
I used to run from home. I ran a heating and plumbing firm for 5 years, covering MOD call outs. The phone would start ringing before 7am and it would often be after 2am before I got to bed - so much admin to do, and working around the children! I loved it though. Long story as to why I gave it up.
Went to work in Tesco - well I had my car to pay for, and clothes, and holidays - which was nights. Heaven, no stress at first. Should have been 4 nights a week, but ended up being 6 plus a Sunday afternoon, and a day and a half admin for the afore mentioned plumbing firm!
I used to put money in the kitchen cupboard so ex would have money to go out... Hence the long hours. I earned £800 a month, and he earnt £2000.
I miss working though, and am terrified that I get used to being at home. It's been a long time now. My childen love it that they "have all of me" rather than me being there on the phone or so tired I was numb (that's looking back!). I couldn't do nights now.
So... 70 hours at £24 - not a bad weekly income!! That's what I'll be aiming for when my youngest is old enough to be ok with my son with special needs. That should get the older two through university!
To start off, I'll be looking at about 16 hours a week - averaged out over a 12 month period.
I have a business plan, just there seems to be a glut of driving instructors at the moment, which isn't very helpful. Difficult to get a loan for this, virtually impossible, being in my situation. If you're married, you have that second income. Lone parent, you're just a liability.
Hey Ho!
there may be a glut of instructors, but they are not you!
You are special, and will succeed.
You need finance for the lessons first step. It's not huge amount of money for an unsecured business loan. Sorry to keep on, but have banks refused you so far? On what basis was the application and refusal?
16 x £30(guessing) is £1920 gross, less tax/ni (30% apx) is £1344/month less running costs £?
16 hrs would be average of 2.2hrs a day for 7 days, though I would expect more hours on weekend and evenings, less during day.
Your ex is history, your money now.
Home skills very useful, especially social skills. Very useful for business. Driving instructors need to be trusted and liked by students. You can do that - no problem. You give confidence and self belief to people, not everyone can do that.
very big smiley huuug

xray tuesday.

Hurrah, great to hear you have your xray booked, VERY short post though, i hope you are well?? :? :) Future developments with One Space include money advice, so keep your ears to the ground in the next few months.
How did your morning go with your mum and the bank manager? You certainly seem to know your stuff when it comes to finances, all this stuff goes over my head I'm afraid! It is now the afternoon, I hope that you are well ensconced in Court forms and feeling positive, if it does get tough, have a mantra ready. 'I deal with these forms with ease, in the best interests of my children, I shall complete them without complication' Repeat it a few times and go back to it, see if it is any easier?!

ooh sorry i didn't see this post earlier....I was temporarily unable to see through the tears of relief that the garage (ok ok the MAN) has admitted my head gasket is a warranty job and therefore free. :D
Any joy with the forms, sadsy? Anna is right, find yourself a positive statement about them and GO FOR IT.
Sparkling, I am sure you will investigate the best possible deal for yourself, it is worth thinking about what Sy has said about the interest rates. Though I am not sure about the £30 a lesson bit. It is £22 round here.
Hello Louise!
Hooray! Your car is to be fixed, no bill! OK, if it's a small engined car, no more thrashing engine! We don't have to cry together after all. :)
At mum's still after seeing bank manager. Mum is sleeping. So not home to do forms yet...hmmm
Yes £30/hr may be bit enthuisiastic for lesson, I guess rates are regional. I think I paid £22 that was 20 years ago!
You have been very brave booking your x-ray. Be sure to be firm with x-ray people, re painful positions and locking before they start up.
I hope you are feeling proud of yourself, conquering this. I know how much you are worried about it. I'm very proud of you.
Naughty me, asked bank lady today about whatif - someone wanted to start up driving tuition, business loan etc, full time mum and such like. She give me CD (which I can't use as it's mini one, laptop will not like it). And she say no problem in theory, realistic and thorough business plan is a must to be taken seriously. Then credit check. Depends if you have bad credit refs or not. You can look this up on internet I think for small fee, and it not show as credit search. I'm not sure if you reeeeaaally considering getting to 70 hours a week? Maybe I misread that. 16 hours is more realistic.
Money advice, what a great idea! Do you have a specialist moderator lined up?
Am about to phone garage - see what bill is for my espace...cmon simon - get to it.
£270 - I think I got off lightly. They grumpy about all the uncharged hours. But they sticking with estimate. It was "pig of a job". Oink. I say they get more business from me in long-term as I am so pleased with service. See if I can find out who boss is tonight and write letter of praise, might cheer them up.
Mum and I have to drive 3hrs now though to get espace.
Weary, been driving for 3hrs already, mum forgot driving licence for bank and we had to go twice.
Did fancy bank lady, what am I like!
Off we go then.

