could reconnect with your sporty roots. It releases that happy brain chemical thing, endorfins? Also, calories burn after, even while you sleep. What sport was it you loved most? My loves were horse riding (was 38 when I started with the children) and badminton (gave it up when i met louise. Oooh I have a picture somewhere of me and Rose jumping. Can I upload it? Rose wasn't very affectionate, she always look at me like "oh, it's you again".
X-ray would help understand what's going on?
I love your nightmares, mediterranean yellow phantomly collaged on wall! My mum said same thing about steam thing for wallpaper. I can't take on another research project, ie who does them, where are they, how much is it, when does it have to back by, how does it work, deposit etc. I use my scrapy tool.
£68/month, is that gas and electric?
I get very nervous about calling the kids now. Not spoken to them since Thursday and they disappear with Louise and Paul camping. Louise not answer her mobile to me. They may be back at flat tonight? 7.30 is my call time. When Louise laughs with Paul in background of kids call, it cuts through me like a knife. When am I going to be over her? LISTEN SIMON, SHE'S NOT YOURS ANYMORE! ACCEPT IT! SHE HATES YOU, STOP LOVING HER! (It's not working). Sigh.
Back to scraping.
ps there was more on the satyr dream this morning, I didn't post it in case you all weary of it. It was about my feet and ankles turning into hooves again and how painful it was to try and stand and walk. Just like those wobbly newborn foals. satyr lady was encouraging me to stand I think. She seem pleased.
It's me again.
done no scraping.
I'm so lazy.
Heated up my spaghetti experiment from yesterday.
Then, Luke calls from flat. He missed coming to see me, genuinely so. He went camping, but did not seem to mention that much. I'm sure he had a good time.
Arwen came on and talked for 30 mins! She's not even five yet. She talked about camping, that she had been woken by a loud noise from Jodie (Paul's other girl - she not live with him), and arwen had bumped her head and had an ice pack, and put on the naughty spot for breaking tent. Then she spent 15 mins telling me all the things she was going to give me, chocolates, hugs, sweeties, strawberries, cream, smoothies, more sweeties, heart drawings. Sadly Louise told her to come along now and cut phone off...not nice.
I'm not thinking about next weekend. No doubt Louise do something cruel and thoughtless to me before hand if I get my hopes up like this weekend.
Feel a bit unsettled, children are like an open wound to me, gets poked excruciatingly, then heals a bit, then opened again. I never deserved to lose my children. I cannot forgive that.
Oh gaaawd, my tablet!

Yes it will feel like a open wound being poked every time you speak to the children...but the alternative is not to speak to them, which is worse. So as the parent you have to tolerate the wound being prodded :( Sounds like a good philosophy not to get your hopes up too much about next weekend but still I am keeping my fingers crossed you will get some time with them. Sorry to hear wbout your purgatory image, and yet I will tell you now that one day you will move beyond that and there's so much potential for a good future. I was thinking: how would you feel about taking up the sporty things you use to like, again? Badminton etc?
Hello Louise,
I would like to do badminton again. I'm not sure how long I can survive in the house, paying everything. Maybe 3-4 months max? Then what? I can look into it, hopefully not too serious players. My trainers are broken apart - am looking for replacements. Horse riding would not happen, as they give Rose to someone else? Though Anne-Marie may have since rescued a big enough horse for me? There were only 3 which could take an adult. All the ponies and horses are rescued and retrained for lessons.
Horse riding is more exciting, I never knew if I would leave in an ambulance. I don't know if the lady there would have me back without the children.
Yes, the children calls have been bit up and down. Sometimes they too busy having fun to talk with me much. Was very moved by Arwen last night. Luke is a bit tight-lipped on phone. Arwen wanted to give me so many fantasy things she loves and would not end call.
Am quite anxious this morning, have a call to headmaster to make about children's non-attendance for 2 weeks. He'll do nothing as only a week to end of term. Call car repair people and see how much. Book doctor's appointment for Friday. Fill out Court Order forms. Go to Court, pick up more copies of forms so I have a copy. Also, I've put notes all over one copy of each, so they spoiled. Change power supplier. Check see if children's schoolwork on show today. Move dentist appointment. Strip paper from bedroom.
phew. My head hurts this morning, not sleep too well.