Hurrah, great to hear you have your xray booked, VERY short post though, i hope you are well?? :? :) Future developments with One Space include money advice, so keep your ears to the ground in the next few months.
So unlike me, a short post! :D
I thought I'd give you a treat...
No, not really, my middle two were home as they didn't want to go on the school trip to a theme park as they hate them! They decided to tidy up, so I was directing, shall we say... Hence the quick note as soon as I got the phone call. It's nice to have you reminding me, and I appreciate having you all to care.
just got back, cheerios for dinner - ate lunchtime anyhow.
Espace clutch not quite right, has click now on pedal. sigh. Works though. Piles of destroyed cars a bit disconcerting.
Stopped by side of road to do evening talk with children. Luke say he want collecting Friday night, Louise shout "no!" in background.
Arwen still giving me all the gems and lovely things under the sun. I sing her twinkle twinkle little star. I tell them I have a small treat for them, because their school reports were good.
Forms staring at me from hearth. :(
Please shout at me someone.

Sy : Here I am to shout at you: GET A MOVE ON! as Johnnie Walker says, lol. Seriously you must do them, you will be totally amazed once you have done them that a. they weren't so hard after all and b. you will feel sooooooo relieved.
Hmm surely you should be seeing Luke this weekend? that was what Louise suggested, you didn't see them last weekend after all.
Yes I am glad about my car. And glad your bill wasn't as bad as it could be.
Oh go on Sy, DO THE FORMS! It will make you feel much better!!!
always good to get things out the way & then ur head is clearer! I cleaned & sorted the house from top to bottom today as mother-in-law has youngest two for a few days so I am getting on top of things so I have a clear head & can give time to kids in summer hols. Bad night last night with hubbys top & tissues, needed to be busy!
Hello Louise,
I'm worried about Luke, he whispers on phone and was scared last night. Some kind of incident in the shop yesterday. He too scared to talk about it. Tonight he so want to come see me. He thought I could have him for a week at beginning of term (next week), I had to say I was back at work :( and would arrange a week later in summer. He was really disappointed. I think Louise tell him this.
Louise tell my mum last week, it takes till Wednesday to get Luke 'right' when he returns to her from me. Compliant is what I guess she means.
Louise cross I show Luke Louise' solicitor letter, and what it would mean to him. He deserves honesty. I will show him my reply, to be fair to him.
Poor Luke. Wish I could gather him up and hold him. He not too big for me yet.
Guess there's no better motivation for forms than this. Not sure judge will give me any more than every other weekend though.
Wish my brain was clearer.
Hello Paulasgems,
so sorry you had a painful night, I do check posts when I wake at 2am, in case I can help. Night times are the worst!
Sorry I so weak about forms, has become a real big thing for me as you all might have noticed.
You are doing so well paulasgems, it's such a big change in your life, there will be aftershocks for a while. Even with your tremendous strength. The tears are the start of your healing and are a good thing. Be kind to yourself. I be cross if you torturing yourself too much with sad thoughts in night though :roll:
I'm not posting now until I do parental responsibility forms (quadruplicate!).
[Whispers] The other form I do tomorrow?
Thanks for the shout, I need it.
big huuug for you

just got back, cheerios for dinner - ate lunchtime anyhow.
Espace clutch not quite right, has click now on pedal. sigh. Works though. Piles of destroyed cars a bit disconcerting.
Stopped by side of road to do evening talk with children. Luke say he want collecting Friday night, Louise shout "no!" in background.
Arwen still giving me all the gems and lovely things under the sun. I sing her twinkle twinkle little star. I tell them I have a small treat for them, because their school reports were good.
Forms staring at me from hearth. :(
Please shout at me someone.
Surely you meant you're staring at them... It's 9.40pm. It's still today :D
(Any help?)
Glad you have your car back. Glad you've spoken to the children.

Sparkling, I am sure you will investigate the best possible deal for yourself, it is worth thinking about what Sy has said about the interest rates. Though I am not sure about the £30 a lesson bit. It is £22 round here.
Lessons are about £25 an hour around here. Speaking to the lone-parent advisor though, I'm going on £20 an hour for working tax credit purposes. 8-)

ooh sorry i didn't see this post earlier....I was temporarily unable to see through the tears of relief that the garage (ok ok the MAN) has admitted my head gasket is a warranty job and therefore free. :D
I'm so glad for you.

I'm glad you're getting on with the forms. I'm a fine one to nag, you know how good I am at not doing things.
Now you're going to hate me, although this is just my view point.
My children were 12, 10, 8 and 5 when I left. Major solicitor letters were involved when I withdrew Sunday contact 3 years ago, when my eldest was 14.
Not at any stage did I show them a solicitors letters. They could not have coped knowing that things were that formal.
Yes, I've been honest with them with information that they've needed to know, and information they could cope with, and discussed with the older two what they wanted me to do to make things better.
I'm sorry sy, but I feel this is too much for Luke to deal with, and it could be frightening him. Things need to be simple for him. I get upset enough over solicitor language...
Just my thoughts.
Loads of hugs
Just written last parental responsibility form. May need to replace one, as too many crossings out.
Contact forms tomorrow.
Luke's reaction to solicitor's letter was that he was cross, because of the reduced contact with me.
It was something I thought about for quite a while before showing.
If it turns out to be a mistake, it is all my own mistake. He values my honesty and trusts me. I can't break that trust.
I will never hate you sparkling! I always would wish for your honest thoughts and opinions.
Quite tired now, but will try and be more lucid tomorrow. Meeting with school at 8.30.

It's all moving forward sy. You're doing well.
I'll just be glad when its Friday. AGM with Scouts tomorrow and the Beaver Leader seems to have all the timings wrong, so I've been emailing the world to change it!!
Always a cup of tea and a buscuit to have untile she arrives...
Sometimes I just love the Scouts as its given me so much - yet at the moment, I just seem to get it wrong and its not fun.
Nothing major though.
Hope you sleep. Good luck with the meeting.
it's very late, you need to get some zzzzzzzzzz!
I can't work out where the alarm clock is on my phone, afraid i won't wake in time for school, so just dozing.
speak tomorrow. Just going to check paulas ok quickly.
night night
grrrr, can't sleep, if I take sleeping tablet, will I wake in time for school meeting about absences?
ow my head. :o
Have woken OK, thank goodness.
Have put my dead stepfather's shirt on, mum giving me some of his old shirts as they cost so much, and he got too small to wear them in the end. Hope he is with me today to help me not be silly. I want Louise to be prosecuted about children's school absences - I'm so meeeean. First I want to know if they were authorised absences. Only the head can authorise them. If he did, then I will need to know when and why he authorised them. I also want a copy of the non-attendance log for Louise, in case I need it in evidence. I want Louise to take care of children more seriously, I guess.
If I had not brought them to school, I'm sure I would have been prosecuted - I think it's one of those bias things.
I know you guys will be cross and disappointed with me. I'm sure I won't get very far, so no need to worry.
my head...ow.
me again,
no battle required. Was able to express seriousness of my intent nicely and steadily.
Children listed as missing officially by school.
Unexpectedly, I burst into tears. Louise had told the school she "felt school had not met Luke's needs" !
I said I am so sorry to them, it's really untrue, they did and achieved more with Luke than any school! I was so shocked.
I asked them to not take it seriously and not to tell the teachers involved, and to give them my thanks again.
I still can't believe it.