Hi sadsy
You have a busy day ahead, pace yourself. If you feel yourself getting anxious, grab a drink of juice and go and look into the garden, you are ok and you are in a process, I like what Louise said, it is something I used to think too, 'I have hit rock bottom, things can only get better from here'
It was great to hear that Arwen had so much to tell you, she is so obviously missing you! Sparklinglime made a good point about being interested in their camping holiday and anything else they get up to. It is painful, but then thats parenting all over!!
It is also good to hear that you have a fun colleague, that makes going back to work that much easier.
Also I wanted to say that your dreams are incredible! You should write a book, you are very eloquent and obviously have a very imaginative mind! :)
Where are you up to on your list of things to do today?

How lovely Arwen chatting so long! Could be Luke was taken aback that she did, when usually she didn't. I know what my lot are like with each other!
Your list for today sounds really good. Getting the paper work sorted will be a good move.
I pay £88 a month for electricity (they decided to up it from £52!) I'm all electric here (gosh, that sounds exciting), and use the dryer a lot. My 13 year old likes getting up very early and having the elecric fire on too :shock:
I'm guessing that going back to work will help you financially? Is is possible to get a lodger in? Just thoughts sy. My best friend ended up having a lodger when things got tough (she did enjoy her holidays), and they ended up being really good friends.
This will hurt, sorry. Have you told the council that the house is no single adult occupancy?
Hello Anna and sparkling,
I was so excited that Arwen remembered me, I was very moved. All the things she loves in her life she wanted to give to me. Though she would keep the biggest sweets and strawberrys. hehe.
I'm on full pay till Thursday, then I'm using holiday days up. My manager is putting together a plan tomorrow which uses holiday days to ease me back into work. I'll agree to anything she proposes. I can't see children without job.
Have informed council couple of weeks ago that there's just one person here now, it gives 25% discount on bill. Does not hurt, seeing pictures of louise hurt this morning. I can't believe I still love and miss her! She will never know how much I loved her.
Counsellor suggested lodger. I'm very shy, and there's no kitchen - not sure. What happens when kids come to stay?
I made a point of being positive about camping trip with children on phone. Was a bit painful - but forced myself.
re list
I've called car repair man. He say not clutch cable, is slave cylinder fallen apart (looked it up on web and it is a weakness for Renault). he say £116 all in. Then he can tell if new clutch needed 'gulp'. Was less than I thought and he do it today!
Called school, children not in, lady say she get impression they never coming back. Not received school reports today as expected. I go in at 2 to collect copies and see if i need to see teacher about anything in report. I ask how I know where children go to school in Sept and she say usually old school get contacted for handover notes/history. If it does not happen it goes to "children missing in education" and trace starts.
I am deciding to see Luke's teacher, be the last time I see her. I ask her if there's one thing I should note for Luke at his next school, what would it be? Also, to say thank you.
Booked doctors for Friday, see if I can get bulk deal on anti-D's, £36/month if I keep getting 2 prescription every 2 weeks.
Did retreat into myself age 8-15 and I have walked many lands in my mind. Would like to write.
Dryer is unused at the moment. Was essential in the winter when family was here. Just been drying my things on back of kitchen chairs now just me.
Not done court forms. : (

Sy it sill sounds as if you have done a lot!
Just a thought: if you are going to be on regular prescriptions you can get a pre-pay certificate which lasts 3 months or 12 months and for the 12 month one you pay 10 monthly Direct Debit instalments of around £10. See this link for details: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/Medicinespharmacyandindustry/Prescriptions/NHScosts/DH_4049383