Hello Sy, glad you got up in time :)
I think you have every right to query the children's absence from school, although I doubt Louise would be prosecuted over this. I understand your anger though. Glad you were able to straighten things out with the teachers and ensure they were thanked for all they had done for Luke.
I am glad that Sparkling made the point about Luke and the solicitor's letter. I, too, would strongly recommend that he is not privy to all of that. He is a still a little boy and needs reassurance from you whereas he may be unsettled or even scared by all that grown-up stuff.....My own experience of wanting to involve my children is still a very strong feeling for me so I am not "preaching". I remember feeling really betrayed by my children that they could still love their dad after what he had put me through...and I remember thinking I wanted them to know what he is like. It was a strong, passionate feeling and ripped me to pieces. I was persuaded (by a good friend) that it would do no good to involve them and indeed may undermine their security. This person said "as the children get older, they will learn for themselves what he is like. And do you know, he was right!!!! I also understand that you may feel angry that Louise herself is not "playing the game"...but you still need to be the best that you can be :)
WELL DONE for doing those forms last night, what a massive hurdle overcome. See what you think of what you have put as to whether you need another copy.
Morning Louise,
I still have several hours on the forms. The contact forms are to start, I think I have to fill them out 5 times in total. So still got more to do on Parental responsibility form.
Yes, I don't think they would prosecute Louise. If it were me though, they would prosecute. I think a bit of gender bias here.
Re Luke and disclosure of information, I have such a debate going on in my head over this. I need to let yours and Sparklings words settle in my mind for a bit.
sooo tired. might have a nap.

I hope you've managed a nap.
Please don't think we're "telling you off" - we're not...
I've only ever heard of mother's being prosecuted of school absenteeism (however the heck you spell that!). I'm sure that the onus was put onto the mother to get the child to school, and I'm sure one has been married and the other a lone-parent. It was a persistant issue.
Serious point here. And I know you have work to consider... However, just to throw another dilema in the pot, and a thought.
Have you considered having the children live with you? In theory (gawd, I'm stirring here) they've been taken away from the area they've grown up in, from their school and from their Grandmother. It would mean a shed load of child care issues with work, I know.
If I had to fill a form out 5 times I'd probably got through about 53 as I'd muck it up along the way! That's hard going - are you not able to photocopy them?
I think that's so lovely having the shirts. I had a load of my dad's shirts after he died - the scruffy ones he loved - and would wear them over t-shirts. I was able to let go of them in time, but I always felt better wearing them! I would pinch his shirts to wear like that when he was alive, so I know he'd have smiled.
Oh sy, you and your mum must be missing him so much. My dad died 17 years and 8 months ago. I still miss him.
Scouts is doing my head in. Please remind me I love doing it!
And I've managed to pull my back now! I was only getting out of the car!

Come on Sparkling, you can't have a bad back, you have to be fit to get to that Xray on Tuesday ;) You DO love Scouts, and so do the kids, but what you don't love is all the petty messing about and people getting things wrong or telling you that you have got something wrong ie the politics (which you might be studying next year ;) ) But the most important thing is the activities and the joy and fun the kids get from it.
Glad you will think about the point about Luke and info disclosure, Sy, in my view it is very important to protect him where possible. You must be tearing your hair out re the forms, though!
Hello Sparkling,
I need a telling off, so quite happy to hear experienced views. I do need the whole thing, cause and effect, for me to really understand.
I think I have to fill them in, as they gave me four blanks each time I went. There's about 15 sections.
I asked mum about the shirts, in case it would upset her. I'm not sorry you miss your dad. It's lovely. He is someone to miss and that's OK. Nice to remember special loved ones I think. Hope you understand what I mean.
What is happening with the scouts? Is it a communication thing?
Now Sparkling, you're not getting out of that x-ray on Tuesday. When your children get home, they run you nice warm bubble bath, really full. And you soak your back for 30mins at least to ease the muscles.
Do you swim Sparkling? It might be just the thing, as rarely get injuries, very fluid exercise, tone your muscles, no weight on knee or joints. You'll find you'll not get so many day-to-day injuries if you go regularly.
[Whispers] I know sometimes ladies nervous of being seen in costumes. Remember, only seen briefly, as all body not visible under ripply water rest of time. I see all shapes and sizes at swim place - everyone happy.