Would a kitchen be worth the cost to get a lodger? Can get pretty basic ones... (just food for thoughts...)
Arwen will NEVER for get you.
Oh no, not a Renault. If you have an hour to spare I'll tell you about my Renault Grande Espace. Very emotional tale.
Fingers crossed it can be fixed easily sy.
Hello Louise,
thanks for the link, I'll ask doctor how it all works. I guess I'll be on these pills for a while. Also I need to ask where all the liquid goes - it's a mystery to me. Not weeing much (yuk, sorry). The link looks good. You are a mine of information!
Been to school, collected Arwen's report. Arranged to see Luke and Arwen's teacher. Met them, got lost in school.
Asked, if there was one thing for each of them which is their key to learning, what would it be?
Found out a few things. Also, shook them by the hand and thanked them for all their hard work.
I'll never see them again I guess. Arwen's teacher said she had pics of Arwen she can send me, I said yes please! She was astounded Arwen spoke for 30 mins on phone.
I still not tackled attendance. It's with another lady and the head. Tomorrow I face that. Head is a tricky customer. I may have met me my match. I'm not happy that unauthorised attendance has gone unactioned.
Car man say wrong part turn up. Part needed is bigger and would be £270. Then he can tell if clutch is needed. (sob). OMG! Sparkling, it is an Espace! Not grande version though. I do have an hour, tell me all!
Found my trainers on internet with £40 off. Last had pair of trainers 11 years ago, so I not feel too guilty. Current ones have bits hanging off. Quietly excited.
Avoided court form. : (
on 10 min countdown for calling Luke and Arwen.
I do get apprehensive.

Don't feel too bad at the Court Forms. Perhaps see what happens this weekend as it is what she's proposed - although you've stated you do want both Arwen and Luke.
Good luck with the auction site. I've just got an alternator for my son's primera for £10! (ok plus £25 p n p).
My Renault has a 2.2 diesel engine. Nightmare. It's cost me thousands, all on a credit card, and now off road as it still isn't fixed. I can't scrap it after the money that's gone on it. I live in hope that I'll win the lottery so I can a complete new engine in it (engine blew up after I'd had it 7 months. It is second hand). Nearly broke me. We had last summer without a car.
You can google the renault 2.2. If only I'd done that before I got my car that we miss so much.
Oh sparkling!
You have a dead espace. How on earth does a diesel engine blow up! Did cam belt go? Or turbo?
Mine is 2.2 diesel. I love the space and adaptability, if only the French could build them nicely. Next time sparkling, get German or Japanese car. It's my first and last French car.
You need a mechanic with a lot of patience to work on espace, access very difficult. You can get engines from breakers yard, it's just getting the right person to do the job. New engine and fitting is £1,000 it looks like from quick search. Might be cheaper in Wales.
Well done with the alternator, I think that can be fitted yourself if access is OK. Make sure no oil gets into it, it destroys alternators.
If you have lot on credit card, might be better turning it into lo interest bank loan instead, cards are costly.
Arwen did talk for long time tonight again. She keep saying she not finished! Louise pull her from phone again and cut me off. Arwen tell me if I had one wish, in a speech bubble, we could be together! What a heartbreaker, she not even 5. i sang her twinkle twinkle little star, like I used to. Off key.
Luke was distracted, he was watching a movie.
I need for Louise not to be controlling the access, I'd rather it was a judge, even if I end up back where I am now. My knees will be knocking in court with no solicitor. So I need to do the court orders. Especially as I have no rights to Luke at all.

Glad you talked with Arwen. It sounds to me as if Luke doesn't want to talk much if the conversation is being "listened to". I expect the school has been told that the kids are leaving and so they don't think they have to take much action.
You can apply online for the prescription card, Sy, with the link I gave you.
GUESS WHAT? I have a Renault too..... :( and it is going in on Wednesday with oil leak.Had a new head gasket last autumn ( :o had a fit of the vapours at the bill!) and the work was guaranteed for 12 months so I am hoping it is the same thing and they have to repair it without charging.
Hello Louise,
you are very perceptive, yes Luke clams on phone at flat, but happy to talk when with me. His life is much more complicated than it used to be.
Thank you for the link Louise. I'll look at it again. I don't think I understood it.
Another failing Renault! LOL
Renault main dealer labour rates very high. If vehicle is older might be better to use non-franchised dealer for future work.
Don't be too surprised if they quibble on warranty. Make a fuss if they do, consumer protection investigation, trading standards, Renault UK, research on web if a common fault etc. Wonder why head gasket went in the first place? Is it an old car?
If my Renault needs a clutch too, it will take 1 month off the time I can stay here. If mortgage company eventually reposess, house will go at fraction of market value, so I need to avoid that.
Very much hoping it is all covered on warranty Louise. Let me know how you get on please. You need support too you know!
My stepfather would have been the one to ask about approach, he ran lots of main dealers, he gone now though. I remember seeing an old TVR in paper and said to him I'd like that. He said "get it". I said "how" and he worked out a way. I crashed it with him within 3 weeks on a rainy evening. I was picking bits of fibreglass bodywork out of the road whilst he called for truck to collect. He was always able to rescue me of disasters.
Someone help me get out of bed.
Goodness, I'm so needy!
Oddly, satyr lady branded my bottom and face cheek this morning! I took it as a compliment. Too tired to write in full.
She doesn't want anyone else to have me.

My renault blew up after 7 months - not the cam belt as I had it replaced when I bought the car - gave it a full service.
Reconditioned engine block was £4500
since then it's had a new alternator, a new jet, a new rocker cover and something else I can't remember, than last year it cut out in the outside lane of the A55 - managed to coast safely to the side. Renault garage "repaired" it for £200. 5 days later, same again - my youngest was with me that time, and his leg was in plaster! I coasted to the side again (miracle nothing around us) and managed in stops and starts to get to a lay-by.
Renault said replace jets, and if it still didn't work replace fuel pump - estamated cost £4500 :o
At that point I said stop.
Most on my credit card - so I do know why I have a high balance. We were without a car for 3 months - I couldn't do this because of wonky legs. Life so hard. So last year I took the plunge and got a new car - 4.9% apr - in theory to do the driving instructor thing. Which I will do. We're broke, but boy, what a difference life is with a car. Shame I can bearly afford to run it :lol: But handy for A&E trips, and for that alone its worth it.
So, my car is parked up on a friend's drive. It would easily pass an MOT! I'll be trying to sell it again this summer, as possibly I can let it go for nothing as it's an year since I took it away from the garage. With four children in Scouts, I couldn't want a better car. Now when we go out, we can't take freinds along.
The car broke my heart. But it is just a car. Just like loosing a house - it's 'just' a house. So long as the children stay healthy, I think I'll be ok!

Oh dear is it hard to shift yourself this morning? The anti d's could well be responsible; they can make you very tired in the mornings. Come on, rise and shine! Well, I will let you off the "shining bit" :shock: What time is your doc appointment?
Yes, my car is old, will see what the garage says (or, rather, what the man from the garage says :) Sparkling, it really makes such a difference having/not having the transport but you are right, it is "just" a car and there are more important things
driving instructor, what a brilliant idea!
You can do as much or as little as you need and fit times round family commitments.
You are so clever!
What needs to happen for you to start teaching?
I'm quite excited about this idea! Tell me all about it!
Re espace. I think you need to divorce the espace, it needs to find happiness elsewhere, it has troubles that are too great a burden for you. Get a VW Sharan or Ford galaxy deisel. Or even better, VW transporter, which is really big. For the future. The type of car is right, it's just the French quality is poor, (electrics and hydraulics). Your bills are enormous! It's almost worth getting the vehicle recovered here to sort out. It takes alot for a diesel engine not to run.
Let me know how garage goes. It may be that all we can do is cry together over the bill. If car is very old, and bill is high, might be time to say goodbye.
Weeell, doctor's is Friday...I didn't want to correct Paulasgems on wrong day, as it's not important enough. She is doing so well, I'm so inspired by her.
Thank you for getting me up Louise! I took sleeping tablet in the night (at least I think it was). It's nice and snuggly in duvet. Also I'm avoiding court forms and today's list. Going back to my old ways, grrr.
I'll go into kids room and lift some weights to wake up, I'm much nicer shape now, though still lot to do. I'm too lazy for 6 pack. Weights give me bit more confidence too.
Have counsellor tonight 8.15, mum wants him to do something about my anger, sigh, I'll ask if he do requests.