I used to swim competitively! Hate it now. I was going though with the children, but the leg locking means its not happening at the mo.
As for a bath - bad knees. Always have a shower.
I'm not using the bad back as an excuse - honest! I've no idea how I've twisted it. I'll get a hot water bottle on it in a mo. My older two are now old enough to babysit, and my neighbour will be on standby should they need her on Tuesday. Its quite nice being able to "just" go!
Eldest is clearing the well over grown weeds in the back. Thank goodness! The sticky type ones were huge. He's putting the biggest ones on the table we have outside as he can't get over the size of them.
Oh my,
just got rebuffed by social services lady in Romford. She say she not wish to appear abrupt, then went on to be abrupt.
I just better get on with forms then.
Your children are fab for helping out Sparkling.
Think I need to put loud music on now.
Parental responsibility forms finished.
Contact forms now.

huge huge hugs!
Well done!

grrr! Just woken up!
It's past 4 o clock!
I fell asleep on sofa. Not sure I like myself today.
So sorry everyone.

Hallo Sy!
I have been so busy here, it seems i have been missing out on lots of conversations
Three cheers to Sy for completing the forms..... HIP, HIP.........(HOORAY - I hear you cry!)
Well done you, now just the Contact forms, I hope that you find them a little easier, because you have completed the first ones.
Not sure I like myself today.
You have been through an absolutely turmultuous time these last weeks, don't give up on yourself. You are a great guy and you have put your everything into sorting out the children and your mum. Please tell yourself, that you love and approve of yourself - right now, 5 times!
I sometimes find if I fall asleep in the middle of the day, I wake up a bit out of sorts.
Also no doubt you are going to go through phases now of, what did I do wrong, seeing your self through ex's eyes, focus on all your bad points - that is normal. But that was then this is now, you never intentionally did anything spitefully or deliberately (as far as we know) so don't beat yourself up, there is absolutely NO POINT. Trust me sy, I did it for years and all it did was keep me down.
Thank you Anna,
your post means the world to me :)
You have been really generous with me, I hope I am worthy of it.
I'm really not sure of myself and my real reasons for doing things today.
Am I being spiteful over persuing children's non-attendance to school?
I don't trust myself. I'm cross they not been to school for 3 weeks. Maybe I am.
I have 2 forms done for contact, another two to do.
Hope you have a contented evening, sun is shining here.
Contact order forms done.
Just need to know who to write cheque out for £175.
Not sure if I need to show them to anyone? I guess it's just me.
bit of trivia - first new trainers for 11 years have arrived, am cuddling it, though seem to have lost one between here and kitchen?
Serious point here. And I know you have work to consider... However, just to throw another dilema in the pot, and a thought.Have you considered having the children live with you? In theory (gawd, I'm stirring here) they've been taken away from the area they've grown up in, from their school and from their Grandmother. It would mean a shed load of child care issues with work, I know.
You're not the first to mention this to me. I have not ignored what you have written. I was just a bit frightened, like a spooked horse' eyes, shying away, if you can imagine it.
I know that it would destroy Louise, she lives through the children. I don't want Louise a broken person.
Also, at the moment, there are not grounds for it I think?
I've been thinking about taking Luke briefly to see Louise' mum and dad in Crawley, as they not seen him for long time.
Not sure if they be OK with it though. Louise's mum very nervous person and suffered much in her life. I'm sure she misses Luke.
Louise' dad always try and start argument with me though...
Need to call children now.

Hello Sy
That's kind of you to think of taking the children (or just Luke) down to see his maternal grandparents but I wonder if that might fall into Louise's responsibility area right now. You have little enough time with the children, and your own Mum to see them too.
Well done on ALL the forms! Don't worry that you fell asleep in the day, you must be exhausted!
Sparkling, how's your back feeling?
Are you OK? Hoping it's just a small muscle pull in your back.
I really worry about your health now.
You need a happy body to carry that sparkly spirit around.
Blimey, it's been bust here today! took me ages to catch up.
sparkling, I do hope your back is better soon.
Sy, well done for getting on with the forms!!!! :D
forms are the worst especially that sort of form.
Glad all went ok at the school. So did you say Louise is withdrawing him from that school? maybe you could try & talk to her about why? & ask why they have not been? you may have said already, so sorry if you did, I may have missed something.
Or is being able to talk to her not an option right now? so many questions sorry!
Good luck with Dr TOMORROW, ha! see I had noticed I'd got it wrong one my head was in a better place.
You are all so lovely on here, to take the time like you all do, to take an interst in the lives of people you don't know. Thank you!
I had a tough day today & the last couple of nights. yestreday & today I have been going through the house cleaning & de-junking. And today I packed up P's clothes, coat & shoes & stuff, it was so so hard!! I have kept the top, it sits on his pillow & I sleep with it at night.
I keep thinking I should have made more of an effort with our struggling marriage, I was planning to but it never came because there was always a crisis of some sort & I was often struggling with his mood due to his depression. He was a person who's cup was always half empty & I am a person who's cup is always half full. This is a good way of explaining him, so why I was always able to wait for things in life, to know that things will be ok eventually & work out. He was always looking at what he did not have, what had gone wrong, & thinking nothing would ever get any better. Although he tried to help himself & did on quite a few occasions, but I think our life, kids etc was always just to much for him. I surpose he has now helped himself by walking away. :cry: Oh well I will plod on filling my cup along the way I surpose :roll:
Not sleeping.
Going to get pill. Must wake for doctors apt though 8.30.
I back to work on Tuesday.
Louise dictate contact terms to mum tonight.
Luke'll be really disappointed I not collect him Friday night. He so unhappy on phone again tonight. He say none will listen to him at flat.
Helloooo! It's very late you know.
I absolutely not worried about wrong day ref, I really struggle to hold the details of people lives, I don't know how Anna and Louise manage it so effortlessly. It's just lovely to hear from you.
I'm so sorry you are feeling down at the moment. You have coped with so much. I really don't think you could have done anymore. He sounds quite ill for some time and in need of help beyond even your skills. It must have been so draining for you.
I have four bags of Louise's clothes in car ready for weekend visit. Was a bit hard, especially outfits I loved to see her in. Worse than clothes are family photographs from the past, steer well clear of those for a while if you can!
Been many and varied reasons for children not been at school. I'm not happy about it.
Louise and I don't talk. She puts phone down on me when she finishes what she want to say. Bit rude.
I wish I could make you a cup of tea or something! I hope you can sleep OK. There will be better days soon, you'll see!
Huuug for you Paulasgems, please keep posting!
thanks Sy.
I'm sorry she puts phone down on you, what a shame she cant be adult!
sorry I can't think, to tired, going to bed now.
think I should make Dr appointment tomorrow,
night, night Sy.
Oh Paulasgems,
you sound so down!
Please don't be hard on yourself, you are so fabulous!
You have cared for him for so long and through such hard times, that it will take time to let go. It shows how big a hearted person you are. Your capacity to care in adversity is something very special, and I am sure you will be rewarded in the future. Treasure yourself. How about a treat for you today? Something new, eeeerm, beauty treatment thing, nails or facial - bit out of my area now - lol.
It was very late at night, always at lowest ebb.
Doctors is good idea, see if any support available.
Counselling or meds, support just for a little while?
Best to get some sleep. Tomorrow the sun will be shining on you all and you have all your life to look forward to!
Oh! Got to get ready for docs!
please post today, want to know you are OK ;)
Or I'll be worrying until midnight!
Also, very happy for you to ask questions, it helps me too, to talk things through.
Big huuug for you