Hi sadsy
I think it is quite good that you couldn't get up, surely? You have hardly been sleeping much recently so a relaxing morning wrapped up in snuggly duvet sounds divine!
Right, Court forms, how about setting a time this morning, getting them all out, make a coffee, tea, juice, whatever suits you and makes you feel good, then sit down and knuckle down, then afterwards, go for a swim and treat yourself to a DVD perhaps?
It must be done and you can do it. The lying in bed is part of avoidance I guess?
All this talk of cars! Sparklinglime, £4500, thats just crazy!
hello Anna!
oh yes, i am avoiding forms BIG TIME!
Also, it's old me coming back, the bit I didn't want to come back.
Anna, how do you hold the details of so many people's lives in your head? You are astounding.
Swim would be a treat, it's so relaxing. Also, may do my adonis bit in communal hot shower, at the end - lol. I stand under the hot shower with my eyes closed and slowly smooth the water from my hair. I'm so embarrassing. Bet when I open my eyes there's big hairy, bearded Yorkshireman next to me with teeth missing, leering at me! AGH!
I have to go to court to get more form copies today, as I don't have enough of one of them. They go in in triplicate, with the fourth one for yourself. Plus I need a couple for mistakes. Why can't we do it all online?
My mum coming over today. Gulp.
Best start my call to school about unauthorised no-attendances, I not happy children off for 3 weeks, but may only get as far as expressing my dissatisfaction. They will not do anything.

Hi sadsy
Also, it's old me coming back, the bit I didn't want to come back.
We are who we are, but we do have the power to change, I believe. Don't start giving yourself a hard timenow, we all do that procrastinating thing. A bit of info for you now!:
Procrastination is a behavior which is characterized by the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. Psychology researchers also have three criteria they use to categorize procrastination. For a behavior to be classified as procrastination, it must be counterproductive, needless, and delaying.
For an individual, procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and disapproval from others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments. These combined feelings can promote further procrastination.
Knowledge is power, now go and bite the bullet!

I tried to change - and couldn't. People who cared told me I was going through life angry. I'm far too soft, and wanted to be tougher! Basicallky, I'm soft and that's that! I can be strong when I know where I stand with things - stuff to do with the Scout hut, and even having a stand up argument with the garage over the rocker cover, as I felt they should have fixed that for nothing... :roll:
Me - useless with sorting me out though!
Have you got those Court papers sy? Would that kind lady in CAB be able to go over them with you if you felt you needed a second opinion?
That will be lovely, your mum coming over. You could make her an ommelette with some new potatoes, maybe. And part baked rolls, hot out the oven.
Can you tell I'm hungry?!!!
Driving Instructor. It's the worry of the cost - £3000 for training. While this was a worry before, paying off the credit card is a big some a month, and although I've spoken to my bank, Barclays, and the Co-op who do Career Development loans no one can answer my questions.
Also, I can't get into the back of a car to watch an instructor teach. I think the instructor I've found has a four door car though! He lives down a steep hill, so need to be able to walk a hill without my leg locking to see him about for a chat.
Oh yes, phoned the surgery 5 times so far today. Twice before seeing my Aunty - who thought I looked as if I'd lost weight (thank goodness!), and 3 times since I've come back. It's half day there today, so I might drop a note through the letter box later.
The eldest and my friend are going to give the Renault a good clean inside and then sell it for what they can get. This year my mind won't be so focused on what I've spent on it. The credi card bill is quite anonomous really! At least I do know why I have this debt. Live would have been so easier without it though.
Thank you Anna,
...we all do that procrastinating thing.
My counsellor has asked me one thing that I would like to concentrate on a couple of weeks back. And I gave him the anxiety and hiding from difficult things that has hampered my life, maybe ruined my relationship too. It's been a very long-term thing. He will want to measure this as we go along to see improvement.
I have been to court today and have everything I need now from forms office, and slightly better idea what will happen on court day.
Haven't actually filled forms in though...
I shall confess all to the counsellor tonight.
Yes I have all the papers now. I have my notes from the 30 mins solicitor conversation scrawled over 1 copy of each. Haven't filled forms in though...sorry.
It was nice to have mum here, been so quiet in the house. She didn't help me decorate, but she did iron me a week of shirts!
She's gone back to eat for evening. I took her to lunch at Sainsburys (not very exotic I know) and we had jacket potatoes and strawberries and cream in the sunshine.
I have to say I am annoyed at your Espace costs. It's an enormous amount of money, that you could really use for your instructor training. And not even a functioning car at the end of it. Are you sure you can't get your credit card bill changed into a bank loan that's cheaper on interest?
How about your instructor comes to you for a chat! No walking down the hill! Lure him with jam scones and such like. He'll come. Only use an instructor with 4 door car - there - easy!
Hmmm, If you charge £30/hour for instruction and you do two hours a day for 5 days thats...£1500 gross per month, less tax/NI would be less 30% would be appx £1050/month. Hmmm, you might need to do more than 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. As you have running costs of car finance, insurance, petrol, servicing, car signwriting, accountants fees (or learn to do it yourself), business loan. Business loan (for the training) for £5,000 over 5 years is £100/month, so 4 hours lesson/month income gets taken by loan to get started on training. Imagine how empowered you will feel when you can control your own income! And people will love you so much they will recommend you far and wide!
Congratulations on losing weight (if this is what you want)! I've lost 2 inches round my waist. And I don't want it to come back.
No news on my espace yet. (Prays it does not need clutch)
Boss phoned me today. Will post later.
love sy
you know your rise and shine did get me out of bed this morning.
Thank you sooo much!
love sy

I don't think about the car or the costs now. I just pay it!
I saved my credit rating for the car. I've paid 9 months of it, so maybe I should check my credit rating to see if I can get this career development loan. Flipping 14% APR it was last time I looked! How is that meant to help get those who aren't working into work?
I have been communicating with the MP about it :roll: But he was very evasive :shock: and no help at all. Working Links did start to help me, but lost interest after the last driving instructor disappeared into the sunset.
Getting the guts up to apply for a loan is quite terrifying. I'm on benefits, so very restricted with what I can apply for. The fact I worked for 22 years, mostly full time (well, the last 6 years were 70 hours a week) don't help my cause, sadly.
Nice thing about being self emloyed would be chucking a child in the back while I'm teaching if they're home for some reason, and giving a free lesson! I've got the 308 to do this. The children know it's for "the business" 8-) and to be fair, it is still spotless! I would have liked a 207, but the children didn't really fit in the back! I actually wanted a 1007 (is that the teeny one?) or a Citroen C1, but they're only four seaters. Hard enough not taking the children's friend, never mind leaving a child behind if we go out!
In theory, there is a local agency who will pay for the dual controls and the signs on the car (not the roof) which I have already designed - well told my son what to draw!
It will be very part time at first, but my daughter wants to be a vet, and I'll be blowed if me being a lone-parent stops her. The Git won't help, that's very clear, but getting the children in a position where they want to be is my goal. One day I'll think of me - if I live that long! :roll:

I'm sure Sainsbury's made a lovely meal! Sounds lovely. And how handy your mum ironing some shirts!
I hope she's doing ok.
Glad you've got all the papers ready. My dad would always make me do forms in pencil first... And he was right as I always got them wrong. Not that you will - just incase. :D
Oooh noooo!.
Grrrrr. I so angry!
Louise not answer phone to mum. No night call to children. I go to drive to Romford and I break down on way. Have to wait for recovery. I missed my medication tonight, had to phone NHS direct to find out if I go loopy missing one 40mg dose. Doctor he don't know, say more likely I be shaky or sweaty or anxious in morning.
Louise phone Mum while I'm stranded, say she taken the children camping, and I not see children this weekend.
Recovery vehicle drop me off at mum's. Mum not talk to me while I am angry. She going to bed. I did swear once, mum not like it. She say leave house. Think I am losing it.
Louise still dictating to me. Makes me so cross. Louise say she taken advice. I need to step up the pressure on her. Court forms get filled out this weekend for sure. Someone help me with my anger!
Someone tell me at funeral to just take children and not return them, feel very tempted now louise just disappear with them again without telling me.
Oh help me! She fuel my anger with her thoughtlessness, yet louise say she not want my anger.
Mum say she have sleeping tablet, I take whole one to knock me out tonight. Not sure I want to wake up.