Good morning all!
It's a nasty, rainy morning here so I hope some of you have escaped the torrent :)
Paulasgems, wow that was a job well done all the clearing out. Pat on the back for you. Sorry you have had such a tough couple of days, it is hard to keep going, isn't it, when you can't see the future? Please don't blame yourself for the breakdown of your marriage, it takes two to make a relationship work and if he wasn't happy he could always have asked you to go to counselling etc, instead of which he ran away. You have three kids to look after, Paula and enough on your plate without taking responsiblity for another adult that could take it for himself. Tough words, sorry :( So are you going to phone the GP today and see about an appointment?
Sy good luck with doctor, big step for you now contemplating work on Tuesday but it might not be so bad, at least you have some supportive colleagues and being at work will give you some structure to your days. That's very upsetting about the contact confusion, hope you will sort out to see Luke soon. I guess at least if this court thing goes through then you will have in black and white what should happen, although it's my betting that the court will order Louise to mediation with you first. If so, it is really important to keep your temper in mediation, otherwise you just play into her hands. ;)
Sparkling, how are you feeling today? Do you have to drive anywhere with your bad back?
Good morning Louise!
Sparkling has been very quiet - goodness, so many people to worry about. It's good to care though.
I have lovely colleagues, it's just the consultants at work who are really horrible.
I can't think about court yet, I'm worried my long-term anxiety come back. Counsellor asking me to log it daily. It's like some kind of insidious slimy monster, I'm on the look-out all the time, was losing against it with Court forms, as you all saw. I beat it in the end that time though, with all your help :)
Yes, I have been forewarned about the on the spot mediation.
Wonder if I can, empty the kitchen and lay a floor, strip wallpaper and wallpaper and paint two rooms, tile the bathroom, seal the floor, take down kitchen cupboards and tidy up today? hehe. I left it all to last day.
Am cuddling my trainers, not tried them on yet. Such a treat to have new ones.

Good morning.
I've skimmed through the other posts, so sorry if I'm vague!
I had the AGM last night, and decided to go early incase the Cubs turned up even though they shouldn't have - and they did! Well, four did. See little point writing letters for the parents if they don't read them - and I told them so. I made them stay for the AGM out of guilt thought :lol:
I didn't get in until 10pm, and just chatted and laughed with the children. My eldest said I was very good in the meeting. I have fantastic children. I did a very mushy speech and gave thank you badges to the other Leaders, as the Scouts has given me such a purpose.
sy - when you say you couldn't do that to Louise, I totally understand. I couldn't breath without any of this lot. With regards to Louise's parents. If I didn't take the children to see The Git's dad and step-mum, they wouldn't see them at all. I do have a brilliant relationship with them though. I think the fact that they married in 1988 helps, as I've known mother-in-law as long as he has! I think had his mother still been alive them the situation would be very, very different.
I'll go back over the posts again now...
and catch up!!
My back is still awful - but less awful than yesterday, thank you. :)

Are you OK? Hoping it's just a small muscle pull in your back.
I really worry about your health now.
You need a happy body to carry that sparkly spirit around.
Please don't worry. I know it sounds mad, but so long as it's nothing worse than a leg locking or twisting my back, then really its ok... I'm ok otherwise. I'm just glad that the Scout AGM is out the way and went well. There will be a building committee agm to organise when school's back though :roll:
I think the sparkly bit sort of wins through in the end, even though I do find things too much at times! Silly billy that I am. 8-)
hello Sparkling,
yes my counsellor just said the same thing about using pencil for forms, hehe.
Tomorrow is form day. No.1 thing. In late afternoon, I'm taking mum to bank manager in morning.
Career development loan, 14% APR, sounds very high. Does it have to be career development loan? Could it be a small business loan from bank instead? They just need a simple business case, hours to work, rates etc. I just looked up Natwest business loan and APR was nothing like 14%. Think it was 8 - 9%.
Working 70 hours a week Sparkling, what were you doing! Mining in the Russian steppes! Most I worked is 55 (not including 3.5hrs a day travel though).
You will be a fabulous driving instructor! Lets get started now!